Chapter 49

After resting for a while, we began moving again. The plan was to continue toward Iwagakure. Madara can track us more efficiently than anyone else, and there's no telling if we'd successfully shaken the Ame vampires. There was no choice but to proceed with the original plan. We don't have the privilege of taking our time. Two days passed before we finally reached Iwagakure.

I wasn't sure how Sasuke would react to the news of my pregnancy, but I definitely didn't expect the change in his demeanor that occurred. I'm not allowed to so much as lift a finger without him wordlessly doing it for me.

It took hours of me complaining for him to let me walk instead of being carried, and even then, he kept a close eye on me. Once we made it to town, he fed me. The prince made me take more blood than I usually would, too, which made me worry if he could keep his strength up, but he refused to hear a word.

While traveling, it was sweet and cute how he cared for me, but now it's beginning to annoy me a little because I'm barely even showing, and he's already acting this way. What will he be like when things get worse? I can't even imagine how stressed he'll be.

In the middle of the night, upon arriving in Iwa, I was startled awake like I had in the car before it'd been flipped on the road. Sitting up quickly, I hissed at Sasuke, who'd been lying at my side, "Someone's here."

We both got to our feet, him signaling me to be still while he peeked around the window curtain.

The odd panic heightened, and I grabbed his hand to tug him away while whispering, "Get away from there! I think-!" The window suddenly busted open, glass flying everywhere. Sasuke quickly moved us across the room, standing broadly so whoever was attacking couldn't see me.

I didn't need to peek around him to know who it was because I recognized their voice in a heartbeat, "This isn't what it looks like, I promise." It was Tsunade.

My brow furrowed as I peered around Sasuke's side. He placed an arm in my way, but I still asked, "Why are you here?"

She was alone. The look on her face was guilty and sad, like she dreaded being here. "I'm here to bring you to Yahiko."

"Why would you do that? Aren't we allies?" I asked shakily, holding Sasuke's arm between mine.

Her topaz eyes watered, "We are, but I can't choose you over Jiraiya. I'm sorry."

Then, I understood the situation. After failing to capture us when our car was wrecked, the Amegakure vampires changed their plans. Rather than wait to see if we'd show up at the crossroads they said to find, they decided to send a friendly face rather than an enemy. They'll kill Jiraiya if Tsunade doesn't bring me back with her.

I can't even blame her because she's right. Why would I mean anything remotely close to as much as her partner of over a thousand years? That's the love of her life. They share their master's blood, too.

"And I can't choose you over-" "If you don't come with me, you'll die, Sakura. You know it. They know it. That's why they sent me alone."

Sasuke finally spoke, cutting off my reply, "Can you save her? Lie, and I'll kill you here and now. Then, your mate will die as well."

Tsunade's tears overflowed, but she made no move to wipe them. Her voice was unsteady, "I don't know. They have access to medical information I've never seen before, and they said it'll be enough to keep you and your offspring alive, but I can't promise they're not lying."

I hissed, "You expect me to surrender on an "if"?"

"What other choice do you have? You won't even survive terminating the pregnancy at this point. I only managed because I was at full strength and cared for by others in a safe place. You were nearly at death's door when you conceived."

Sasuke's hand, the one connected to the arm I was holding, gripped a handful of my dress in response to her words. Her words just now had a visceral effect on him.

She continued, taking a step forward but nothing more, "Listen to me. I can't promise you'll live, but they swore to leave you in my care until you either give birth or die. As you are now, I'm not sure you have more than a few weeks left."

I held the prince's arm more tightly, nearly sobbing as I took in her words, "What happens after I die? What if my babies live? They'll be in those monsters' hands, and you must know they intend to kill you and Jiraiya, too."

"Of course, I know that, but what choice do I have but to try? He's my-!" The woman choked up before swallowing and trying again, "What if I promise to get them out?"

My blood turned to ice, "How?"

Sasuke interrupted again, speaking to me, "What-" "I'll get them out if you agree to meet Jiraiya and the children and take them to safety," Tsunade spoke to the prince.

He growled, "We can't trust you."

"I will also die making this happen. I know I can do it, and I'm willing to make a blood vow if that's what it takes to convince you."

The term "blood vow" had never come up in conversation before, so I was surprised but didn't feel all that curious because the name likely gives all one needs to know. Probably, two vampires exchange blood with a promise, and if one or the other breaks it, they die, or severe punishment will occur.

"Would that mean she has to do as promised, no matter what?" I asked, just to confirm.

He didn't answer my question. Instead, he said, "Vow to do everything you can to save and get her out, as well."

I stepped around him, causing both of them to look my way. Tearfully, I searched the man's face, "You're actually considering this?" Usually, it's me making the risky moves, and he's the one questioning my decision-making skills.

Sasuke's jaw flexed, eyes already alight from when Tsunade arrived. When he responded, his voice was thick and tense with poorly subdued emotion, "You're dying, Sakura. If there's even a chance…."

Just like that, it was like I accepted my fate. The situation's so bad that even the over-protective prince is desperate enough to risk this hopeless plan.

