Ch. 11-Mature Content Warning




That's all that was left.

Electric waves of energy surged through me barely a moment after I was sure I died and my eyes shot open. It wasn't normal, though, my vision. It was like I was watching someone else's red-hued vision frantically dance up to see Sasuke's surprised face.

Somehow, I was able to fight the chaos shooting through me long enough to shove my wrist in his mouth once more. He bit in an instant, as though he didn't believe this was actually happening. As soon as I realized he'd gotten some of my blood, I couldn't hold back my body's urges any further.

In the blink of an eye, I was on my feet and shooting toward an enraged Kaguya. All I wanted, all I needed, was to see blood. I had to inflict damage. My entire body and soul yearned to tear her apart.

It was like a wild predatory animal had taken over me. I slashed and clawed and ripped at her recklessly. She did the same to me in a more controlled manner, but I couldn't feel an ounce of pain. Some kinds of sounds were pouring endlessly from my lips, but I couldn't hear anything but mine and her heartbeats.

Every limb she broke of mine automatically began healing as soon as she landed a hit, but I would've kept going even if they weren't.

"You can't control it, can you? You're so bloodthirsty you've lost yourself!" I heard her taunt, but couldn't really take in the words because I was too focused on killing her.

Every time my skin would come into contact with hers, I could feel my body stealing her energy. Her light was fading quickly. As though seeing myself in third-person, I watched as I ripped her arm from her body and tossed it haphazardly away before going in for more. The more blood that left her wounds, the more I wanted to see.

A burning ran from my chest up into my throat and I sank my teeth into her neck, ignoring her fighting. It was the most delectable thing I've tasted in my life. No meal I've ever had or probably would ever have again could come close to comparing to it.

Wild moans and whines rose from my chest as I desperately drank until she stopped moving and we went to the ground. The moment the blood flow stopped, an unbelievable amount of energy and power rushed through me and I pulled back to sit on my knees and gasped with wide eyes as I relished in the incredible sensation.

It was like a barrier broke and suddenly I could hear what else was going on in the room. A baby was crying. My neck turned so swiftly that if I was still human, it might've killed me. I couldn't recognize Sai pulling his jacket off to wrap his newborn in or even Sasuke as he slowly approached with his hands up in an attempt to keep me calm.

All I could think about was blood. My eyes darted around desperately and when I couldn't smell or see any that I wanted, I left to go find some. I heard him call after me, but couldn't even comprehend it.

Once out in the hall, I caught a whiff of the delicious liquid and took off in the direction it was coming from. Finally, I came upon a small room where two militiamen were helping a third one bandage up a deep cut on his arm. They seemed to recognize me, but undoubtedly realized something was off because the two uninjured ones reached for their weapons.

My red-tinted vision could only focus on the deep colored liquid running down their friend's arm and I flicked my wrist at the two guarding him, throwing them across the room and stopping their movements so they couldn't get up and bother me again. The ragged burning came up to my chest and throat again as the man stood and took a few steps backwards with terror on his face. My steps stumbled as my thirst took over all of my senses.

I froze his movements as well and lifted his arm up into my hands so I could drink from his injury. It was like heaven. Explosions of pleasure and satisfaction came over me with each drop.

"Sakura, stop."

My eyes shot back open and I turned to see Sasuke glaring at me. My anger from before returned and I charged at him. Rather than fighting back, he let me shove him against the wall and sink my teeth into his neck with my hands gripping his bloody and torn shirt.

The moment the taste of his blood met my tongue, he lifted his hands to clasp over mine and the rage started to sink away. My heartbeat gradually slowed and the blood-thirsty red hue over my vision faded. Everything that happened over the past twenty minutes came back to me and I tore my teeth from his skin with a gasp of disbelief.

The deep marks on his skin healed slowly and I stared with wide eyes until it was completely gone. My grip on his shirt loosened. The guilt and humiliation was unbearable. Regretful tears rose to my eyes. I didn't want to see his face. I didn't want to see the look of disgust he was going to give me.

Everything that I just did, from brutally murdering Kaguya to attacking these men, wasn't in my character and made me want to be sick.

I tried to tear away from him and flee the room, but his grip on my hands tightened and he pulled me back to look me in the eye. The awful expression I expected to see wasn't there, but instead he looked at me with a soft and warm feeling of reassurance. My teeth clamped together as my chin quivered.

