Chapter 2

A relieved sigh passed my lips when the door to the car Amegakure had sent to fetch us opened and Obito stepped out. My glee was cut only slightly short when Sasori also stepped out, but at least it wasn't Hidan. If I had to sit in a car with the silver-haired menace for three days, I might just die of annoyance.

"Hello Sakura, Ino, Cousins. It's nice to see you again." The Uchiha liaison bowed respectfully to the five of us. I gave him a smile, bowing back before turning to offer one to Sasori as well, who returned it without the slightest change of his blank expression.

"I will end your life if anything happens to my wife, Cousin. Please keep this in mind," Sai spoke with his usual smile, making his words somehow seem that much more threatening.

The man in question's face turned bright red and he nodded quickly, "U-Understood." Ino pulled her husband down to kiss him deeply.

I looked away from the couple as the driver's door opened and Deidara stepped out, long blonde hair flowing down his back as he grinned at us, "I hate to rush anyone, but the king expects us to return as quickly as possible."

I turned to face Sasuke, who pulled his deep glare off of Obito, who'd been fidgeting under his gaze, "I guess this is it…" He nodded wordlessly and I hesitated for a moment before giving in and throwing my arms around his torso with tears in my eyes.

As confident as I was trying to come off, I was truly terrified to be traveling without him. Strong arms returned my embrace and I quickly blinked back my tears so he wouldn't see them before pulling back and giving him a small smile, "I'll see you soon, okay?" He didn't respond, but watched as Sasori helped both Ino and I into the large car.

"We were told very strictly that no others were to join the ladies." Deidara's voice came and I realized he was likely speaking to Madara.

"I'm not joining them. I'll simply be traveling behind you because I have unrelated business with your king and queen." They must've accepted his response because Sasori and Obito climbed into the car and shut the door behind them, while the blonde man got back in the driver's seat.

I looked out the window at Sasuke one last time, giving him a small wave with as brave a face as possible as the car started moving. As soon as I couldn't see his face anymore, I looked down at my lap and clasped my hands together in my lap to try and hide the fact that my fingers were trembling.

"Everything will be fine. Obito, Madara, and I won't let anything happen to you."

Over the past few months, Ino's gift strengthened further and she no longer had to touch someone to speak with them via thoughts. The distance she could use her gift also greatly increased. My eyes shot up to hers as she sat across from me next to Sasori, giving her a grateful look.

"Have you had any luck finding out what happened to your mother?" Obito spoke politely about an hour into our travels.

I shook my head, glancing over at him before nervously looking back down at my lap, "Ino even tried undoing whatever orders she'd been given, but nothing's worked so far."

"What kind of vampire kidnaps a human and keeps them for so long and then releases them without just killing them?" Ino asked. My brow furrowed in confusion at her and she put her hands up in defense, "I mean, I'm glad she wasn't killed, but you have to admit it's weird."

"It is quite rare," Obito agreed, "What do you think, Sasori? You've been alive much longer than me." My eyes widened and turned to land on the redhead.

He told me during our last visit that he's been on Ame's advisory council for just over sixty years, so I'd assumed he was at least less than a hundred years old. I know that Obito is at least as old as Sasuke, so that means Sasori's over three hundred years old. It felt rude to ask vampires their age, so I'm often left guessing.

"Judging by what I know of the situation, someone was trying to get information from your mother. I do not understand why they let her live, though. If it were me, I would have drained her."

My brow furrowed and my skin felt cold in response to his brutal honesty.

Deidara spoke from the front, behind my seat, and made me jump slightly in surprise, "You're scaring her, Sasori. Don't talk about murder in front of our guests."

The redhead met my eye, but his expression still didn't change, "I apologize if I have made you uncomfortable, Miss Haruno." I shook my head, looking down at my lap again as I clenched my hands into fists.

Since vampires don't require sleep, we didn't stop to stay at any hotels the entire way, only taking bathroom breaks every few hours.

Ino had to remind them that I needed food after half of the first day passed and I was too nervous to say anything. Vampires eat human food as well because they still get energy from it, but all of their vampiric traits come from blood and they can go much longer periods of time without both than a human can without food or water.

