Chapter 44

AN: I was going to end this story by fifty chapters and do a third, final book. HOWEVER, I find that I lose more readers the more I separate books in the series' that I've written in the past/am currently writing, so I'm just going to extend this one to the very end! Hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading!


Over the next multiple days, Sasuke and I didn't talk much. In fact, I didn't speak to any men. Us women were focused on Hinata's wedding and our plan to save Itachi and Temari from their marriage. When the wedding day finally arrived, everyone was debriefed on what steps to take if and when an enemy showed themselves during the high-publicity event. In an attempt to lure the Amegakure vampires, the castle doors were less guarded than usual.

Unlike Ino's wedding, Hinata actually had a colored theme. Fittingly, it was lavender and dark blue.

The bridesmaids, Ino, Tenten, and I, were all in the same dress as well. It was dark blue, long-sleeved, and form-fitting to the waist, where it flared down in elegant waves of tule. The style was graceful and reserved, much like the bride-to-be, but still complimented the female figure nicely.

Tenten styled my hair in romantic curls with a thin braid pulling my bangs back to be tied with a lavender ribbon at the back of my head. As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I could only think that the styling made me feel like a storybook princess. Ino certainly fit that criteria with her flowing blonde hair and flawless features.

"I hope Neji doesn't say anything to me tonight," Tenten mused concernedly.

Having her makeup done by a hired professional nearby, Hinata said, "I thought you liked him?"

She frowned with her chocolate brown eyes focused on the ribbon she was expertly curling into my hair, "I do, but he hasn't spoken to me since Obito's rescue. I saw him a couple of times in town, and he completely ignored me."

I scoffed, coming to a stand because she'd finished styling my hair, "After treating you like he has, you should be looking for him so you can give him a piece of your mind."

Ino giggled theatrically, nudging me out of the way with her hip and guiding Tenten to sit in the chair I'd previously been in, "Ladies, I love you, but you're novices. Let me tell you what to do tonight."

The brunette girl blushed when the blonde began unbraiding the intricate hairdo she'd done, running her fingers through Tenten's hair to untangle it, "We're going to make you look so irresistible, all the men will ask you to dance."

When I shared an unsure glance with the maid, Ino sighed, "Do I have to explain it where you can understand?" she huffed, "All men are possessive, no matter how much they try to deny or hide it. If he sees others giving you attention, he'll feel threatened. Neji won't have a choice but to approach you."

Tenten's blush remained, but she grinned, "Well, you did land yourself a prince, so I'll take a chance and follow your advice. Make me look pretty, please!"

Later on, it was time to line up for the wedding to begin. The Inuzuka man held my hand in the crook of his elbow. We partnered since Kiba was Naruto's best man, and I was Hinata's maid of honor. Tenten and Neji were next, followed by Ino and Sasuke.

Seeing the irritated look on the prince's face whenever my sister was close by was humorous because she talked ten times more than me. Usually, I'd feel bad for him, but he never apologized for pretty much calling me an emotional mess, so I didn't.

"You look beautiful tonight, Sakura," Kiba whispered so as not to draw attention in the quiet hallway. We were all waiting for the cue to begin walking.

"Aw, thank you. You look nice, too," I grinned at the Inuzuka man, who blushed but returned the smile with a shy one of his own.

He probably didn't hear it because he doesn't have heightened senses like a vampire, but Ino hissed, "Down, boy!" likely at Sasuke. A smile tugged at my lips, but I didn't turn around to confirm the notion.

Soon, the piano began playing in the large ballroom, and then we moved down the aisle at a measured pace. The scent of lavender and iris filled the air, stemming from the bouquets of fresh flowers decorating the end of each row of seating.

Time passed until it was finally time for Hinata to walk down the aisle. In a white tuxedo with dark blue accents, Naruto looked more nervous than I'd ever seen. When his bride entered, though, all eyes were on her. She looked gorgeous. The dress was ballgown shaped, an off-white that leaned toward lavender that matched her eyes and long-sleeved. It was the most intricate dress Ino's ever made. Lace layered over the entire thing, the pattern incredibly detailed.

Something made me pull my gaze from her, and I'm glad I did because when I looked at her soon-to-be husband, he was crying. My brow furrowed as I blinked back my own tears. I'm so happy for him. It's clear how much they love one another, and now they'll finally be a family.

Hiashi accepted a small embrace from his daughter before she stepped up to stand opposite Naruto, the Hyuuga elder taking a seat in the front row where it was reserved for the parents. He didn't look as angry as I expected, but he wasn't smiling, either. So long as he doesn't do anything to ruin their big day, I don't care.

Soon the sweet couple was wed and headed down the aisle again. I wiped at a few tears that made it past my barrier when Kiba and I were outside of the ballroom again. The newlyweds smiled eagerly at one another, kissing again before parting to face their wedding party.

A small laugh left my mouth as I threw my arms around Naruto's shoulders and hugged him tightly, "Congrats, you idiot. I'm proud of you."

He chuckled, returning the embrace, "Yeah, thanks, Saku."

When I released him, Ino took her turn congratulating him, and I turned to hug Hinata, who was delicately wiping tears of happiness. Her already soft voice was even harder to hear as she whispered while we embraced, "Thank you for everything. I know how much stress you've been under lately, but you still came through for me today. Words can't describe how grateful I am to have a friend like you."

"I should be thanking you for taking care of Naruto as well as you do. I know you two are going to live happily from now on."

Shakily laughing, I wiped at my more fervently falling tears and stepped away so the others could take their turns speaking with the couple. My fingers intertwined in front of my body, and I tilted my head with a small smile as I watched them grin and steal glances at one another every few seconds.

An arm snaked gently around my waist, and familiar warmth met my side. The mood was too warm, and I was too elated to remain upset with Sasuke, so I hummed softly and leaned into him.