I burst into tears, squeezing my eyes closed and whispering, "But we'll be apart."

He hesitated momentarily before placing a hand on my head and guiding me into his chest, his other arm wrapping around my waist, "If we kill her or run now, we won't find another way in time." I held handfuls of his shirt, sniffling into his chest. "Sakura, I…I don't want to do this, either, but I can't lose you again."

Brow furrowing, I looked up to see tears welled in his eyes, too. The hand atop my head gently slid into my hair, fingering the long strands as though they were as delicate as flowers.

When he spoke again, his voice wavered, and the words he said were something I never expected to hear, "I know you're scared. I am, too. I want to go with you, but if-" He closed his eyes, pressing his forehead against mine to gather his composure for a moment. I stared wide-eyed at him as he tried again, "If you don't make it, I have to be there for our-" My shoulders shook as I sobbed, holding his face in my hands.

He kissed me, tears overflowing to mix with mine, "I'd rather have you. I would, but you'll never forgive me if we both aren't there for them, will you? If thisis all I can do for you now, I'll do it."

The man knows me way too well. Even if his words and actions are actively breaking my heart, we both know he's right. If I do die, and he foolishly throws his life away trying to prevent the inevitable when there could potentially be innocent children that belong to us for him to rescue, I'd never be able to rest, even in death. I'll haunt him for the rest of his years.

"You promise?" I managed to ask.

Sasuke pulled back enough so our eyes could meet again, nodding before glancing over at Tsunade, who'd been silently watching our painful goodbye, and then returning his gaze to me, "If there was another way, I'd never let this happen."

I nodded, kissing him again.

His eyes narrowed, voice becoming firm once more, "I love you." Repeating the sentiment, I hugged him tightly.

He held an arm around me but bit into the palm of his other hand, "Make the vow. If you break it, I'll personally ensure you suffer until this world ceases to exist."

So, she won't immediately die if she doesn't follow through with her promise?

"I vow upon my free will and identity to do everything in my power to preserve Sakura's life and the life of her offspring. Should she perish and they survive, I vow to have them returned to you unharmed," Tsunade paused before continuing, "Now, you vow to get Jiraiya to safety and protect him from Amegakure afterward."

Sasuke made the vow, and then it was time to part.

Unable to stop crying, I shared one last kiss with him, "I-I love you. I'm sorry."

He shook his head, a heartbreakingly tortured expression on his flawless face, "No, I'm sorry. This is my fault." When we parted, and I stepped away, he tilted his head with tears overflowing again, "Please, don't die."

I stole one last look before Tsunade pulled me away out of the broken window, memorizing his appearance because I knew I'd need it for strength against what was to come.

Once in a nearby alley, the blonde muttered, "I know it means nothing to you, but I am truly sorry for this, but it's Jiraiya-" "I know," I cut her off, glancing behind us when an odd sensation made my pulse rise, "If you break your vow, I swear I'll come back from the dead and drag you to hell with me."

Suddenly, Tsunade grabbed my arm pulled me to her, turning around completely. Shoving against her, I didn't realize what was happening until I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Release her now, and I'll make your death quick."


"Let go," I muttered, tears brimming heavily again as I turned to face the man only a few yards away.

He seemed to realize I'd come willingly and frowned, "What is going on? Where is Sasuke?"

After glancing back to silently reassure Tsunade that I wouldn't run, I walked up to the man and hugged him tightly around the middle. He cautiously returned the embrace, "Sakura, answer me."

I stepped back, officially crying for the millionth time in the last few days, "I'm pregnant, Madara."

Dark eyes widened, and his large hands enveloped my smaller ones as he pulled my arms away from my body and looked over my appearance as though seeing me for the first time all over again. When he finally spoke, his voice was quiet and terrifying, and his eyes turned bright red to order me, "You're not going with her."

Sniffling, I shook my head, "She's the only one who has a chance of keeping me alive. If I don't go…."

The Uchiha man quickly understood the situation, straightening his posture and addressing the blonde vampire behind me, "Take me, as well."

"N-No, you can't!"

Tsunade nodded, "Please understand why I kept this to myself, Sakura, but I recognize the stone in your ring." My entire body felt cold as ice as I recalled what Madara had said about it. "There's a strong chance Sasuke will die when Sakura does. We need you to be ready to receive the infants and Jiraiya in his place."

Suddenly, my acceptance of my death evaporated. I'd forgotten entirely about the myth that our fates are intertwined. If it ends up being true, then…. "Madara, please," I pled without reservation, "You have to figure out how to protect him!"

He searched my face with an expression that said he was just as upset as Sasuke and me, "I can't, Sakura."

Gritting my teeth, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him lower so I could search his face, gently cupping his cheek with my other hand before whispering, "I entrust them to you if Sasuke also-" I choked, squeezing my eyes closed before continuing, "But I'm begging you, don't let him die. Please do this for me. You're the only person I can ask!"

The tall man didn't react other than continuing to stare at me with blazing eyes. Slowly, I released his shirt and face, stepping away toward Tsunade.

He didn't stop me.