To start with, I need to create proper infrastructure - with schools, roads, hospitals, waste management areas, research centres. In order for all that to happen, I need to build printing press. I also realized that metals in this universe are quiet malleable (not sure only if its in this universe, since Iron Pillar still stands in modern India where I came from) when treated with energy flow properly undergo mutation and tempering which can be used to make synthetic metals. So, I need more blacksmiths who also can properly utilize the energy flow in their bodies to make proper metals, something I have learnt from how goblins make their own metals.
Creating a printing press was easy. Papyrus was already discovered. I created proper bamboo farms to make paper and use the printing press to copy primer books regarding History of India and the world, Geography of India and the world, Biology (studied animals and plants in their natural habitat - thus listing down different herbs and medicines by observing animals), Sciences (Which were present and collected from across the world - I was already a 2nd gene-lock limit breaker, and hence I could user wizarding magic and could thus apparate around the world and collect knowledge from all over the world. I used all that knowledge to create primers of various subjects and made Physical (I called it Martial practise) and Mental arts( art of protecting your minds) compulsory for all citizens. Once, the infrastrucure was built, schools opened, mandatory schooling for all children under 15 was established. Breathing technique was established, but I observed that it took children 4-5 years to get comfortable with it and start influencing their energy flows and sense it, though to a very hazy and minor state. Slowly, through sensing them, they updated their breathing techniques to make the energy flows within them robust and denser such that they dont snap and block each other when the kids grew up. The success rate decreased for the grown-ups and those above 50 could not utilize the technique at all. Still mental arts were taught to all for protecting their minds, be it a kid or an adult. The same exercises were made mandatory for wizarding children of the nation too. Proper wizardry school was created in a manner similar to Hogwarts of the future, so that no Salem witch trials situation happen in India. Also, normies are able to use wizarding magic if they break through 2nd genetic lock anyway. So, only 5 star individuals were in the knowhow after International Statute of Secrecy was introduced.
I divided every field of study/practice into 5 stages - Once cleared, they are ready to break through their 1st genetic lock. Breaking through caused increase in life span. (I have an inkling that once, I breakthrough all the 46 locks, I might be able to become immortal or could travel the mutltiverse without any issues)
At the same time, I initiated the infrastructure plans - 1st step was to build roads. Iron was readily available. I created 10-tempered iron to make rods and made rectangular cuboids using them to be put under the roads, since I noticed they emitted very low but uniform magnetic fields (which I think can be used in the future to make floating cars). Although the whole process took around more than 100 years to do, I was able to make roads parellel and perpendicular to each other and spread across all over India. I baricarded the jungles to stop them from being cut down, created roads along side the seashore across the nation and the rivers. Building dams was an idea, but it was later when famine arrived 200 years later that I started working on them. Prior to that, I created a wall bordering the nation to the west of India, in order to discourage being invaded from Middle East Asia. Also, all the passes to the North and North-east of India were manned and properly barricaded with reinforced walls, to stop invasion from North. The south remained unprotected until 1000 A.D. before the 1st ships were built. The whole slew of ships were built to patrol the seas of India to stop any invasion.
The last few things before I abdicated the throne was creating a psionic metal, which is when metals treated by psionic energy (mental energies) could be used for telepathic purposes, but it has a weakness that any telepath in the future could intercept the messages. So, a proper encryption for the messages and hiding them from telepaths were the proper way to go. Guess, I was venturing into psionic technology. I will let the researchers work on it and come up with proper technology. I will share with them my findings and thats what I did. Ofcourse, by the time they came up with proper technology to use them for communication across the nation, telephone was invented and they used simmilar concepts but with better metals and non-hackable communication modes. Thank God, they did not popularize it outside India before the World War II was done with.
After abdicating the throne, I dissolved monarchy, since I never had any descendent. (Sad life - Since I broke through my 1st genetic limit at 17, I was too manly to have sex with a woman who didnt have their genetic limits broken if you get what I mean, so never had children). I established democracy and every post was made with proper requirements from 1 star (high school level) to 5 star (PH.D and inventors) and all the limit breakers were ordered to go back to obscurity and not meddle directly with the affairs of the normies (non-limit breakers). The limit breakers were given silver star (beyond 5 star) as designation and they worked more on breaking their limits further and only intervene when the nation is in danger or the planet is in danger. By that time, I has already broken through 10th genetic limit (in 500 years), however it is taking longer and longer as we go ahead. Till now, in 1000 A.D. there were only 50 limit breakers all over India - with 2 2nd limit breakers. I hope the numbers increase by the time modern age arrives. With that, I left the palace and changed identities and became a researchers. Since, almost everyone owns their own labs, I created one of mine too and worked on creating unique IDs for all that cannot be hacked or duplicated. For that, I will need energy signatures from mental and physical which will include soul imprint on the card and since, no 2 people can have both energies same ever nor can they be imitated, the cards would become full proof IDs which can be used for banking and other licenses in future. Guess, I should introduce it before 1750, so that when foreigners arrive, they will be treated as foreign guests, it should be the final nail that saves the nation from become parts of the slavery system, which was abolished 1000 years back when I was on the throne.
Now, all I have to to is wait for the middle ages to pass and the modern era to arrive and the age of worldwide warfare. I will make sure India does not get caught up and take part in the wars and protect its own borders instead. Maybe, create a Red Cross type organization and go around saving people instead of killing soldiers would be worthwhile things to do, so, a search and rescue team made of 5-star individuals in medicine and martial practice. Things to worry about in the future