"Come home with me."

I searched his face through my tears and slowly nodded, "I'm so sorry."

He shook his head, pulling me against him and wrapping his arms around me, "You're alive."

After apologizing to the three terrified men and healing their wounds, the two of us returned to the room we'd been in before. Everyone inside turned to look at me in surprise and I hung my head in shame, "I-I'm so ashamed of my actions. Please forgive me."

"You feel so powerful now," I turned to see Sasori staring at me with a warm look, throwing me off a bit since it differed greatly from his usual blank expression, "Kaguya's powers are now yours."

Madara approached from our other side and my brow furrowed when I saw the corpse of Hamura next to his brother's before I looked at his face in disbelief. Sasuke let me pull away so I could take a step toward his uncle. "...Sinzo?"

Tears quickly rose in the elder Uchiha's eyes and he didn't bother stopping them from falling as he shook his head, "He was never real."

I didn't hesitate to hug him tightly as I joined in his mourning. He returned the embrace and the rest of the room watched in silent confusion. I pulled back after a moment and wiped at my tears as I tried to give him a reassuring look, "One day, you'll find someone and have a version of him." The royal didn't respond in any way other than wiping away the last of his tears.

My eyes turned to those remaining in the room and my heart flipped in my chest when I saw Sai cradling a teeny tiny baby in one arm with his other one wrapped firmly around his exhausted wife.

Ino held her arms open when I hesitated, not sure if they wanted me near the infant since I was just in a bloodthirsty frenzy. She hugged me tightly and started to cry, speaking in a weak and wavering voice, "Thank you, Sakura."

I returned her embrace before she pulled back and moved so we were facing her husband and their new child, "It's a boy. Inojin."

A warmth erupted in my chest, similar to what I'd felt when looking at Senzo and I carefully moved the shirt he was wrapped in down a bit so I could see his face. He had blond hair like his mother and his father's nose, mouth, and pale skin. The baby was fast asleep. Sai looked at his wife with a look of utter adoration and she returned it.

A soft sob shook my chest and I pulled my hand away to pull my sister in for another tight hug, "He's so beautiful."

"Would you carry him until we get to the car? I'd like to carry my wife so she doesn't have to walk."

My eyes widened as I pulled back to give him an unsure look. He gave me one of his usual smiles and moved forward slightly to hand off the precious bundle into my arms. I looked up at both of their faces before peering down at the small boy with a warming face, "He really is cute."

Ino sounded tired as she spoke after Sai pulled her up into his arms, "Of course he is. Look at his parents!" A small laugh left my lips and I held Inojin more firmly with one arm so I could reach up and wipe the remaining stray tears from my face before bringing it back down to hold him firmly.

An arm wrapped around my waist and I looked over to see Sasuke's eyes were warmer than usual as he looked at me. Sasori led us up and out of the hideout.

Temari and Itachi turned to look at us with wide eyes when they noticed the baby. "Blond hair…" the Suna princess mused before looking at Ino and Sai with a grin, "Congratulations."

Ino was already asleep in his arms, but Sai grinned happily. Surprisingly, Itachi approached with a small blush on his cheeks, "May I hold him?" I looked over to see Sai nod at me before carefully handing Inojin to his uncle. Temari got a soft look on her face when she saw her husband grinning down at the baby and it brought a smile to my lips.

Surprisingly, I fell asleep almost immediately upon getting in the car to go home. I thought since I was officially turned and had inherited Kaguya's insane amount of power, that I'd never sleep again in my life, but I guess I was wrong. When I awoke next, I was in bed in Sasuke's room and more comfortable than I've been in over a month.

"Good morning." My eyes shot open and immediately locked onto Sasuke's. We were both lying on our sides, facing one another.

My brow furrowed and I opened my mouth to ask the first of many questions, but he cut me off, "It's been two days."

"Ino and the baby..?"

He studied my face with his usual stoic expression, but I could tell he was relieved that I was home, "My mother and Sai won't leave them alone, as expected." A small smile tugged at my lips. Mikoto probably ascended to cloud nine the moment she realized she had a grandchild to spoil.

A slight burn ached through my throat and chest and I immediately realized it was because I was thirsty, but I had a sneaking suspicion water wouldn't satiate it. This brought to mind the fact that I was no longer human.

