
Even after brushing,the taste of vomit clung to the back of her throat. It was something that happened everyday. She wasn't sure if it was an every day situation anymore because this day was the same. She relived the same day repeatedly. But this was the first time of that every day that she had to live as an Erased. So The Seeker had called her.


She shook her head at the truthfulness of the word as she slid out of her panties. The blood on it told her that although she was reliving the same day differently, nature took it's course as though it was different days. Maybe it was. She wore her pad,got dressed and headed out to go buy another pack. Nobody acknowledged her. It was like she wasn't seen. Even Bob Evans,who catcalled her every morning, didn't talk to her. She really was erased. After purchasing the pad,she went back to her apartment. She had no appetite. She just wanted to die at this point. The depression was creeping in .

     She regretted everything. Her addiction to conspiracy theories and her contract with the organization from the Article. If only she had been smart enough. Or had listened to Ghislaine.

She cussed herself. The loneliness and sadness was eating her up. Yesterday's event played in her mind. If she could call it yesterday. The tapes rolled in her mind as she remembered her death. She remembered how excited she was.



She was excited.

It was the closest she had been to the time. The other times were right at 9:05 or 5 seconds into it. No more,no less. She thought she'd win, but she couldn't. She thought about the first time she started the game. She had been hit by a car. The second time,she had been shot. The most ridiculous one was when she bumped into someone and fell off a flight of stairs that had no rails. That person she bumped into must have been her killer.

Killer 14 -Alana 0

Her player band bleeped and she tapped it, quickly.

  "Alana" The seeker's muffled voice came through.

  "Yes sir"

  "Unsuccessful again"

  "I know,I'm trying"

  "It's okay, you can try again tonight"

  "I know"

  "Try staying at a police station or something"

Alana's eyes lit up.

  "That sounds amazing"

  "I know, you'll succeed don't worry".

With that the call was over.

Alana liked The Seeker,he helped her with ideas. Even though they never worked,she liked the effort.

   She will go to go to the police station. She'll stay with an officer.

It just might work.

She set her alarm and slept off.

6:39pm. The alarm went off. She woke up and got ready to go to the police station.

After getting dressed,she opened the door. A palm covered her mouth and her eyes widened in fear.

It wasn't time yet.

"Shhh" she felt the person say.