Chapter 39

When I woke next, the bed beneath me was magnificent, especially compared to the stone ground I'd slept on for a few weeks. My muscles ached when I took a deeper breath, making me wince. Hair was gently brushed away from my face, and my eyes fluttered open to see Madara sleeping at my side. I turned slightly to see Sasuke gazing at me with an exhausted yet warm expression.

Worried, I looked over his appearance, "Are you alright?"

He nodded, offering his usual glare. I watched in disbelief as his anger slowly melted into what seemed to be genuine relief. Tears welled in his eyes as he leaned forward to press his forehead to mine, "Don't ever save me again."

I sniffled, weakly lifting an arm to touch his face. My broken bones must've healed most of the way while I slept.

Then his lips were on mine: desperate, cautious, and doting all at once.

After thoroughly discussing my habit of encountering danger, the prince told me that Nagato and Zetsu were killed in Konoha's assault on Amegakure's castle. Kakuzu, Deidara, and Hidan were captured, while Yahiko, Kisame, and Konan escaped.

Since the king escaped, Sasuke and Madara decided it best to travel separately from the rest of the war party in case it gets ambushed. Sai, Itachi, and Kankuro were leading it, Jiraiya and Tsunade also in their ranks, so it's not like we left the soldiers defenseless.

I asked how Tsunade magically appeared in Amegakure, and he explained that Matsuri had sent a letter to the bar Shizune runs, telling them how I'd been captured and how it'd happened. Apparently, Tsunade and Jiraiya showed up within the next twenty-four hours, just in time to join the Uchihas for their departure to Konoha. When I asked why they suddenly cared, given that they pretty much told me they didn't want to see me ever again, he said they wouldn't say. Sasuke said the only thing the pair would tell them was that it would take me multiple weeks to fully recover from the life-threatening incident. The jewel on my forehead was gone entirely.

"So what now?"

Sasuke and I sat across from one another at the small table away from the bed so our talking wouldn't disturb Madara's sleep, sharing a bowl of noodles that room service delivered. My hypothesis was confirmed. Apparently, the elder Uchiha single-handedly took down Nagato, Zetsu, and Hidan. After all that, it's not surprising that he needed rest. I'm a bit flattered, actually, that he trusts us enough to let his guard down and sleep.

We're somewhere between Konoha and Ame, about two days of travel by car away. I was unconscious, and both Uchiha men were struggling to stay awake. That's why we're at this hotel.

"Now we go home and prepare for Yahiko's next move."

Chewing a mouthful of food, I twirled some pasta onto my fork and held it out for him, a bit of giddiness sweeping over me when he accepted it without hesitation. I missed him so much. In fact, I missed being like this with Sasuke more than anything else. For over a month now, it's been one fight after another. We haven't had the time to just exist at one another's side and relax.

I glanced at the quietly sleeping man across the room and briefly wondered how different things would be once this crazy chapter of our lives ended. As I brought my gaze back to Sasuke, though, I simply smiled to myself. Initially, it might be rocky, but we'll figure it out.

After our meal, it became apparent that he was fighting sleep. Since Madara passed out, he'd acted as a lookout in case we were tailed.

"Get some rest, Sasuke. I'll stay up." He opened his mouth to argue, but I pointed at the bed, "I won't leave the room, and I'll wake you if I hear anything. I promise. Go."

Annoyance clear on his handsome features, he gave up and climbed under the covers next to Madara. I pulled my knees up to my chest, my feet in the chair, and watched them with a warm feeling emoting from my chest. For some reason, the only thing I could think as I basked in the calm air was the phrase "my boys".

For a while, I simply sat and appreciated the moment of rest we were experiencing, but eventually had to relieve my bladder. After doing so, I washed my hands, only to freeze when I looked up and nearly jumped in surprise at my reflection. It's not that I looked awful, which I did. One or both men sleeping in the room must've bathed me while I was out because my hair and skin were clean and clear, but I was thin and looked like I hadn't slept in a year.

