
It's just a dream.

Aurora kept telling herself.

It's just a dream.

She was floating in a boundless gray-green water, but there was no pain of being submerged by the water. There was pale light shining from the top of her head, and the green spreading at her feet was precipitated into a faint black.

The monotonous colors and surroundings began to distort Aurora's vision, and she couldn't tell whether she was sinking or not. She reached out to grab what, but can only catch his hair, as if transparent as the pale gold.

Aurora gasped for air, not knowing if she was taking in water or something. She desperately upstream, using all her strength to chase that piece of light, breaking out of the water for a moment, she was as relaxed as a new life.

Aurora climbed up, wet, and wiped her face with the back of her watery hand. There are small drops of water into the eyes, everything in front of the eyes are some distortion.

Here is the forest, thick with fog. The emerald color of the river and the trees melted into the mist, and Aurora could see nothing but Green.

She began to run as if some mortal danger were chasing her. She rushed into the fog, all the way out, no purpose, no direction, only a must to escape the idea of driving her.

Aurora didn't know what she was afraid of, but the fog made her anxious. She longed for sunlight, clear eyes, familiar faces.

Then, at last, she realized something was wrong. It was a maze, and she was thrown into the center, out of sight, unable to get out.

A cold object wrapped around one's ankle. Aurora looked down and saw a tiny dark green snake crawling up her calf. The black snake was licking her skin. It was freezing cold.

Aurora let out a scream as she tried to outrun the snake. At some point, she realized there were snakes everywhere, dark green and light green and bright green. Layer upon layer, densely packed, surging like the tide, so that people's scalp tingling hiss overwhelming.

"Go Away! Go Away!" Avrora pulled herself into a ball, trying not to take up too much space, keeping her distance from the cold-blooded.

She grabbed her hair, closed her eyes, and screamed, "Go away! Don't come! Don't come -- !"

"Don't come near... Go Away..."

Aurora cried out in a daze, lying in her bed, wide awake from the terror that had engulfed her, sweating profusely through her thin nightgown.

She got up with a splitting headache.

This dream is really terrible. She now thought of the feeling in the dream, and felt a spasm in her stomach, a slight nausea.

Blight hopped into bed, licked Aurora's hand and looked at her obediently as the tea roll lay on her head and combed her frizzy hair expertly.

"Good morning," Aurora said, rubbing Blight's head weakly. She climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash and change.

After Breakfast, Avrora rode his bike to the leaky cauldron. Entering Diagon Alley from here, she began a new day of summer work.

Not long after opening, Avrora was busy feeding and cleaning the cages for the magical pets when the door opened.

She looked back and saw Bill standing in the doorway, smiling, his red hair glowing in the morning light. "Good morning, Aurora."

"Bill? !" Aurora paused and smiled. "Did you bring Charlie here to buy a magic pet for the first day of school? where is he?"

"Yes," said Bill, waving to the child outside. "What are you doing? You were so happy yesterday, but now you won't come in. Hurry up."

"What's Wrong?" Aurora looked at Charlie, who had walked in looking a little embarrassed. The little boy scratched his head, making a mess of his flaming red hair that looked more like a blazing flame.

He looked at the magical creatures around him and opened his mouth, and finally said, "Well, I guess... ... to see if there are any suitable cats." Aurora Winked. "Cats Owls are now the most popular baby owls, most of them do not need you to take care of themselves, and can deliver mail and parcels . Why Don't you pick an owl?"

"Well, because..." he stammered out, looking at Bill for help. Bill smiled and patted him on the head, then said, "Charlie really likes Blight."

"I see. Let Me See." Avrora nodded, then he took a brown cat out of the cat house and handed it to Charlie.

Avrora clapped his hands, and the brown cat jumped out of his arms and squatted on the ground, looking up at the girl in front of him. Aurora put her finger out and twirled again, and the cat did the same.

She crouched down with her arms open, and the cat let out a soft cry and threw itself into Aurora's arms.

Seeing such a cute magical pet, Charlie crouched down and looked at him. "How long will this take?""Well, I've been training him for about two hours," Aurora replied, "But they're smart. You buy them something they like as a reward, and they learn quickly. I think I have some of their food here, if you want to take it with you, I can give you some."

"So that's it?" Bill asked, tilting her head and looking at her brother. "Well, that's the one," Charlie's brother replied earnestly

Bill paid the bill, "Are you happy now? You've Dareka no Negai ga Kanau Koro your mother's dishes for four months." Avrora couldn't help but chuckle. "Does Charlie want a cat so badly?"

Bill shrugged his shoulders in mock resignation, she looked at the child whose face had suddenly turned a thin red. "Yes, my mother wanted Charlie to share an owl with me, but he refused and insisted on coming here to buy his own cat. I don't know if I really want a cat or if I want to see something else."

Charlie stared back, his cheeks bulging.

Aurora listened, "It's OK to have your own cat. Charlie is thinking of you," he said with a smile. How embarrassing it would be if one day your owl got so busy sending you love letters from little girls that he sent them to Charlie."

Bill:"... forget it, I can't win with you."

"Come again."

"Come to my house sometime. Mom's been talking about you a lot, hasn't she, Charlie?"



It was almost time. Aurora cleaned the shop, closed the door, and headed for the Leaky Cauldron.

The bar was as dark and gloomy as ever, smelling of cigarettes and alcohol, and the staff came in through the back door, followed by a string of white sugar bags that hopped on the floor automatically. The dust-like little frosting came out of the holes in the sacks, and the air was thick with the sweet smell of snowflakes floating in the air.