I carefully sat up to make sure my body wasn't sore and when I realized it wasn't, I stretched my arms. Long strands of hair fell around my body and I jolted slightly before grabbing a bit of it in disbelief. My hair was even longer than it'd been before I cut it in Oto.

"It grew when you turned."

I looked past the pink strands and let them fall when I realized he'd sat up to face me, "Is it normal for that to happen?"

He hesitated, but eventually said, "There's not a lot about what happened that's normal, is there?"

My mouth clamped shut and I gave him a guilty look as I recalled all that happened in that hideout. It was best to get this out of the way so he doesn't feel like I tried to hide it. "I…did something awful that I need to tell you about."

His eyes narrowed and he waited for me to continue. Tears rose in my eyes, but I blinked them back. If anyone deserved to cry, it'd be him because I betrayed his trust in more ways than one.

"Kaguya told us the exact day she planned on killing Ino and it was so close to arriving that I had to convince Sasori to help us somehow."

His eyes widened into a heartbreakingly hurt expression before re-narrowing into a glare. His jaw flexed for a moment before he spoke in a cold voice, "Is that why he refuses to leave?"

My tears overflowed and I couldn't get them to stop. The guilt ate at my chest and made it hard to speak, "I only did it to save them. I swear I'd never kiss someone else if it wasn't a life or death situation. I understand if you-!"

"You kissed him?" He sounded taken aback with disbelief.

I brought my hands up to cover my face in shame as I nodded, "I'm so sorry, Sasuke!"

"You just kissed him? Nothing else?"

My hands fell slowly and I wiped at my tears with a confused expression, "H-He drank my blood, too, but that's all."

An enraged expression came across his face and he looked about to yell at me before taking a calming breath and pulling my hands into his, "You can kiss a hundred other men if that's what it takes for you to stay alive. I thought you…"

My eyes widened as I realized what my admittance had sounded like and I broke into heavier tears, "S-Sasuke I would never! How could you think that?"

He guided me down under him against the pillows and kissed slowly for a few moments before pulling back to look at my face, "It would make me more angry than anything else, but I couldn't blame you if you had done it."

I shook my head, reaching up to caress his face softly, "If it came to that, I would never come back here. There's no way I'd be able to face you."

He kissed me again and my hands slid up from his face to wrap in his messy hair. After a few moments, he pulled his lips away and rested his forehead against mine, "I'm sorry you had to turn for my sake."

A blush rose to my face, but I shook my head, "I thought it would take a long time to adjust, but it feels like I was meant to be like this. It feels right."

My eyes searched his and I paused before continuing in a slightly unsure voice, "I know you didn't want to do it. If you're worried that you'll be stuck with me forever because of it, I promise you don't have to. I'd never force you to stay with me if you aren't happy."

"You're an idiot."

My eyes narrowed in annoyance, "Excuse me?" He knew how much I hated it when he talked to me like that.

He kissed me once before glaring down at me, "I wanted to be sure it was your decision and no one else's."

My hands slid down out of his hair a bit and I froze with my mouth open slightly as I was distracted from responding by the pulse under his skin. The burning in my throat flared up and an odd sensation came over my face as my eyes danced down to his neck. I grit my teeth and looked away, face burning.

He chuckled softly, "It's alright. I'm surprised it took so long to happen." My eyes shot up to meet his again and I was stunned to see my eyes were glowing in the reflection of my face in his black eyes.

"You can drink if you'd like, but you probably won't like it much. Vampire blood doesn't taste that good."

My eyes danced between his neck and his face a couple times before I spoke in a strained voice, "Are you sure it's okay?"

He nodded, sitting back so I could climb onto my knees in front of him and reach more easily. Feeling extremely nervous and awkward, I leaned in before pausing when I realized my canines had sharpened. Trying to be as gentle as possible, I bit into his neck, only to gasp and bite down more firmly when his blood met my tongue and it tasted amazing.

One of his hands met the small of my back and he sounded curious, "You actually like it?"

A small sound of acknowledgement left my chest and I moved my hand from his other shoulder up to the other side of his neck. My eyes shot open when an unbearable wave of arousal shot through my very being and a pleasured sound got lost somewhere in my throat.