Plus, bruises and cuts still marred my skin. I'm not taken aback by that because my muscles are also killing me. At least my bones healed. I wonder how long it'll take me to return to normal entirely.

Sighing, I stepped out into the room, only to freeze when I nearly ran into Madara's chest. Eyes wide, I stared up at him in disbelief. He was crying. Freely.

My brow furrowed, and my chin quivered at his unfiltered relief and concern, and I nodded as I, too, broke into tears. With my wordless permission, strong arms wrapped around me, and I returned the embrace, holding fistfuls of the shirt on his back as I buried my face in his chest.

I said my thanks quietly, and he muttered something along the lines of, "What'd you expect me to do?" in response. Once our belated greeting was complete, I crawled into bed beside Sasuke, and the prince unconsciously wrapped an arm around my waist, snuggling his face into my hair with a soft sigh. Madara joined us, lying in front of me with a blank expression.

Having spent an incredible amount of time around him since my turning, I've finally begun to figure him out, whereas before, he was an enigma. The older Uchiha man's pride wouldn't allow him to ask for consent or even reassurance. Because of that, he's hesitantly trying to figure out what to say or do so I don't end up scared, and he doesn't end up feeling subservient.

As irritating as having to tiptoe around his ego is, I don't see it as an extreme issue anymore because he's already met Sasuke and me halfway on many things. It's only fair that we do the same.

A hand cupping Sasuke's arm around my middle, I studied Madara's face and lightly tugged his shirt so he'd come closer. Tears brimmed his eyes yet again, even though he'd just managed to stop them, and he obeyed my request before grasping my hand between his and bringing it to his lips.

My chest tightened with guilt because I knew why he was being like this. I died more than eleven times. Not only was he unsure of the nature of each one, but he couldn't do anything to stop it from happening repeatedly.

Hoping to lighten the heavy aura about him, I tried to smile through my emotions, "When did you become such a baby?"

He closed his eyes, a small scoff leaving his lips, "How many times do I have to say I love you before you accept me?"

My breath hitched at his solemn declaration. As I searched Madara's face, his features contorted in an insufferably morose way, I chose to stop lying to everyone and myself.

"I love you, too."

Dark eyes opened wide, surprise glinting brightly.

My face warmed as I continued, feeling a bit awkward in this unmarked territory, "I, um, I know it's selfish to accept your feelings because I can't and never will put you above Sasuke, but-"

Pausing, I shook my head and restarted, taking a different approach, "I can't offer what you want. I can't become your wife, and I can't give you children. Someone will come along who can, eventually, and I refuse to be a reason for you to miss out on that."

Madara's brow furrowed, and he came closer, pressing his forehead to mine and allowing his eyelids to fall closed. For once, the talkative and prideful vampire took his time responding.

His tone was warmer than before when he did, "For now, this is enough."

A few hours later, just after dark, I awoke to Sasuke running his fingers soothingly through my hair. My poor sleep schedule was ruined, but his aura was noticeably calmer now that he was well-rested, so at least there's that. I pushed back against him, a soft sigh passing my lips when he tightened his arm around my waist and pressed his lips to the back of my head.

"Are you feeling better, my love?"

His breath hitched, making my eyes open. When he didn't respond, I turned my neck to look back at him, only to softly laugh and snuggle closer when I realized why he froze up. We've never used pet names in the past. Honestly, the one that just left my lips was by accident. Until now, I've only ever referred to him as my love in my thoughts. I'm relieved he didn't have an adverse reaction, at least.

I'm sure he'd be blushing if it were slightly easier to fluster him. Instead, he hid his face in my hair as he kissed my back and shoulders silently.

I happily accepted the affection, "I'll take that as a yes."

"Where is Madara?"

