Chapter 15

The next morning I was woken up by a strong arm wrapping around my waist to pull me back against a firm and warm body and sighed happily, "Good morning." No verbal response was given, but lips pressed into the bare skin of my shoulder. Calloused fingers came up to softly caress my breast.

A grin tugged at my lips and I laughed, pressing back against him, "Someone's eager."

"Can you blame me? Last night was incredible, my dear."

My eyes shot wide open and I sat up with a gasp, looking over in confusion. It was a dream!

Oh, thank God!

Sasuke wordlessly wondered what was going on by giving me a frown from where he lay against the pillows and I shook my head, coming back down to cuddle into his side. That wasn't Sasuke's voice I heard behind me in my dream. No, it was someone I never ever want to have sexual dreams about: Madara.

What the hell…?

This type of thing rarely happens to me and definitely doesn't ever star the Uchiha elder. I've only ever had one similar dream about Sasuke and he woke me up in the middle of it so we could make fantasy a reality while visiting Amegakure. Sasuke rolled over on top of me, pulling me from my panicked thoughts, "A good dream?"

I eagerly accepted his kisses, glad he's been just as hungry for sex as I am so I can chase away the startling memory of Madara's voice so lustrous and casual in my ear.

After quickly going for an early morning round, we both got ready for breakfast before heading downstairs. I recalled Ino mentioning Sasuke wanting to impress me the other day and grabbed his hand near the end of the staircase. He glanced at me as we walked in the direction of the dining room. A slight heat rose to my face, "I, um, I think you're really handsome."

His brow furrowed as though he wasn't sure why I was saying something like this out of nowhere, but then he smirked and shook his head in amusement, squeezing my hand in his much larger one. To my surprise, he didn't let go even as we entered the dining room and a few of the others turned to greet us.

The meal soon began and I chose to focus on what was in front of me rather than let my mind overwork itself reading into that dream. It was just that, a dream. None of it was real. None of it happened and no one will ever know I ever had a naughty dream about Madara unless I tell them so everything's fine.

Ino gasped, dropping the fork in her hand for it to clatter loudly onto her glass plate. Everyone looked at her, me included, and my heart sank when I realized she was staring at me in disbelief. Shit. She totally heard that, didn't she?

"Oh, yes, I totally did," my sister's voice rang through my head as she busied herself reassuring everyone nothing was wrong.

A dread filled me as my face paled and I stared down at my plate, suddenly having lost my appetite. "It was just a dream. Don't make a big deal about it," I thought back to her.

She looked up from where she was adjusting Inojin's blanket as she cradled him in one arm and quirked a brow, "I'd agree if it was a dream about anyone except Madara."

"Are you feeling alright, honey? You've barely touched your food."

My spine straightened when Mikoto reached over to rest a hand on my forehead, checking my temperature. I shook my head, "I'm okay! …I thought vampire's don't get fevers?"

Her motherly grin became more empathetic, "They also don't sleep every night, yet you do, sweetheart." I sighed in defeat and focused on trying to stomach at least a little bit of breakfast.

Ino kept glancing at me with a barely-masked expression of what appeared to be concern and maybe a bit of dread, which confused me. Hearing me think about that dream is undoubtedly what's making her do it, but like I said: it's just a dream.

After the meal finished, I followed her out of the room, calling her name when she obviously tried to dip away where I wouldn't see her, "Ino-! Hey, Ino, what's the deal?" She groaned loudly, "I can't talk right now." My mouth fell open slightly in shock. What could be so important that she can't pause for one moment to explain why she's acting so weird? She turned and hurried off before I could find the words to say.

My sister avoided me for the entire day and then it was time to go to bed. Sasuke was in his father's office when I turned in for the night, working with the king and Sai to iron out the details of our attack plan for Amegakure.

Apparently we're going to leave the moment we receive a reply from Kakashi on whether or not he'll help so we can adjust accordingly. If he doesn't agree or isn't able to make it for some reason, our traveling party will have a few trusted additions that won't be recognized as Konoha citizens by the royal family of Ame. That way the Uchihas themselves are able to stick to the shadows, but can also be sure the job is done.

