Chapter 26

Before I could respond to who I now know is Jiraiya, the blond woman at his side turned swiftly toward the doorway they entered from and cut us off, "We have company."

The white-haired man helped me to my feet, his friendly grin sinking into a severe line, "Do you think you can run?"

I nodded, eyes dancing nervously between the two of them. I just drained two people, so any injuries I may have had are long gone, and energy is all but crackling through my limbs, ready to be used.

"Follow us, then. If we get separated, meet in the alleyway behind the Oasis bar. Let's go."

They immediately began rushing out of the room, the same way we came, and I was surprised when we exited the underground building to see Kakuzu, Kisame, and Nagato slow to a stop multiple yards away.

The blond woman spoke before anyone else could, "You two go ahead; I'll catch up."

I shook my head, eyeing the Amegakure advisors warily, "But-" "She'll be fine. Come on."

Jiraiya grabbed my wrist and pulled me along as he sprinted toward what I assumed was Kakurega. It's much closer than the last time I was outside. I turned my neck to look back in time to see the woman lurch forward to intercept Kisame, who'd tried to follow us, but I couldn't keep my eyes on her any longer because I had to watch where I was going.

My wrist was released after a moment, and I focused on maintaining Jiraiya's pace, "Will she really be okay?"

He nodded with sharp eyes focused straight ahead, "Tsunade's the strongest person I know."

After a few more minutes of fleeing, our arrival at the village was swiftly approaching. Jiraiya glanced my way, "It's best to pull your hood up. If a pretty little thing like you catches the wrong beast's eye, it'll only be more trouble."

Luckily those traffickers hadn't taken my clothes, so I pulled my bloodied cloak's hood up as far as it would go, unsure of what to expect once we passed into Kakurega's border.

Immediately upon slipping into a dark alleyway to move more slowly in the shadows, I realized that Matsuri had correctly warned me. When I still lived in the low-class area of Konoha, the streets would be littered with drugs and violence all the time, but more specifically, at night, and I thought that was intimidating. That seems like nothing but child's play compared to this. Within five minutes of entering the village, I heard no less than three people getting attacked in the nearby alleys or streets.

Jiraiya instructed me to remain close and keep my head lowered to not meet anyone's eye. Even if I'm no longer a weak little human girl, my hands trembled with fear at the inhuman sounds and unfamiliar scents. There are monsters here; that much I now know is true. The smell of more than one being I've never encountered before was sending waves of intimidation crawling up my spine.

Maybe fifteen minutes later, I felt a presence suddenly appear right behind me, and I instinctively swirled around to defend myself. My fist was caught by none other than the blond woman that Jiraiya had referred to as "Tsunade". She didn't have a single scratch on her, proving he was right to trust in her ability to hold her own. The woman reached to pull my hood further forward and nodded in her traveling partner's direction as a silent signal to continue moving.

The three of us moved quietly and slowly for more than another hour before Jiraiya finally stopped at what appeared to be a cellar door. After looking around to ensure no one else was around, he opened it and gestured for me to go inside. I glanced between my two new acquaintances, worried this was some sort of trick, but eventually relented and began descending the steps.

Kakashi told me I can trust this man, and I trust Kakashi with my life. We haven't spent much time around one another, but he's been there twice for me already. All of the Uchihas, Madara and Sasuke included, don't have an ounce of doubt about him, either, so that's enough for me.

What awaited me at the bottom of the stairs appeared to be some sort of bar or restaurant. Behind the counter was a pale woman with dark, shoulder-length hair and matching eyes. Maybe five or six others, appearing to be patrons, sat at the bar or one of the few small tables.

I froze when the room became silent, and all eyes turned on me. Suddenly, it felt like I was in danger, like everyone before me was primed and ready to attack.

My heart jumped into my throat, and I stepped back, only for Jiraiya to loudly chuckle as he lay a hand on my shoulder. His voice was warm and boisterous, "She's a friend, everyone. Return to your hedonism."

To my relief, they did just that, and I was guided across the room and through another door. It led to what appeared to be a living area. My two rescuers immediately began taking off their traveling cloaks, leaving me to stand there awkwardly with my hands clasped together.

The white-haired man, who I now know is much more talkative than his blond counterpart, grinned when he noticed my unease, "You're safe here, so you can relax for now."