I tore my teeth from his skin and pulled away while removing my hands from his body, eyes wide and face bright red, "What the hell…"

A knowing smirk met his lips as he looked over my fidgeting appearance, "You do like it."

My fingers trembled as I reached toward him before forcing my hands down to the bed with a shake of my head, "I-I want…Sasuke, can I…"

His amusement only seemed to grow and he teased me, "I didn't catch that. What did you say?"

My self-control finally failed and I shot up to shove my lips against his, hands exploring his bare torso frantically. He seemed to expect it to happen and immediately guided me back down to the bed, expertly returning my passion.

Somehow our clothes disappeared and one of his hands danced between us to massage my lower regions. I tore my lips from his, breathing hard with effort to endure the level of arousal rushing through my blood, "No, no, put it in!"

He chuckled as he recaptured my lips before lining himself up properly and pressing himself inside, pausing only a moment before beginning to move.

Sex with Sasuke has always been beyond amazing, but this felt even better. Finally, I understood why vampires are obsessed with blood and sex, both apart and together. My body was on fire and it felt like his was, too.

He tore his lips from mine when I tossed my head back in pleasure, panting for breath, "Harder."

His eyes were glowing to match mine and the amused expression had fallen into one of desire. Slowing slightly, he pulled back to lift my feet over his shoulders before coming back down with more force and picking up the pace.

A cry of pleasure left my lips, "Sasuke!"

He snickered, quickly slapping a hand to cover my mouth as he hissed, "Shh! Do you want the world to hear?"

My eyes locked onto his and I licked his palm. He shook his head in disbelief, moving to put his thumb in my mouth as he resumed thrusting into me. He stared at my face as he continued for a minute or two and every second of eye contact excited me further. Then, he surprised me by pulling back onto his knees and tossing his head back with an aggravated groan, removing his finger from my mouth so he could grip both of my thighs and continue moving inside me.

"What?" My voice was breathy with pleasure.

Sasuke's head came back down and his brow furrowed as he pressed my legs apart, putting pressure on the insides of my thighs so they'd stay spread wide, before leaning forward just a bit so he could move more roughly into me. He didn't pull out quite as much as before with each thrust, instead pressing into me completely and only pulling out an inch or two before shoving it back in.

My eyes widened and I met his gaze in disbelief. Until now, he hadn't dared be quite that rough.

He cocked his head at me, voice heavy with arousal, "Keep quiet." It was an impossible request, but I did my best.

My hand danced down to massage the sensitive spot right above where he was entering so firmly. The hint of my climax started to build in my loins and I reached up with my other hand to feel his firm abdominal muscles, making the sensation flare even more strongly. Another thirty seconds or so passed before I was thrown off the edge.

His hand came over my mouth again to muffle the uncontrollable moan he was pulling from my body. Red eyes widened slightly as my insides clenched and spasmed around him and he let out another tortured sound before releasing my legs and moving his hand away from my mouth to slide his tongue over mine as he continued endlessly thrusting into me.

After a few moments, I recovered from my climax and seamlessly rolled over on top of him. He brought himself up slightly so his back was against the headboard before firmly gripping my hips so he could pull my body down to meet his thrusts halfway.

Eyes danced down over my body and back up before he spoke in a doubtful voice, "It couldn't have tasted that good." He was talking about how his blood had me attacking him so relentlessly.

Without speaking, I placed my wrist in front of his mouth and he bit it on instinct, a surprised sound vibrating his chest. My other hand fell back to the mattress on the inside of his leg so I could lean back, moving so my knees were against either side of his waist as I rolled my hips against his. One of his hands grasped my wrist to his mouth while the other helped support my weight by holding the middle of my back.

I let my head fall back as I enjoyed the feelings rushing through my body, only to lift it up a few moments later when he groaned and spoke under his breath against my wrist, "Fuck, Sakura…" I came back up and he released my wrist so he could firmly wrap his arms around my waist to hold me still above him as he thrusted up as hard as he could for a few moments before finally releasing inside of me.

Both of us panted heavily for breath once he was finished. After a moment, I pulled back with a red face since the incredible arousal had finally been satiated, leaving me to reminisce about my incredibly risque actions, "Is it like that everytime?"

His eyebrows furrowed as he let his head rest back against the headboard, "I hope so."