The King himself will be coming, which surprised me upon first hearing the news. Afterwards, he explained that his only reason for joining us is in the case that things go badly and he needs to face Yahiko and Konan in person to accept their declaration of war. I pray things don't come to that.

Yes, they're going to be pissed when they realize I snuck Obito out, granted I'm successful, but it's our hope that they'll see us as too difficult an opponent after being outsmarted on their own turf. The king said that Suna did something similar about six hundred years ago when fighting with Kirigakure and it worked perfectly, so that's a good sign.

I turned onto my side and closed my eyes, wanting to wait for the prince to return so I could feel his strong arms around me before sleeping, but was simply too tired and couldn't hold out.

Sweat dusted both my body and that of the muscular man gripping my hips so tightly. It became apparent to me that I was dreaming again, and it indeed was a sexual one like I'd desperately hoped it wouldn't be, but I wasn't able to bring myself conscious enough to wake up and end it.

All I could do was remain in a barely-aware state. It feels good. No, it feels more than good. It feels fantastic. My eyes won't open so I can't see his face, but I almost prefer it that way. If I don't look, it's Sasuke no matter what. If I do look and it's not…I don't know what I'm going to do.

Dream me wasn't worried about a thing, though, and her relaxed and pleasured state coerced me into enjoying the wonderful sensations my body was being blessed with. I'm on my hands and knees, he's behind me, and every move he made felt like heaven.

Is it Madara? God, I hope it's not because it's amazing and I can't have a memory like this with him involved.

Then something was in my mouth, something specific. My eyes finally opened, due to the surprise of it. The man behind me hadn't stopped so who is…?

Dream me went to work doing her best to pleasure this second person, but I tried to will my gaze upright so I could see their face. I failed. All I could see was their hips and lower abdomen, but it was enough to tell me that at least this one wasn't Sasuke. Their skin was too pale and the scars that marred it were unfamiliar.

Suddenly, the person behind me pulled out and I slid the thing out of my mouth as large hands turned my body onto it's back. My eyes locked onto none other than Madara's as he reentered at the new angle, pulling one of my legs up so he could kiss the inside of my ankle. Then my mouth was put to work again.

Just when I was about to look and see who was standing above me, I woke up and it was morning. I rolled over to see Sasuke laying on his side with his head propped up on his fist and a knowing expression on his gorgeous face. A hot blush came to my face so fast that it made me dizzy and he snickered, "Two nights in a row. Lucky."

Ino ignored me, again, when I tried to talk to her before breakfast, excusing herself to the ladies room where she knew I wouldn't follow.

To my surprise, Madara was at the table when I defeatedly went downstairs. The moment my eyes landed on him and he looked up from his conversation with his brother, the vivid memory of his glowing eyes and dark expression from the dream last night flooded my brain and the air in my lungs got stuck. A muted look of confusion met his eye, but he did us both a favor and faced the king once more.

As I sat down, I realized Fugaku was filling him in on our plans. Madara joining us somehow never crossed my mind and now that I'm forced to think about it, I feel quite awkward. Things changed between us in Sonokuni. Just the sight of him doesn't terrify me like it did before, but that doesn't mean I'm primed and ready to act like best friends. Itachi and Temari also returned, offering calm and polite greetings from where they sat, also listening to the king's instruction.

"I'll join Sakura and Sasuke," Madara suddenly said in a resolute voice.

Sasuke, who was reaching for his chair beside me, turned to look at his uncle just as quickly as I did, but surprised me by not making an argument. That in itself kept me from speaking out and refusing the offer.

So, the next morning a letter from Kakashi arrived stating he's too far away to make it in time, but that he would head toward Amegakure anyway just in case things go sour and we end up needing backup. Then the castle was alight with activity and excitement as we prepared for departure.

I met a few new people, the ones who are going to act as the attackers for us. Stupidly, I'd been under the assumption that any who were to join us would be humans, but in reality three were vampires and one was syreni. When Neji came in with the strangers, I was completely taken by surprise.

Tenten pulled me aside as the four new arrivals greeted the king and his sons, "Didn't you know this type of thing would happen already? Even I knew it was a possibility."

My face warmed and I whispered back to her, glancing over at the stoic man in question, "No I didn't. I thought they were just politicians."