I nodded, removing my hood and letting it fall against my back as I surveyed the area.

A large rundown sofa and loveseat were angled toward one another, and a wooden coffee table sat in front of it with multiple ashtrays, all full of cigarette butts. Multiple other doors were on the two different walls, and my guess is that bedrooms and at least one bathroom lay beyond them. The walls and floors are all made of dark wood. It felt like the place was a bit run down, but I still didn't feel all that scared by it. For it being completely underground and needing some t.l.c, the place somehow gave off a homey aura.

The door we'd come through reopened, and the bartender came in, dark eyes looking me up and down with an air of distrust, "Who is this?"

Tsunade barked at her, "All you need to know is that her presence is to remain a secret. Understood?"

The new arrival and I looked at the woman in surprise, but she recovered more quickly than I did. With a sigh, she grabbed my arm and began leading me toward the door at the furthest side of the room, "I suppose you'll need some clothes. They might be a little big on you, but they'll have to do."

I looked back at the other two as she led me away. Jiraiya gave me an encouraging smile while Tsunade simply continued frowning.

The woman took me into a bathroom, disappeared, and then returned a few moments later with a bundle of clothing. I studied her as she explained where the towels were and what soaps I should use of the massive variety sitting on the tub's ledge. The interaction between her and Tsunade just now gave me the feeling that they're close, like mother and daughter or teacher and student. That said, this woman doesn't seem to like me already, and we don't even know one another's names. Once she was done, she turned to leave.

Feeling a bit anxious, I stopped her, "Wait! Sorry, but what's your name? Mine is Sakura."

She seemed slightly stunned, "Shizune." Her expression fell back into an irritated one. She added, "Tsunade is my master." Without actually saying it, I could tell she was warning me not to do anything reckless, or she wouldn't hesitate to act.

Then Shizune turned as though about to leave again, but I stopped her once more, "Thank you, um…for the clothes." With one last glance, she nodded before finally leaving me alone.

As I undressed, I struggled to keep my chaotic emotions in check. It wasn't so bad that I was worried I'd lose control, but it was mentally strenuous. I should be concerned with the fact that I'm in some unknown, underground place surrounded by strangers, but for some reason, that's not what's plaguing my mind.

No, that would be the fact that the boys are going to be frantic when they follow the scent of my blood to that awful place in the desert. Even my bag was left there. I hope they don't think I'm dead. Surely they won't, not when they see the two bludgeoned corpses I left in my wake. Those two are definitely able to recognize my uncontrolled work by now.

As I bathed, I made sure to use soaps that contrasted my usual scent in an attempt to mask further any trail I might leave for them. The fact remains that those around me are in danger and will continue to be until I can kill both Nagato and Yahiko.

As much as I despise being apart from Sasuke, I hate the thought of him being hurt even more. Tears welled up in my eyes as I scrubbed dried blood from my skin. This entire situation is terrifying, and the fact that I can't allow him to be here with me just makes it that much worse.


After bathing and dressing, I stepped out of the bathroom. Tsunade was in the room, sitting next to Jiraiya with a bottle of sake in her hand. I brushed my hair behind my ears as I nervously approached, "I didn't get a chance to properly thank you for helping me," I bowed. "If you hadn't shown up when you did, I'm not sure if I would've been able to…." I trailed off, unsure of how to say it.

"You're still new, aren't you?" Tsunade spoke firmly.

I rose from my bow and nodded, face warming slightly, "I suppose it's obvious, huh?"

Both she and Jiraiya nodded, but she spoke again, "I hope you understand how stupid and reckless it was to let yourself get to that point back there."

My teeth clamped together in surprise at her harsh words, but I nodded and hung my head in shame, "I know. I'm sorry for attacking you. I'm trying to figure out how to control it."

"It took me years to completely master it, so I'm impressed you could pull yourself out so quickly."

My gaze shot up to lock onto hers in disbelief, "A-Are you saying-" "Tsunade is like you, Sakura. Kakashi told you to come find me for a reason, didn't he?"

I studied the half-drunk blond woman with new eyes and concluded she was beautiful. That's my first impression. Her hair was long, parted down the middle, and tied into twin tails down her back. Warm brown eyes were so light that they were almost reminiscent of topaz. Finally, a blueish-purple diamond-shaped crest lay in the middle of her forehead, small enough not to pull from the rest of her features but large enough that you couldn't miss it.