I tried very hard not to fall asleep, but had to give in because I couldn't realistically go three entire days without it. When I woke up Ino and Obito had switched places. She teased the red faced Uchiha cousin when I asked why, saying I'd leaned against him while sleeping and he looked about to faint from his panic. I apologized profusely and he reassured me just as frantically that it was his fault for being so shy.

It wasn't hard to guess why he actually struggled to be so close to me, but no one came out and said it. Sure, he's a bit bashful, but he's had my blood before and has even admitted, just like the other vampires that have tasted it, that it was by far the best he's ever had. More than likely, he didn't trust his ability to control himself when the scent of my blood was much stronger with my proximity.

I didn't take offense and felt a bit relieved that Ino took his place. It didn't feel right to rest against a man other than Sasuke while I'm asleep, even if it was a friend like Obito. I definitely hadn't done so on purpose and felt quite embarrassed about it. Ino just gave me a teasing grin, letting me know that my anxious thoughts were amusing.

The car was silent for most of the trip, which made it feel much longer. Finally, in the afternoon of the third day, Deidara pulled the car up to the entrance of Amegakure's castle. The queen and king were waiting patiently and immediately greeted us once we exited the vehicle.

"Ino, Sakura, it's so lovely to see you again!" Konan gave us a small embrace each with a warm grin. The three advisors we'd traveled with busied themselves with unloading the luggage. Yahiko, the king of Ame, acknowledged us with a silent bow before stepping away to greet Madara, who pulled up right behind us.

"Let's go inside, Ladies. I'm sure you want to freshen up so let me show you to your rooms." We followed the woman as she led us upstairs to the third floor.

I thought it'd be rude to get right to business, but Ino didn't hesitate to ask, "How long will our presence be needed?"

Konan gave us both a small grin, putting a delicate hand to her lips as she let out a soft laugh, "I can only tell you it will take at least a few days. I wish I could elaborate further, but my husband wishes to wait until after dinner to talk business."

We had no choice but to accept her response gracefully and soon we were shown our rooms. They were right down the hall from one another, to my relief.

Not five minutes after Konan left me did a knock come at my door. I opened it to reveal Deidara with my luggage. He bowed as best he could with my bags and I returned it, opening the door further so he could enter. Once he sat them at the foot of the bed, the blonde turned to face me with a big grin, "I hope the trip wasn't too rough on you."

The small grin that I often unconsciously plaster on when I'm forced to be professional and polite rose, "Thank you for your concern. I think I'll feel much better once I'm able to freshen up a bit."

He walked out the door, offering me another bow, "Let me leave you to it, then. Someone will fetch you for dinner in an hour or two." I returned the gesture and then he shut the door and I was alone.

With trembling fingers, I went to lock the door, only to find that it didn't have a lock at all. My heartbeat sped up in my chest and I forced myself to take deep breaths so as not to start panicking. I've been through much worse than this. Playing nice and diplomatic was nothing compared to being tortured for three months straight.

Feeling a bit better, I unpacked my bags and headed into the en suite to bathe. After undressing, I turned and stared at the odd contraption. The room I'd stayed in last time we were here had a tub, but there wasn't one in this one. Instead, there was a large area with a lip to keep the water in.

Hinata told me about these things before. They're called showers and the water comes from above as you stand rather than being submerged. It took a few minutes, but I eventually figured out the controls and stepped under the water with a proud grin. The difference between this and the baths I've grown up with was staggering, but I honestly kind of liked it. The water had a bit of pressure to it that felt good against my skin.

Once I was clean, I dried my hair and changed into some clean clothes before putting on the bare minimum amount of makeup for dinner. Ino was probably styling her hair and perfecting her appearance, but I couldn't care less if they thought I was pretty or not. I'm not here to look cute. I'm here to fulfill a vow I made and then go home.

There was a knock at the door not long after I finished getting ready and I answered it quickly, not wanting to bother anyone by being slow. Sasori wordlessly bowed before gesturing for me to follow him. Last time, he spoke formally and probably realized I didn't need him to do so again.