Only when he asked did I notice the man in question's absence. I shrugged, arching my back when he pulled the loose-fitting robe lower to travel his kisses between my shoulder blades, "He was here when I fell asleep."

Sasuke's breath tickled my skin, causing goosebumps, "Hidan, he didn't…? "

I frowned, the topic ruining the soft and sensual mood his lips and gentle caresses had created. That being said, being honest with him is the one thing I know is right, so I spoke my mind freely, "No, he didn't," sighing anxiously, I stared down at the empty pillow beside mine, "I really thought he was going to a couple of times."

The kisses on my skin didn't cease, but they did slow as he responded in a quieter voice, "It isn't shameful to have been scared Sakura." Long fingers gently brushed against my thigh, waiting for my reaction.

"Please don't start tiptoeing around me again."

"I want you to feel safe."

Sighing in defeat, I pulled away to sit up and face him, "I feel the safest when I'm with you, Sasuke. There's no one I trust more."

A new expression arose, one I've yet to see grace his features. It was reminiscent of insecurity and hesitance. I didn't have to wait long to understand because he sat up and said, "I was awake when you and Madara were speaking."

My teeth clamped together, but I didn't say anything. He already knew I'd come to harbor a love for the man. It'd just been a conversation we'd strategically avoided because something more important was always afoot.

Large hands folded around my smaller ones, and I patiently listened as he struggled to accurately verbalize his thoughts, "I've come to…. Ah…." I gave him a reassuring smile, gently squeezing his hands. He offered his usual stoic frown that arises when he's forced to say things he usually wouldn't.

"I know I said everything was okay, but a part of me was worried you'd choose Madara over me in the end."

I shook my head, tears in my eyes, "Sasuke, no! I'd never-" "I know that now."

He leaned in and softly kissed me, pulling back with a more positive aura, "I've come to accept things as they are, truly."

My mouth opened as I tried to get a question in, like where all this was coming from, but he cut me off by repeating my earlier words, "There's no one I trust more. You chose me. I'm yours, Sakura."

A small, disbelieving laugh left my lips. I pulled a hand from his grasp to wipe at my relieved tears, "And I am yours."

We shared a long, steadily-paced kiss. Beautiful and loving emotions flooded my chest, and I genuinely believe some of them were sent to me by Sasuke. This short-tempered, jealous, anti-social man is everything I never knew I needed to truly feel alive. He's all I've ever wanted and more.

Long fingers circled my waist, gently guiding me to climb onto his lap. At a leisurely pace, clothes were removed, but his lips didn't leave mine for more than a second. Then we were one.

This isn't the frantic, borderline violent sex we've had so often since I became a vampire. No. It's sweet and passionate. I can feel it all, everything. His shoulders are strong under my fingers. Skin pressed against mine with each inhale. He showered my body with featherlike touches and moved between my legs in a way that thoroughly convinced me repeatedly, with each thrust, of his unlimited devotion.

Minutes passed before we finally ended our kiss, and my head fell back, Sasuke's lips pressing chastely into my neck and chest. I mewled and sighed with his movements, breathing in a dreamy voice that accurately depicted my bliss, "I'm so in love with you, Sasuke."

A hand traveled up to the back of my head, where he guided me to meet his gaze, "I love you."

Heat rose to my cheeks, and he smirked, almost grinning as he teased me in a light tone that nearly matched mine, "That's what makes you blush?" I giggled into his kiss, bringing one of my hands to the back of his head to feel his silky, messy hair.

We continued until we both met our climaxes and then Sasuke allowed himself to fall back onto the pillows. The look of comfort and satisfaction may not have been distinguishable to someone else, but it was clear as day to me. I collapsed onto his chest, sighing wistfully when he wrapped his arms around me to rub my back soothingly, up and down.

I pressed lazy kisses into his warm skin, basking in the pleasant aura of the room, "I almost wish we could stay here for a few days. No life or death battles and no responsibilities. Just us and this bed."

