Chapter 56-Finale

The entire drive back to Konoha, I couldn't stop glancing at Sasuke with a soft, happy warmth coating every inch of my being because he's not my boyfriend anymore. He's not even my fiance—Sasuke's my husband. The prince likely felt the same as me because he stared at me and the baby almost every time I looked his way. 

If I wasn't struggling not to explode with joy, I was sleeping. Though that was the case, I was still beyond exhausted when we pulled up through the first gate of the castle. 

My hands trembled anxiously as I looked around at the familiar trees on either side of the long road. None of the three men with me mentioned how things had been in my absence, but I can imagine Ino's broken heart without all that. What will she say or do? Is she going to be angry? I missed her and the others so much it hurts to think about it. 

"Perhaps it's best if I park further away and warn everyone before you enter," Madara mused, glancing at me in the rearview. 

I nodded but then shrugged, groaning, "I don't know. I'm so nervous. Will it be okay, do you think?" 

A hand landed atop my knee, and I looked over to meet Sasuke's warm gaze. He nodded once but said nothing. 

Swallowing anxiously, I nodded back, "Alright. Let's do that. I don't want to just walk in. It might be too much of a shock for everyone." 

"And what 'bout me? You gonna lock me back up in that damn cellar?" Hidan asked sourly, sounding as though he'd already expected me to confirm the suspicion. 

I opened my mouth to do just that, recalling all the crimes he'd committed against me and Konoha, only for Sasuke to cut me off, "You'll make an oath to do no harm to us or Konoha if you don't want to be in chains again." 

My gaze shot over to the prince in shock, but Madara nodded before I could ask, "Without his help, this might not have ended so happily, Goddess. He nagged us until we agreed to look for you." 

Hidan's jaw flexed. I could see it from the back seat, but he didn't turn to face me or even say a word. Frowning, I slowly nodded, "...Okay. I trust your judgment." The primary reason for his crimes was that he was bound to Amegakure through Yahiko and Nagato. Now that both are dead, he has no reason to harm me or the others. 

"Not to sound ungrateful, but I'm fucking surprised you don't want to kill me, Babe." 

Before I could correct him, Sasuke bit, "Call her that again, and I'll change my mind." 

A smile tugged at my lips. The prince has always been protective and a little possessive, but I feel those traits will be heightened for a while. Regardless, I added, "If you hadn't given me those keys in Ame, I'd lock you back up, but you did," I paused, lowering my voice sarcastically, "Not that they did any good, but still." 

"Geez, really feelin' the damn love," Hidan scoffed but didn't argue further. 

Madara soon pulled the large car to the side of the road. He and Hidan walked ahead while Sasuke moved to the front seat, and we watched the duo. 

Looking down at Sarada, I brushed her chubby little cheek with my thumb, smiling when a gummy grin tugged at her lips, pretty dark eyes gleaming up at me, "Thank you, Sasuke." 

He met my eye in the rearview when I looked up. 

"I'm so happy, and it's all thanks to you," I whispered in an unsteady voice, trying not to cry. 

Sasuke hummed warmly, turning the car back on and beginning to drive us slowly up the rest of the way to the roundabout in front of the castle's main entrance, but he said nothing. A small laugh passed my lips as I looked down at our daughter again, wiping shakily at a tear that managed to overflow. 

Upon pulling to a stop at the bottom of the staircase, the prince got out and opened my door, speaking quietly, "I'll carry her." Carefully handing Sarada off, I accepted his free hand and stepped out of the car. 

As soon as we walked around the car and began the trek up the stairs to the large entrance doors, they flew open, and a flash of blonde hair and watery blue eyes met my vision before Ino tackled me into a tight hug. I thought I'd maybe make it through these reunions without crying, but I was oh so wrong. The moment I heard and felt my sister sob against me, I, too, broke down and hugged her back. 

Ino shook as she kissed my hair and squeezed me tightly, "Don't you ever do something like this again, or I'll never forgive you! Do you know how-!" Her breath hitched, causing her words to cut off, and then she sobbed loudly again. 

"I-I'm so sorry!" 

If the situation wasn't so serious, I'm sure it'd be a little comical how hard we both tried to speak through our crying. 

More than a minute passed before she finally loosened her hold, but I was immediately pulled into another embrace, this one belonging to the queen. The usually gentle and soft touches Mikoto offers were firm and trembling, pretty tears marring her beautiful features when she pulled back enough to look me in the eye, "Oh, Sweetheart…." The embrace was so full of love and matronly warmth that I couldn't help but hug her back, squeezing my eyes closed. 

Sai, Itachi, Izumi, and Tenten took turns greeting me and threatening violence if I scared them all like that again.

Finally, I faced the king, bowing weakly as all the emotions had worn me further than I'd already been. It was silent as I waited for him to say something, and when he didn't, I remained bowed and whispered through tears, "I-I know I've been trouble since I arrived, Sir, and I'm-!" A hand gently landed atop my head, Fugaku's gruff voice meeting my ears, "Lift your head, Child. An Uchiha daughter should stand proud." 