The silence as we walked was almost awkward, but I didn't say anything this time around. He said I hadn't offended him last time, when I asked a question that accidentally tied into his age, but I think he was just trying to be polite. We retrieved Ino from her room and then headed downstairs.

I was correct, earlier. The woman looked as flawless as usual with her hair in soft curls and her makeup looking beautiful while also not appearing too heavy. She muttered at me under her breath as we descended the steps, "Geez, Saku. Would it kill you to put in a bit more effort? You didn't even do anything to your hair."

I shot her a dirty look, but decided not to respond because we were arriving in the dining hall. If it were up to me completely, I wouldn't have worn such a formal dress or put on any makeup at all.

Obito rose to pull my chair out for me and Sasori did the same for my sister and then dinner was served. The same advisors from before were present, plus a silent Madara, but there were also two new arrivals. Once the meal came to a close, Yahiko silenced the table and motioned for one of them to speak.

A thin man with eyes that looked just like the king's and blood red hair like Sasori's or Gaara's, except longer, introduced himself, "My name is Nagato. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

The other one spoke next without needing instruction, "Zetsu. Welcome to Ame."

This one looked just as odd as some of the other advisors. Half of his body had skin so dark that it was almost black and the other half was so pale it was almost white. He had big yellow eyes and when he spoke or made an expression, the darker side of his face didn't move quite as much as the pale side. I averted my gaze before my staring could be considered rude.

"Don't react to what I'm about to tell you, okay? I'm hearing a lot." Ino was speaking to me via my thoughts. In an effort to not blow our cover, I simply glanced at her rather than nodding.

"At least some of these vampires are products of Orochimaru's experimentation. Deidara, Zetsu, Kisame, and Kankuro for sure, but I haven't been able to tell for the rest yet." With every fiber of my being, I forced myself to appear calm and unaffected, but internally had all alarms going off.

The queen interrupted my panicked thoughts, "Ladies, would you please join us in the office?"

My sister and I rose and did as requested, linking our arms in a sign of solidarity. Once the door to the same office we were in during our last visit was closed, Konan sat on the edge of her husband's desk as he stared at us sitting on the stiff sofa in anticipation.

"Thank you for your cooperation in traveling here on such short notice."

Neither of us responded because it was obvious he didn't expect one. After a short pause, he continued, "Let me get straight to the point. We intended to wait until you'd been turned to call upon you, Sakura, but didn't expect it would take this long. So, I would like to offer you both a choice. Since your sister has arrived, she can complete the task while you remain here and donate your blood or we can turn you ourselves and you can do the task yourself."

My mouth opened slightly in disbelief as the blood left my face, "U-Um…"

"You should let them turn you, Saku. I don't mind doing a task, but I don't want you to have to be fed on unless absolutely necessary."

My gaze locked onto my sisters and I shook my head in terror, speaking a bit more softly, "I…I don't want anyone but Sasuke to do it…"

"It is ultimately your choice," the Ame ruler spoke again.

Swallowing anxiously, I tried to sound unshaken as I spoke, "May we hear what the task is?"

Konan responded, "Of course! One of Orochimaru's old hideouts has been located underground roughly a day's travel north of here and there are a handful of personnel files we would like retrieved."

Ino spoke then, "Why do you need one of us to do that? Aren't any of your advisors capable of something so easy?"

"We need them retrieved without alerting the residents of the hideout. It is still inhabited. We have already located a way in and out, but none of our advisors are small enough in stature to use it."

My sister and I met eyes and I held her hand firmly, "If you don't want to do it, I'll let them turn me."

She shook her head, "I can hear your thoughts, idiot. I can't ask you to make a sacrifice like that." She faced the royals, "I'll complete this task under the condition that no one does anything other than feed on my sister. If she's injured at all-"

"I give you my word that when you return, your sister won't have a scratch on her," the queen cut her off with a reassuring grin.

"I'll make sure Madara and Obito know what's going on so they can look out for you while I'm away."

Tears rose in my eyes as I squeezed her hand in mine and spoke back in my mind, "I'll never be able to pay you back for this, Ino." She squeezed back and gave me a small smile.

"Since that's all settled, you can head out as soon as you'd like, Ino," Konan grinned at my sister before turning to face me, "I'll be sure to warn everyone to be as gentle as possible, okay?" I couldn't do anything but nod.