His chest vibrated as he chuckled lightly, one arm leaving my back so he could bring it behind his head, "We have some catching up to do."

I hummed happily, giving up on the kisses and simply nuzzling closer to his chest. Before we left for Sunagakure, we couldn't go more than twelve hours without jumping one another. The urge never left. We just couldn't keep up that pace with everything that's gone on.

"You know it's not just sex, right? I do love you, Sakura."

Blush warmed my face and ears, "What's gotten into you today? You never say this kind of stuff."

He made a reflective sound as he pondered his response, eventually offering, "You're annoying."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up unless you want me to show you what annoying really is."

A scoff met my ears, but neither of us said anything else. The room fell into a comfortable silence. I don't know how to explain it thoroughly, but Sasuke's become much warmer lately. He's more likely to speak and show me affection than before, and it makes me giddy with delight because I get the sense that he's happy.

Madara returned an hour later with a few bags full of clothes, dinner, and more energy than when I last saw him. He admitted to having helped himself to some local blood while out and about, which answered my question about what had him all peppy.

Tying my robe closed, I climbed out of bed to nosily peek into the bag he eagerly handed over, "For a man, you seem to enjoy shopping."

I gave him a teasing glance, and he returned it before rustling through one of the other bags, "I'll spend my riches as I please, dear." Madara handed a sealed bowl to Sasuke, who'd sat at the edge of the bed.

Irritation bubbled in my stomach when I realized what was in the bag he'd handed me. I dumped it out atop the duvet, offering a frown, "Care to explain?" Lingerie of all colors and designs. Dozens of sets.

Sasuke snickered, "A bit much, Uncle. We're only traveling for two more days."

Madara shrugged, "I figured we could stretch it out a bit. We'll just send a letter ahead to say we're being cautious."

Sasuke and I shared a look, recalling my earlier wish to stay in this little village for a few days, and the prince's lips twitched as though he was trying not to smile, "I leave my mother and Ino for you to deal with when we return."

My cheeks warmed at his subtle way of confirming he was alright with it because things got hot and heavy the last time the three of us stayed the night at an inn.

"Save your insatiable thoughts for later. The food will get cold."

I frowned, embarrassed, as I snatched the bowl Madara held out from his grasp and huffed, sitting cross-legged on the bed, "I should make you sleep on the floor."

After our late-night meal, Madara went to bathe, leaving me to sort through the rest of the bags he'd brought. There were days worth of clothes for us all, but I was surprised to find a few books, too. A small smile dusted my lips as I turned one of them over in my hands to read the synopsis.

Is it precocious of me to assume he got these for Sasuke and me? As much as he jokingly says he only puts up with him for my sake, I know he's no longer telling the truth. Just as I've come to care for Madara, Sasuke and his uncle have done the same for one another. Less romantically or sexually, of course.

Hands wrapped around my waist, and I naturally reached back to run my hand through the prince's hair as he kissed my neck. My enjoyment stalled when he whispered, "I'm going out to feed."

Turning in his arms, I offered an unsure glance toward the closed bathroom door, "Can I come?"

He made a face that meant no, "We both know that's not a good idea."

As much as I wish it weren't, it's the truth. I've still yet to feed on a living human without completely draining them. Vampire blood has been more than enough, so I usually just drink from Sasuke. As of late, during moments of duress, at least, Madara has also allowed me his life force.

The prince's expression morphed into a warmer one, and he pointedly glanced at the bathroom door to garner my attention more fully, "When I get back, we'll feed you."

My brow lifted in surprise, "...we?" I looked at the closed bathroom door again.

"We knew this was going to happen eventually."

I met Sasuke's eye again, face warming as he confirmed my suspicion. When he gets back, he wants to involve Madara like the last time the three of us stayed in a hotel together. He kissed me once, twice, three times, and then left the room. The blush on my cheeks drained as my face paled, and I turned to face the bathroom door again.

I don't know if I can do this.