The woman noticed my curiosity and pointed at it sternly, "You'll get one of these, too, when you're not such a novice."

Jiraiya motioned for me to sit on the loveseat facing them. I did so without delay, not breaking eye contact with Tsunade as I asked, "What exactly is it?"

She sighed loudly as though I was boring her and reached over to hand me the bottle. Gingerly, I accepted it, glancing at Jiraiya nervously, before tossing back a mouthful of the bitter liquid and handing it back. The woman smirked as though that had been a test, and I passed.

"Our kind refers to it as The Strength of a Hundred Seal. Simply put, it functions as a storage source for energy."

I nodded slowly, not fully understanding but knowing I could not grasp the concept as I am currently.

The room became silent briefly before Tsunade slurred, "I suppose you want me to train you or something, right?"

Blush rose to my face, and I fumbled with the cloth of my pants, "If it's not too much trouble, I'd appreciate it. Any advice you can give will help."

"Usually, I'd want to fight you first, but I saw enough out there to know you're gonna be stronger than me when all's said and done."

My eyes widened in surprise, and I quickly looked between her and her white-haired friend. Jiraiya offered yet another reassuring smile.

"When can we start? Now?"

Tsunade raised her free hand in a shushing motion, "Not so fast. I don't know anything about you. I'd be a fool to train you without knowing if your goal is to massacre villages."

Jiraiya finally spoke, his grin becoming more sheepish, "Now, Tsunade, Kakashi vouched for-" "I don't give a damn who sent her! I want her to tell me who she is and what she wants."

Both turned their gazes onto me, and I swallowed nervously, eyes darting down to my knees and back up a couple of times as I tried to find the words, "I-I, uh…."

By the way they spoke, it was evident that Kakashi didn't tell them anything other than what I looked like, my name, and that I'd be searching for them soon. That led me to follow his lead in trying to be as vague as possible, "Until I learn how to keep myself in check, those around me are in danger. I want that to change."

Tsunade raised a sleek brow, handing me the sake again, "And who are you trying to protect? Is it the same people you're trying to mask your scent from?" My face's temperature skyrocketed higher. Even drunk, this woman seems capable of quickly reading me.

I sighed in defeat, "Yes. My masters are likely tracking me. They're not the only ones I want to protect, though. I have family and friends that I want to keep safe."

Jiraiya snickered and took the bottle from me after I took a swig, "Masters, huh? Plural. Lucky gal."

I frowned, "I don't know if I'd say that…."

Tsunade's voice suddenly took on a much more serious tone, "I'll only agree to train you if you can promise me one thing." I nodded eagerly, feeling more excited now that it seemed possible she may actually agree to all this.

"You must swear not to interfere in any wars without exception. The last time one of us interfered, millions of souls were lost in a matter of hours. I refuse to have any part in something like that happening again."

My heart sank. My expression must've as well because they both suddenly offered knowing expressions like they expected this.

"I can't promise that, but it's not because I don't want to." When they seemed confused, I elaborated while continuing to try and keep things unspecific, "A certain royal family has the ability to control my body, and I have been ensured they intend to use me for that exact purpose. I can't prevent that without killing those involved, which would also be considered an act of war."

"Because you're also from a royal family, correct?"

My mouth clamped shut at Jiraiya's words, a small bout of panic interrupting my explanation.

"Kakashi has many allies in high places, but I can also tell someone of great strength has claimed you." If my face could become redder, I'm sure it would. He leaned forward, lips turning into a slightly teasing smile, "You're different, though. I reckon you didn't start out at the top, huh?"

Before I could respond, whether to deny his scarily accurate guess or to admit defeat, Tsunade interjected, "Hold my hand." Unsure, I reached over and let her interlace our fingers.

Topaz eyes bore firmly into my green ones, and she spoke demandingly, "Tell me if you intend to use your powers for good. If you lie, I'll be able to tell."

My fingers gripped her hand more sturdily, and I mirrored her aura, "I don't want to hurt anyone. I just want to protect my loved ones and remain by their side."

Tsunade held my gaze for a long time without saying a word, and I did the same to her. Finally, she removed her fingers from mine and adjusted her hand in mine to resemble a handshake.

"Let's begin immediately."