"I want to leave immediately," Ino spoke professionally. She obviously wanted to get this done and over with as quickly as possible for both her sake and mine.

"This task honestly seems to suit you, Ino! You'll be able to hear if anyone is nearby. Maybe it's fate!" The two women shared a tense grin.

After being given some clothes more suited for what she was going to do, Ino received the rest of the info she'd need for her mission and left after giving a hug. Then I was alone in the office with the royal couple.

Konan came to sit next to me, pulling my hand into hers gently, "There's no need to be scared. Your life is one hundred percent protected, I assure you."

That didn't stop my body from trembling as she lifted my wrist to her mouth. I averted my gaze with a wince, turning it down at my lap when her teeth sank into my skin. She pulled them out almost immediately and put a hand to mouth while staring at my bleeding wrist.

My brow furrowed as I waited for her to say something, "I-Is something wrong?"

She shook her head, locking eyes with her curious-looking husband as he came around his desk to crouch in front of where we were sitting, "It just…It tastes very good, is all. Please don't fret."

The blue-haired woman moved my wrist to offer it to her husband and he bit down over where she had, a beastly sound rumbling through his chest immediately. After a couple seconds, Konan spoke politely, "May I bite you on the neck? I don't want to scare you."

Face ablaze with discomfort, I gingerly pulled my hair away from my neck with my free hand and she immediately leaned in to bite into the sensitive skin there. It hurt, of course, but the worst part was how awkward it felt to be fed on by a married couple while they stared heatedly into one another's eyes. I didn't know where to look or if I should just close my eyes.

They were, thankfully, drinking very slowly so I couldn't really feel myself getting weaker. My teeth grit when Yahiko's teeth dug deeper and I looked down to see his eyes had started to glow red, like all vampires' do when they feed on me.

Another minute or so passed before they suddenly pulled away at the same time and then the king was halfway on the couch kissing his wife passionately, immediately starting to undress her.

I jumped away in shock, blushing heavily, "C-Can I please go?"

The orange-haired man waved a dismissive hand at me before returning to disrobing Konan and I hurried out of the room. I miss being in Konoha where vampires don't do sexual things in front of others.

Tears rose in my eyes as I held my hand firmly against the bite mark on my wrist and tried to find my way back to the staircase, just getting more lost the longer I searched. Turning into another hall, I ran right into someone's chest and took a few steps back in terror. "S-Sorry, I-!"

Madara looked just as stunned to see me as I was him. His eyes danced over my appearance, before coming back up to meet mine. "Ino told me what was happening, but I thought they'd at least wait until tomorrow."

It was awkward, being around him after he'd confessed his feelings and I completely ignored them. Not to mention the fact that he had to deal with the direct aftermath of me being raped. "Can you please help me find the stairs? I can take care of myself after that," I asked nervously, averting my eyes to the floor with a red face.

There was a long pause before he spoke in an annoyed voice, "I can just heal them, Sakura. It's not that big of a deal."

My eyes locked onto his once more and I frowned, "I don't want to have to owe you anything. Who knows what you're gonna ask me to do in return."

His eyes narrowed and before I could blink, he had me held roughly against the wall and threatened in a deep voice, "Either you let me heal them or I'll order you to and we'll sit here until you give in, no matter how long it takes."

My eyebrows rose before I glared right back at him, "You haven't changed a bit, have you? You're gonna get what you want one way or another." I offered him my bleeding wrist with tears in my eyes as I looked away.

They squeezed closed when he firmly grabbed my hand and ran his tongue across the bite marks. Then, he roughly grabbed my jaw and made me arch my neck slightly so he could reach the wound there. A shiver ran down my spine when his tongue ran over my skin and I felt his lips turn up into a grin in response.

Irritated, I tugged my wrist out of his grasp and shoved him away with a glare. Blazing red eyes locked angrily onto mine and my confidence faltered for a moment. He's never liked being denied, but I imagine that trait gets amplified when blood is directly involved.

With a shake of my head, I wordlessly turned and walked away before he could decide if he wanted to try something else.