My spine straightened in surprise, and I met his gaze tearfully. Rather than the cold and guarded look I'd grown used to, there was a warmth reminiscent of what I often see in Sasuke. Somehow, it helped me calm down, and I nodded, squaring my shoulders back with a sheepish grin, "Understood." 

To no one's surprise, I fell asleep soon after arriving home and slept for almost two days. When I woke up, I felt a million times better and finally had the energy to explain to everyone what happened. 

"So what you're saying is that Daddy was like the father of all angels but not technically God?" Ino asked in a way that made it clear she'd already accepted she'd never fully understand. 

I nodded, "He said I'll have new powers, but I haven't discovered any of them." 

"You'll not be resurrected again if you die now," Sasuke said bluntly. 

He, Ino, the queen, Izumi, Sai, the babies, and I were all in the family room after dinner. 

"He's saying not to throw yourself into danger like you always do," Sai added before I could respond, sounding as though he genuinely believed I couldn't infer that on my own. 

Sighing, I said, "I know. I won't. Believe me; I've had my fill of danger for a very long time." 

"It'd better be forever, Dear," Mikoto hummed, smiling warmly as she played with Inojin, who was lying on a soft blanket between us on the floor with Sarada. 

Ino was holding my quiet and content daughter. After an extended pause, she cooed childishly, "You look so much like your papa it makes me wanna cry!" 

A scoff left Sasuke's mouth, but I laughed shortly and leaned into his side with a knowing grin as he glared unseriously at her, "Well, I can't picture an Uchiha heir with pink hair, can you?" 

The queen giggled prettily, "I think adding some color has done us well so far. It'd be lovely if you could both give me more grandchildren. Perhaps one will surprise us with your features, Sakura." 

"We're not having more children," Sasuke spoke so quickly he nearly cut his mother off. He wasn't casual anymore. 

Frowning as the mood turned serious, I agreed, "It's probably best if we don't. It literally killed me to have Sarada." 

Izumi finally piped up, having been uncharacteristically silent, "You said you're stronger now, didn't you? Maybe it'll be different the next time." 

My husband's fingers intertwined with mine, squeezing as he opened his mouth to argue, but I interrupted before he could, "I'd rather be safe than sorry," grinning at the dark-haired baby giggling at her aunt, I added, "Besides, why would we another one when we got it so perfect the first time?" 

Sasuke looked at me with a smirk, leaning down to kiss me before nodding once. 

"I digress," Mikoto sighed, but then she perked up again, "Should we begin planning for your wedding, then?" 

I stiffened, glancing at the prince beside me to see his response. 

Ino gasped, "No way! How dare you!" 

Everyone looked at her expectantly except for me and Sasuke, who glared, but she returned the look with one of betrayal, "They already eloped." 

Then, the room turned their stares onto us. I thought they'd all begin chastising us, but to my surprise, Sai started laughing. Izumi joined in, and the queen even placed a hand over her lips to suppress a giggle. 

My gaze turned to Sasuke, a brow furrowed in confusion, but he just shook his head, appearing irritated. 

Once the laughter faded, Izumi explained, "There's been an ongoing bet since we rescued Obito from Amegakure on whether or not you two would run away together." 

Sai leaned his back against the sofa with a grin, "I believe Itachi, Madara, and I have come out victorious." 

My heart stopped before a blush flooded my cheeks. 

To avert the topic, I asked, "Speaking of Itachi, where's Temari?" Mikoto turned to Izumi with an attractive smile, "Where do you think she is about now?" 

The brunette woman grinned excitedly, "Probably halfway through introducing her new fiance to the Suna king." 

I gasped, "No way! Shikamaru?" 

She nodded. 

Lowering my voice, I hesitantly asked, "And you? Are you and Itachi…?" 

The girl's smile widened further as she dramatically pretended to fan herself, "Oh, I don't know. Perhaps there's something going on between us, perhaps not." 

Another gasp left my lips when I noticed a hefty-sized diamond on her finger, "Congratulations!" Tears in my eyes, I suppressed my eagerness by hugging Sasuke's middle with one arm, "Everyone's getting married, huh?" 

Sasuke's arm wrapped around my waist, holding me more firmly against his side. After looking around at everyone, I covered my mouth and buried my face into my husband's shirt. We're at the start of our own happy ending, too. Glancing up at the man, utter adoration warmed my chest when he let a tiny smile slip. 

I can't wait to spend forever with everyone, especially him and Sarada. 

When I first saw Sasuke, his gaze was full of hollowing emotions like rage and discomfort, but not anymore. In those gorgeous dark eyes lay a million different feelings: relief, protection, attention, and, most of all, love. 

Now, Sasuke's eyes are full, the most beautiful change of all. 


That is the end! I had a few other plotlines I wanted to explore, but I feel like it'd be beating a dead horse at this point. 

Thank you so much to any and all who read my story! 

It's always a nice, somewhat bittersweet feeling to finish something after working on it for so long. 

I may go back and re-edit over time, but consider this the end of the Empty Eyes story! 

Please check out my other stories, and let me know your thoughts on this one, too! 

Thanks again!