Chapter 23- Contest to select the representative

*A few minutes of cooking later*

My sister had come to the kitchen smelling the mouth-watering aroma of the food. I smiled and said "The Food is ready. You can help me in bringing the food and cutlery to the dining table." My sister nodded and helped me in bringing the food and cutlery to the dining table.

After everything was on the table we both started devouring the delicious dishes one after the other. I think 'after absorbing the divinity of the Minotaur, I had become very hungry.' After we had finished all the dishes, I still felt hungry so I cooked more food. My sister was surprised to see me eat so much today and still not feel full but she did not say or ask anything.

After cooking food 3 more times and eating them I felt full while my sister looked at me like she was seeing a monster. I ignored the stares I received from her and ran to my room since the servers would be opening soon. I went into the pod and after a few minutes, I heard the mechanical Female voice.

{Initiating Retina Scan}

{Retina Scan in progress-10%}


{Retina Scan Completed}

{Welcome to The GATE "The legendary Ark"}

I got up feeling several cramps that I though 'I might have gotten from losing my conscience and sleeping on the forest floor.' I noticed that it was daytime and that meant that the contest will be starting or had started already. So I used the Wind Magic that had been amplified to 120 xs powerful than the norm to go as fast as possible to the academy.

*A few seconds later*

I had managed to arrive for the class when my name was called out. So I said, "Present Sensei" from outside of the class. Kakashi Sensei was searching for where my voice came from till he found me outside the class. He smiled and told me to come inside the class; I nodded and walked inside the class.

Jack asked me "What time did you sleep to wake up so late." I replied that I had fainted due to over-exerting my body after fighting a monster. What I said to Jack was not the truth or a lie but he was still surprised to know that I had fallen unconscious and slept in the forest. He said that I was lucky that no monster found me, and I replied that I had used a monster repellent.

Jack nodded in approval while focusing on what Kakashi Sensei was telling. He was saying "….. So as I was telling you before, we will be having a contest to select the student who will be representing our class. First of all Rachel and Jessica will be fighting. After that Richard and Jack will be fighting and the 2 winners will fight against each other."

Rachel and Jessica came to the center and got into fighting positions. Both of them seemed to give an experienced fighter's aura which was not surprising since all nobles and royalty were forced to practice martial arts for their safety. Both of them started casting spells and pushed them toward their opponent but both of them dodged the spells and started attacking without magic. I noticed that Rachel was secretly casting a spell behind her. She then bent her body down and pushed the magic to a surprised student.

Jessica was not harmed by the spell due to a Dark Shield cast by Kakashi Sensei protecting her. Kakashi Sensei said "The Winner of the 1st round is Rachel. Jack and Richard come for the center and start the 2nd match."

I and Jack nodded and came to the center. We both got into a fighting stance when I noticed that Kakashi Sensei seemed to be interested in my fighting but that was not surprising since this fighting stance belongs to a fighting style that does not exist on this planet. I ignored the stares I receive from Kakashi Sensei and the 2 girls and started the fight. Jack was casting a spell but I did not give him the time to finish casting. I used an arm throw and threw him to the floor. He vomited before fainting and I was declared the winner.

Kakashi sensei said "We had 2 interesting fights, in the 1st fight magic won, and in the 2nd fight technique. I wonder what would win in the 3rd Fight." After Kakashi finished commenting on the 2 battles, Rachel and I came to the center. We both got into our respective fighting stances and Rachel started conjuring magic but I was not slacking since I used a leg tackle. Due to the tackle, Rachel lost both her balance and concentration which led to the spell breaking due to instability.

Spell breaking normally occurs if a person did not finish conjuring it up and it could also occur if there was not any sufficient magic in the air. Taking advantage of Rachel losing her balance, I used a Palm Push at her abdominal region/ Stomach. This resulted in her being pushed for a great distance before touching the wall, vomiting, and fainting.

Kakashi sensei declared "So, Once again technique wins over magic. Richard will be the Student Representing the Grade 1 S Class. Congratulations Richard." I thanked sir for his congratulations and started devouring the food that had been kept for the students to eat since they might be hungry after the fight. Since 2 students had fainted the 3 of us must finish the food and since Jessica would not eat a lot since she is a girl who does not like to become fat and Kakashi Senpai had to hurry for his next class, I had to finish all the food.