Chapter 3- Monetary Need and Golden Dragon Café 

[Ding…. Mission completed successfully]

[Ding…. Mission reward allocated]

[Ding…. Time reversed successfully]

I woke up tired and noticed I was back in my home and I shouted "Hip Hip Hurray!"Then I heard a voice saying "Brother, what's the happy news today" and when the owner of the voice came near me, I was shocked since it was my sister who should be in china studying at a university using a scholarship. I thought asked her "what year is it today" and when she replied with a slight look of hesitation and surprise, I was shocked since I had come to a whole 5 yrs back in time. My sister Alice asked me "So, what's the good news, and why are you asking me the year today." I made up an excuse quickly and said "Oh, just a happy dream that I had" "Oh okay"

I quickly went out of the house and checked the date and month on my old button phone. I thought 'I remembered clearly that it was the 20th of December when The GATE pods were released to be purchased by the public and today was the 15th of December, just 5 days till the release date of the game. The only way for me to rise to the top is through the game but how do I get the 5 million Yuan needed to buy the pod?'

[Ding… A new mission is issued]

[Mission: Buy The GATE pod made by the #$&%& #@%'s son]

[Reward: Some info regarding The GATE and random rare cultivation manual]

[Punishment: Your sister will die a terrible Death!]

[Mission Time Limit: 6 days]

I thought 'I was not surprised by the mission since I was going to do it anyway but I was shocked about the reward and Punishment of the mission and also confused by the unclear words before "'s son".' I asked in my mind 'Kronos why are there unclear words.'

[You do not have the authority required to know his name]

I was surprised on hearing the word authority again by Kronos. I asked in my mind again 'What is this authority?'

[Authority is the power the host has to receive information. Since the host lacks the authority, 99.9% of all the info is classified and the info visible is 0.1 % of the content.]

I was surprised that I had access to so little of Kronos's info.

'Kronos, how can I increase my authority?'

[With time your authority will increase but I cannot reveal how it will increase]

I thought 'Seems like Kronos does not want to reveal the information but the rewards for this mission are generous since even the cheapest cultivation manuals are worth millions of Yuan and the reward was a "random rare cultivation manual" which should be worth billions of Yuan. Now the problem is money, I cannot get the required money by working for a month much less 5 days.'

*A few moments of brain squishing later*

I thought 'The only method by which I can get so much money is through those loan sharks that charge skyrocketing interest. Now how can I find a loan shark for my purpose?'

"Brother what are you doing standing in the same place for minutes" I was surprised to see my sister staring at me, I thought 'Maybe, I was thinking so hard that I did not see my sister coming near me.' I quickly replied to my sister "Sis, I was just thinking about something"

"Brother, Next time when you are thinking something so important, tell it to me, and do not just stand at the door's entrance"

"Sure Sis"

After going to a place where my sister would not see me, I checked my phone to see whether I could find any contact who would know a loan shark. While I was flipping my contact I noticed the name that I had not dialed since my parents died and I had to work hard to pay my sister's school fees. I called my best friend Tom, a rich tycoon's son who had connections with just about anybody due to his background.

He answered on the 2nd dial and said "Buddy, it's been such a long time, I was not able to contact you since you suddenly left school. What happened to you" I replied by telling the story of what happened when my parents died in a car accident and I had to work hard to pay my sister's school fees

"Why did not you call me earlier, I would have given you the money to pay for your sister's school fees. Well, no use speaking about the past. Do you need any help bro?"

"Well, I want the contact no of a loan shark. Do you have any such contacts?"

The phone was silent for a few minutes.

"Bro, with me around why are you searching for loan sharks? How much do you need, I will transfer it to your account."

"Thanks so much, Tom this is a great help to me, I will pay you the money as soon as possible. I need 5 million Yuan"

"There's no need to pay the money back. Just tell me what your Bank Account No is"

I said my bank account No to Tom and I received the notification of 5 million being transferred to my account

"Thanks so much, Tom for this help of yours"

"There is no need for thanks among friends. It has been so long since we saw each other how about a meeting somewhere? Are you free today?"

"Yeah I am free today, where shall we have the meeting"

"How About Golden Dragon Café now, I heard it is quite famous here. I can be there in a few minutes"

I was surprised for a few seconds since the amount charged by the Café was too expensive for even some lower-class rich people but since I knew my friend was rich, I agreed. I hailed a taxi and started towards the café.