
After the end of November, the snow at Hogwarts was getting heavier and heavier, and a white patch covered the campus, covering up the various mottled colors of the conical spire. It has been almost five months since Aurora came to this magic school, and she still has not figured out all the structures and paths. The reason is because her sense of direction is really

Poor, and she doesn't like going out very much, the various passages of the old castle are no different from the maze to her.

Fortunately, the fat monk remembered this little girl who was always lost, and was often able to find her back. After going down a few times, Aurora developed the habit of going back the same way wherever she went.

However, the road to the Forbidden Forest is already very familiar. After all, Hagrid said that she can visit these magical animals at any time. Aurora wished he could make the rock crust a little softer.

In addition to the forbidden forest, the way to Professor Snape's office is also one that she is already familiar with, because her performance in Potions class is too easy to be sentenced to detention, so she has become the new Slytherin house. Regular visitor to the long office.

As early as the first day of class, Snape had said that the worst potion maker in each class would be detained. And Aurora, except for the first few days, because she was partnered with Beverly, so she escaped, the rest of the time was almost without exception the one who was left behind.

Strange to say, she never blows up a cauldron like Caroline, nor does she always remember the recipe wrong like Cecilia, but the potion she boils is of poor quality. Snape carefully observed her many times in the later classes. With the same materials and steps, Beverly and Vaux can cook quite good finished products, but unfortunately in Aurora's hands, it's like being cursed.

In the end, Snape defined that she had no talent for making potions at all, even though Aurora's Headmaster raved about her in herbalism. But the reality is this, there is no such thing as a win-win relationship between herbalism and potions. On the contrary, you just need to pray that they don't die, otherwise it will be like Aurora.

Uptill now, the only "E" Aurora has gotten in potions class is an essay assignment called "Different Types of Antidotes." Pure theory, not mixed with any practical operations, concise and full content, no half a sentence of nonsense, and even a full two pages of rare plants that have not been mentioned in first-grade books, and some high-grade herbal textbooks have only spoken in a few words, for the use of simple antidotes in this field. The title is, a little idea other than the paper, which does not count towards the total word count.

Snape read her paper twice, then left a critical sentence on the parchment in a special dragon's blood ink of bright red:

"I think your Herbology teacher will be pleased to see it, but I should also be satisfied that you remember that this is a Potions paper, right?"

Aurora received her assignment in Potions class three days later, and she was very attentive to the paper, and she couldn't say that she didn't expect the results at all, although she wouldn't have much luxury. So when she exhaled softly, turned the paper to the teacher's signature on the last page, and saw the thick "E", she was really stunned for a while.

Only two people in the class got an "O", no doubt from Slytherin, and one of them even Aurora didn't have to guess to know that it was Beverly, who was the best student in Potions class.

After repeatedly confirming that this "E" was not her hallucination, Aurora's mood was much lighter, and when she turned the next two pages, her movements were much brisker. Then she saw the comments Snape had left for herself, as well as various corrections and comments on the next two pages.

Even if the dragon's blood ink is another hundred years, it can firmly fix the color of the moment it falls into the paper, so the handwriting Aurora sees still has a very resilient vividness. No one doubts that this is a good handwriting, so beautiful that even if the written words are far from the gentle quality, you can't help but want to look at it several times.

The bright red font is like fire on the page, and the stroke at the end of the last letter of each word must be a sharp upward tick, just as the space between words, and the rest of the letters are vigorous and smooth. The combination of forbearance and sharpness is just right.

There were no horizontal lines on the parchment, but Snape's handwriting had always been written on straight lines.

This person is either an obsessive-compulsive and handwriting carving master, or a strict and stubborn and deep arrogant personality.

Aurora closed the paper and put it back on the table, she felt as if she had been too easy to label Snape, simply because of some subtle habits and places. It was as if she had known and known this person a long, long time ago, even if time buried all memories and traces, as long as the other person and her did not change, she could easily recognize and understand him.

Thinking of this, Aurora threw all the materials in front of her into the crucible that had not yet been heated, and a thick smoke steamed out. She hid in the smoke to throw away all the jumbled thoughts in her head, and unsurprisingly heard Snape's voice telling her to stay after class.

Since the last time she came back from the Forbidden Forest, she has been following Aurora's protective tree pot - tea rolls, and she has been coughing all the time by such smoke. Aurora quietly pressed the tea roll back into her pocket: "Yes, Professor." "

However, according to Aurora's guess, Snape will not really let her stay in the hall, but will let her follow him to the Forbidden Forest to find materials for various potions, commonly known as "passing the merits". Otherwise, according to the performance of this class of freshmen and Snape's strictness, Hufflepuff will never turn over.

Although even Dean Sprout himself can't remember when was the last time Hufflepuff lifted the House Cup.

In fact, for Snape, the choice of this little girl and such a way was completely accidental. As always, the Ministry of Magic loves to come to do so-called surprise inspections, and in addition to dealing with the miserable paper homework exams and never-ending lesson plans of the little trolls, the upcoming Quidditch Cup and House Cup, and the fact that the Ministry of Magic has become like the rain in England, you never know when it will come, but you know it will come.

Finally, there is the school hospital potions brewed for contribution.