She shook her head, chocolate eyes dancing over to Neji's profile as she blushed, "You don't get muscles like that from sitting at a desk every day."

My jaw dropped in surprise and I lowered my voice even further, leaning a bit closer, "Wait, are you two…?" To the naked eye, Neji's build seems pretty average with his loosely fitting traditional style of dressing. The only way she'd know he's muscular is if he was in a state of undress.

The maid's blush went from mild to severe in a heartbeat and she made a shushing motion with her hands as she brought her eyes onto me and off the Hyuuga man across the room, "Shh! No, we're not. We just…well, we both drank too much at Itachi's wedding and one thing led to another…"

My brow furrowed and I gave her an offended pout, "How come you didn't tell me?"

Her bashful expression fell slightly, "Neji warned me not to tell anyone. If his uncle finds out, we may both be punished."

Rather than be understanding, anger rolled through me. Who the hell does he think he is, spending the night with her and then threatening her to keep her mouth shut about it? A selfish prick, that's what he is. Hinata found a way to be with Naruto publicly, so why can't Neji do the same for Tenten? Unless… What if he isn't interested in dating her and just wanted to get lucky? My disbelief rose.

"Y-Your eyes, Sakura!"

My teeth grit as the others in the room turned to look in our direction in response to Tenten's panicked tone of voice. I hissed at her, "And you just accepted that?"

A hand suddenly wrapped around mine and I looked up to see Sasuke, "Breathe."

My eyes widened as I realized what was happening and I nodded before following his advice and eventually calming enough for my eyes to return to their natural color.

"New vampires are so hard to control, aren't they?" He pulled me with him to rejoin the others. A pale-skinned woman with long blood red hair was the one who spoke, "I mean no offense, by the way. I'm sure you'll adjust soon enough."

I nodded with a frown, bowing politely in greeting to the new arrivals.

She was beautiful like a painting, tall and proud with abundant feminine assets. When I rose back up, I realized she looked incredibly familiar, but she answered the question before I could ask it, "My name is Mito Uzumaki. I believe you know one of my descendants, Kushina."

I glanced up at Sasuke nervously and he nodded, "My name is Sakura. It's nice to meet you."

Mito smiled gracefully, making even me blush at her beauty, "I understand your surprise, but please be at ease. There's no need to be so formal." I nodded, unsure of what to say. Thankfully, the next person introduced themselves so I wouldn't have to figure it out.

"I'm Izumi Uchiha. I'm a newer vampire, just like you."

This woman had long dark brown hair and deep chocolate eyes to match. She was taller than me, but had a similar build in that she's slim with humble curves.

"I didn't realize there was another Uchiha so close by. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Izumi shrugged with a pretty grin, "It's alright. I'm adopted so I don't think I'm considered a true Uchiha."

Sai spoke with a reassuring smile, "That's not true, cousin. Kagami only notified us of your turning recently. We simply haven't had a chance to mention it yet." I found out that she's been residing in Nadeshiko, the city that produces that delicious champagne I like so much, and acting as an advisor for the royal family there.

Izumi waved a hand of dismissal, "I'm not hurt or anything, Sai, chill out." Her personality seems akin to maybe a mixture of Tenten and Ino, meaning we'd get along fine.

The next person introduced himself as Shikamaru. He was the only one out of the vampires that actually lives in Konoha. He's from one of the upper class families, the son of their current leader. He hadn't said a single word that day, so it took me a few moments to pinpoint exactly where I'd seen him before. I eventually recognized him as one of the men who sat behind Neji when I was sentenced to servitude.

That night, I had a dream similar to the one the night before, waking up to attack Sasuke in an attempt to erase the uncomfortable feelings it brought, then we bathed and joined the others to leave for Amegakure.

The vehicles we were traveling in were more casual than I've grown used to because we don't want anyone to know who we are. I turned in my seat to look at the castle as we drove away and felt a bit of sadness wash over me for some reason.

A hand landed on top of mine and I relaxed back in my seat, looking over at Sasuke with a worried frown. A glint of reassurance met his eye and I leaned my head against his shoulder with a deep breath.

Please, whatever Gods that may be out there, let this mission go successfully.