One of the drunken guests staggered down from his seat. Aurora huddled in a corner of the back door and looked around for the familiar dark figure.

Soon, she saw a few people who had just entered the bar. The person who was standing outside the door did not seem to have any intention of coming in. He glanced inside quickly and was about to leave.

She straightened up and shouted, "Professor, over here."

Severus Snape was taken aback by the sound, then turned her head and saw the little girl standing at the center of the frosting storm, her long hair covered with light white particles.

She dared to come, even after reading in the newspaper about her possible connection with her father. Severus Snape didn't know whether to admire her or not. He had planned to just glance at the door and leave. You know, by normal human logic, even if you don't believe what's in the newspaper, You Shouldn't act as if nothing happened.

Nor should it be so easy to meet alone with an ex-death eater. She had every reason to put the past behind her.

What was she thinking?

Aurora quickly ran over, only to find that the other side of the face is not very good-looking, there is a sense of impending rain. She scrunched up and looked at the time on her watch. She explained, "Business is good today, so I came..."

"You're early. Let's go," Severus Snape interrupted

Aurora looked at him in surprise. She didn't think he was being sarcastic. "Not back to the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts?" She asked curiously. She thought they were going to the train station, and go back to Hogwarts. But Severus Snape didn't seem to think so, because he was leading aurora up to the bar's second-floor patio.

The train won't pass through here, Aurora confirmed.

Severus Snape took out her wand from under her sleeve and held it half up to Aurora. It flickered with fluorescent lights, which instantly scattered the gloom of the attic and illuminated the path before her. Aurora was stunned for a moment. She was about to say something when she was taken over. "What makes you think you can find all the potion ingredients in the forest?"

Aurora lowered her head and stuck out her tongue, only to find frosting all over her hair. She patted it lightly, covered it with snow-white powder, and licked it with the tip of her tongue. It was very sweet.

Sensing no response, Severus Snape studied her expression, pretending to look back casually. If she showed any sign of regret or hesitation, he would let her go on her own. Even so, Severus Snape would have spent many times as much time and energy searching for the potion material.

He couldn't say what that felt like, but it would have made him feel better if Aurora had cold feet, as Severus Snape had hoped she would.

Then he saw the little girl sneakily licking the sugar from her fingertips, as if she had no idea what he was talking about.

... typical Hufflepuff! He grunted.

On the second floor of the half-open lounge, Severus Snape withdrew his wand and looked down at Aurora. "Do you get Carsick?" She asked

"Huh?" Severus Snape said, as if he knew anything about Muggles. Then she shook her head. "No."

"That would be great," Severus Snape said with a smile that sent shivers down his spine

Aurora saw the look on his face. She could feel the urge to flee, almost instinctively. It's a learned instinct trained by António de Oliveira Salazar, and it works wonders for Slytherin.

But Severus Snape obviously didn't give her the chance.

Severus Snape reached out and grabbed her by the shoulder before she could take her empty steps out. At about the same time, everything in front of Aurora began to distort and Blur. The space seemed to be compressed by an immense force, flattening into narrow slits. The same pressure applied to Aurora, making her feel as if her bones were being crushed and her insides crushed.

Aurora struggled to breathe until she realized she wasn't sure what to hold on to with both hands. She opened her mouth to shout something, only to find that she had no one's name to call for help. She could only instinctively hold onto the hand that had been resting on her shoulder.

At last, the constriction of the long ordeal seemed to slacken, and Avrora was grabbed by the wrist and pulled out of the crushed space.

Aurora's head was spinning. Her heart was racing, and the rush of blood to her eyes made it hard to see for a moment.

Severus Snape gave the girl, who was still a little unsteady, a hand, raised an eyebrow, and said objectively, "You're much better than those upperclassmen who practice apparition for the first time."

"Maybe they get Carsick," Aurora said, looking around at the unfamiliar place. "Where are we?"

"The ageltforest," Severus Snape replied briefly.

England's largest half-natural, half-man-made forest, home to famous magical animals and potions, is illuminated by the magnificent golden-red sunset. Mellow dazzling gold as if a ground of melting gold, scorching hot line of sight, so that you can not open your eyes to look directly. Straight tree trunks at the foot of the road is parallel to the shadow, the ground of those gilt brilliant cut into neat.

Low-lying leaves and some short grass silently received these warm light, and every trace of the light was clearly reflected, the thin green was incinerated to almost transparent. The forest dome overhead, where it is a little weak, flows out in a vast expanse of light, with a ring of Phnom Penh outside the shadow.

This is nothing like the Forbidden Forest. The forbidden forest is always serene and gloomy, that thick cold gray-green obstinately crawling around every corner. This forest is lively and enthusiastic, it does not resist the sun to its penetration.

"It's So Beautiful Here," Avrora said, before adding, "Are we still in London?"

Severus Snape looked at her and saw that her experience of apparition had indeed taken longer than expected. "No," she said, "This is not London."

"I see. And what is it this time?" Aurora cocked her head at him. Severus Snape opened his mouth. Since the other party did not offer to take a break, he decided not to bother. "Wood hemlock and dragon claw flower. Let's find these first. We may not meet in the end."

This kind of probability event does not sound like a good thing. Aurora touched the tip of her nose, feeling a bad omen slowly gathering over her head.

"Let's go."

"Oh, Oh, okay."