It was entirely Dumbledore's idea. Snape had a headache at the thought of it. To be fair, although he was grateful to the headmaster who claimed to be the greatest white wizard, it did not prevent him from hating this old guy at all. Compared to Voldemort, Dumbledore would not be much easier to deal with.

So he can only find a way to compress the time as much as possible in all these things, and Aurora is a good choice. Because of her talent for being able to easily get close to many magical animals, she always saves a lot of time every time she goes to the Forbidden Forest with her to find potion materials. Snape didn't even have to prepare any other mess to lure away those animals, and sometimes if that animal was gentle enough, he could get what he was looking for just by standing.

But boiling potions can't count on her, and the processing materials are good, Aurora herself asked for it. So when it comes to some very basic and large quantities of potions, Snape will let Sur Garcia and Beverly of the Slytherin senior work together, and the other more complex potions will be taken care of by himself. As soon as they came and went, Sur and Aurora became acquainted.

When choosing these people, Snape still thought about it. Beverly is very talented, Sur is considerably efficient, and both are Slytherins. As for Aurora, she has a gentle and meticulous personality, and unless she encounters a problem, she will not easily disturb Snape's work by speaking, and even when there is a lot of material to deal with, there will be no loss of quality.

Sometimes Snape forgets that there is another person in his office, and two people may stay in the office all afternoon, saying only a few words:

"Professor,I'm here."

"The material is over there."


And finally:

"Professor, everything has been dealt with."

"you can go now."


There is hardly any other dialogue beyond that.

So for a whole semester, Hufflepuff's scores changed strangely, up and down, like a tug of war, and in the end it only rose a little. Caroline sometimes wondered if Aurora had offended the young and stern potion professor, otherwise, how could she be so painful between bonus points and deductions.

Aurora didn't take it seriously. She advised Caroline not to ask about it again. After all, it was not easy to get extra points from Professor Snape. More often, they have to rely on the kindness and kindness of their dean to support half the sky. It is a pity that their dean is very generous to the students of any college.

Unlike the Hufflepuff Academy's attitude of "everything comes along, as long as you can add it", the topic of Slytherin, who also took classes together, was much more lively. Almost all the first-year Slytherins knew about this Hufflepuff, who in the hands of his dean "is as easy to add points as this house, and loses points as fast as the lion's house".

In fact, Aurora was just more likely to speculate on Snape's mood from some of Snape's casual habits, so it wasn't easy to provoke him, and he really didn't have any shrewd ways to brew the potion.

At the end of the first semester, a small game called collecting chocolate frog cards quietly spread among the first grades. Aurora doesn't like chocolate, just like she doesn't like sugar, and the tea rolls don't eat anything except cactus eggs and turtles. Tea rolls prefer to stay on top of Aurora's head than these little snacks.

Of course, it has recently found its new hobby, which is to fight with the black cat Brett. Whoever wins will be able to occupy Aurora's pillow and bed. Vaux also joked that this was a court battle for favor.

But even if she doesn't like chocolate, Aurora is still obsessed with finding a Dumbledore card. Fortunately, Caroline, who is in the same bedroom, is an out-and-out sweet tooth, and most of Aurora's chocolate frogs have entered her stomach. Too bad Aurora still hasn't been able to collect a Dumbledore card.

Vaux has always wondered why she wanted a Dumbledore card so much, and Aurora told him solemnly that it was for the final Potions exam.

"Do you want Dumbledore to help you take the test?" Vox's golden brown eyes widened, his face full of disbelief, "Then you are going in the wrong direction, you should use an automatic answering pen." I lost a Bibi Duo flavored bean, "I've been researching how it works recently. But it's not for cheating, or I'm interested in this fully automatic thing."

"No, but it counts as well." Aurora wrapped the yellow-black scarf around her neck thicker, rubbing her hands together, "I want a card from the principal to pray for my final potions class. hang up."

Vaux was stunned.

He made up Aurora's card facing Dumbledore in his brain, imitating the way those oriental people served incense, which was weirdly funny.

After a long while, the brown-haired boy pointed out the other party's mistake seriously: "Then you should use Professor Snape's card to pray."

Aurora shook her head, "He's so unkind, I'm afraid I won't be able to make a wish against his card."

Vox was stunned, and then felt that what the other party said was very reasonable.

Three days later, Vox came to Hufflepuff's lounge to find Aurora and handed her a Dumbledore card. The silver-haired, blue-eyed old principal above was teasing a flaming red phoenix.

Vaux said, "We ate it out for you in one of our dormitories. By the way, they asked me to convey my sympathy and empathy for you."

Aurora couldn't hold back when she took the card, and she burst out laughing: "I think I might be famous in your Gryffindor."

"That's not true, but I think everyone in our dormitory knows you."

It was another heavy snowfall, and the day of the Quidditch Cup had quietly come.

Each school has selected several students from its own hospital as volunteers, standing at the designated position and waiting to rescue the wounded at any time. Human sports on the ground often have athletes injured, not to mention Quidditch, which is played in the air.

Aurora and Caroline were assigned to a group, and Vaux and Beverly were assigned to a group.

The sky began to snow sporadically again, and Mrs. Huoqi walked to the arena wearing a referee uniform and holding a broom.