"They look happy."

I didn't expect him to speak, so I looked up at him. He watched the pair as I'd been but met my gaze after a moment, eyes warm. Nodding, I slid an arm around him to return his half-embrace and averted my gaze back to the others, "They do, don't they?"

"Sakura, can you come to help me change?" Hinata's polite request distracted me, and I nodded, offering her an arm to hold so I could lead her upstairs.

Ino designed a pretty blue dress for her to wear during the reception. We have some time to kill while the ballroom is rearranged for the event, anyway. The Uzumaki bride seemed relieved to have some space from the group.

On the floor level of the castle, we entered the large bathroom that was being used as the bridal party's dressing room. I smiled as I unlaced the back of the woman's dress. It was silent but comfortable between us. That's one of the things I liked most about Hinata, she doesn't mind quiet once in a while, and it never feels awkward.

As soon as the dress was adequately unlaced, the timid woman turned to offer a grateful smile, a hand holding the front of the dress up to cover her chest so it wouldn't fall. I returned the grin, only for it to drop when I suddenly sensed a presence.

Someone was watching us, but I couldn't pinpoint where they were.


I shushed her, frantically gesturing for her to crouch in the far corner of the room, "Quiet. Stay low."

Whoever it was made the mistake of approaching the door in the hallway outside, informing me of their exact location. Eyes flaring up bright red, I took a calming breath before using my abilities to throw the door open and freeze whoever it was where they stood.

No one was there. The hall was empty from where I could see.

Cautiously, I stepped forward, not wanting to make sudden moves or sounds. Someone was definitely just there. Where did they go so quickly?

Another footstep could be heard right outside the room, but I hesitated to reach the doorway because that'd leave Hinata vulnerable. Sure, she's talented in self-defense, but she's no match for centuries-old vampires if they genuinely intend to kill.

Hoping she was close enough to hear, I sent my thoughts toward Ino, 'Someone's here. I think we're in danger. Hinata's with me, but I'm not sure how many there are.'

My muscles flexed anxiously when another step was heard outside, this time closer. A gasp of breath passed my lips when Ino's voice appeared in my head, though more quietly than usual, 'We're coming! Just hold on!'

In that instant, a familiar face appeared in the doorway: Kisame. Instantly, he and I were wrestling for dominance, only for a voice to come from behind me, where Hinata was, "Stop, or I'll kill this Syreni woman."

A chill ran down my spine. That was Zetsu's voice, but I thought Madara killed him. Nagato is dead, so how was he resurrected? Slowly, I turned to see he had Hinata unconscious already. She was held up against his front with an arm around her waist, his teeth bared at her throat with a threat to rip it to shreds if I didn't behave.

No wonder I heard someone when seemingly no one was there moments ago. He has cloaking abilities.

Kisame tried to wrestle my hands behind my back, but I angrily used my powers to break his fingers before he could manage it. Then a heavy wave of exhaustion fell over me, and I gasped for breath, struggling to keep my eyes alight for the heightened senses the trait offered.

I thought I'd recovered more than this, but I shouldn't be surprised. Tsunade said it could take weeks to potentially months to fully restore my energy. Until then, I'm vulnerable and weak. The crest hasn't even reappeared on my forehead yet.

Desperately, I attempted to hide my condition and hissed, "I'm not starving like before. I'll turn you to dust if you don't release her this instant."

'Hold Zetsu now!'

Ino's voice crossed my mind, and I obeyed without delay, holding my hands before me as I rushed the vampire in question and used my power to freeze his limbs before shoving him against the wall. Hinata fell forward, but I caught her in my arms. The moment I first moved a muscle, the sound of a struggle came behind me, but I had to ignore it lest I risk the new bride's life.

Sickening ice began to climb my limbs. When I looked down, the black webbing I saw when saving Sasuke in Amegakure was crawling up my arms. Panting for breath as I continued to subdue the green-haired vampire, I guided Hinata gently to the ground with one hand still reaching toward Zetsu, her head resting against my shoulder.

Finally, Sasuke came into my vision, his two brothers grabbing the Amegakure vampire so I no longer had to hold him. The prince knelt before me, eyes red but expression focused, "I'll take her. Let go." I nodded, allowing him to lift Hinata into his arms to carry her out of the room.

A hand grabbed my bicep to pull me upright, and I looked up to see Ino, concern flooding her blue eyes, "Are you alright? What's wrong with your skin?" When I looked down at my hands, the black vein-like texture hadn't receded.

Fugaku and his brother were subduing Kisame, the king surprising me with his presence, while Sai and Itachi dealt with Zetsu. Madara hissed at the blue-skinned vampire, "Where are Yahiko and Konan?"

Kisame completely ignored him, instead meeting my eye as I leaned heavily into my sister's side since I couldn't keep myself upright anymore. He grinned, sharp teeth white and dangerous-looking, "We're here to relay a message."

Ino gasped, her grip around me tightening.

Before she could say anything, Kisame continued, "We have the siblings of Orochimaru. If you wish to see them alive, you will travel to Iwagakure. The king is willing to spare their lives in place of your surrender. Look for us at the crossroads. If you don't come alone, we will kill them."

What! They have Tsunade and Jiraiya?

I didn't get to ask for elaboration because the muscular vampire's appearance changed. His silver eyes turned a familiar yellow, smile morphing into a serpentine grin, and then his entire body melted to the floor, leaving just a pile of empty clothing and foul-smelling blood. Turning around, I confirmed that Zetsu's body had disappeared the same way.

Madara met my tearful gaze with wide eyes. What just happened meant something terrible, and we both knew it.

Either Orochimaru survived, or Amegakure did a fantastic job impersonating him.