Chapter 19- The Race of Strengthening in half a day begins

I looked at the time of the watch I was wearing and thought 'that I could make it in time to attend the last class that would be done by Kakashi Sensei.' I ran as fast as possible with the help of wind magic that I had learned from Ms. Arabelle who was teaching us Wind Magic. Due to the speed at which I was traveling, I could not stop in time to prevent bumping into Kakashi Sensei who was about to enter the class.

Kakashi Sensei was quite surprised to be bumped by somebody. He was also even more surprised to see that it was me who had bumped into him. He asked me "Why were you not present in the morning when I called your name, Richard." I showed him the dean's note, after which he sighed and said "Come in, Richard." I nodded and followed him inside the class; the students seemed surprised to see me. Jack asked me "I thought something happened to you or your family since you did not attend the class. I was really worried you know." So that's why everybody was surprised to see me today.

Kakashi sensei seemed to have gotten over the excitement of the contest between the 2 schools as he was explaining various techniques to use to improve stealth and also new types of Dark Magic that can be used. He also taught how to use other magics to do the same thing done by Dark Magic to a certain extent. After all, if all the magics could do the same thing as Dark magic, what would be the use of Dark Magic?

At the end of his explanation a few minutes before the bell was supposed to ring, Kakashi dropped a bomb by saying "There will be a contest among the students in this class to find 1 person that will be representing our class and will be fighting with the other 5 students against the students of the same grade of the Dragonoid Academy. I hope everybody practiced as they were instructed from the 1st day and there would not be any curfew today. So you guys can level up and train your skills in the forest." Jack replied to this bomb that was released by Kakashi Sensei by saying "There are still around 5 days for the contest. So why is there a hurry to select a candidate representing our class?"

For this question raised by Jack, Kakashi Sensei replied "That is because we want to raise the teamwork of the candidates to a level of perfect synchronization." This made all the students silent since perfect synchronization is hard to make even if it was attempted for years and the only successful academy that had pulled it off is the Academy they were currently in but to do this in less than a week was a feat impossible but there was something weird about the confidence given by Kakashi sensei that implied that he could pull it off. Since this was the only school that could have people have perfect synchronization, maybe they could do it in less than a week.

After Kakashi Sensei replied to the other questions raised by the students, he left the class. The Students ran from the class to probably train for the inter-class competition. I decided in my mind 'that I would spend the night in the Forest leveling up and training. I should get all the things I need to stay in the forest today.'

[Ding… A mission is issued]

[Mission: Reach level 50 or higher]

[Reward: 1000 stat points]

[Punishment: You will be severely weakened for 2 days]

[Mission Time Limit: 24:00:00(1 day)]

I thought 'This mission will be hard since the higher level you are the less experience you get from monsters the same level as you. So to increase my level I should fight monsters stronger than me. That would not be much of a problem since my strength is 2.5 xs higher than my level and my mana and intelligence is 70 xs higher than the norm in my level. I could be able to get the things required immediately by the Dean since he must be prepared to journey to other cities if there was a problem since he is quite strong.'

*A few minutes later*

I had managed to get some camping gear, food, and other items required while camping in forests infested with monsters from the Dean. He was surprised to see me use the storage function of Kronos but he did not say anything. With the help of the storage function, I can read the rank of the items with their names and according to Kronos the items I received were Ranked Royal Luxuries. So I asked whether he got it from my father or somebody from royalty.

He nodded surprised after hearing that question. I then decided to hurry to the near center of the forest which according to Kakashi Sensei housed level 40 monsters and that we should not go there under any circumstances since the monsters there are too strong. The reasons why I decided to go there were that I would be able to level up faster and that I would be able to defeat the monster since my Int is higher by 70 xs which would make my magic 70x stronger. I also have a magic capacity 70x higher than those in my level due to my High Mana stat.

*A few minutes later*

I had managed to run with the amplification of wind magic to the area of level 40 Monsters within a few minutes. The monsters here seem to be several times stronger than those E- Rank monsters I had defeated. That should be expected since these monsters are at least around level 40. I even noticed that some monsters seemed to have the appearance of dinosaurs. I should start hunting now if I want to level up to level 50 today. I already wasted precious time admiring the strong monsters.