Now What's Going On?

Really?! Mia screamed frowning deeply as she watched her sister run into the house.

Then she remembered her boyfriend, she turned to him, he was still frozen, staring at the direction Blue ran into.

I will go talk to her, Ricardo said.

Please do, Mia snapped

Ricardo walked into the house leaving them by themselves.

Baby? What's wrong? Mia asked in fear.

Its fine... I'm fine... I just...

I know you don't like cats and it freaks you out, I will make sure she takes that thing out of my house or I'll send it out myself.

What if....

No what if's... She can't keep that animal! She said and August made a grimace.

Before he could speak, she dragged him with her, still fuming.

Getting into the house, Ricardo knocked and was allowed to come in after getting a suspicious glare from Blue who was being protective of her new pet.

She made him promise he wasn't going to try taking the cat away from her before he was allowed in.

Blue rushed back to the cat she already dropped carefully in her spare towel, then she continued drying his body.

While the cat meowed in a lovely manner, he glared at Ricardo.

Let me help you with that, Ricardo offered when she picked up her brush to brush the cats fur.

Eyeing him, she took just a step back to give him room to tender to the cat, but the cat on seeing him with the brush moved away from the spot he was kept.

He went to Blue, wiggling his tail with pleading eyes.

Ricardo tried to pacify the cat but he only got rejected.

I think he still needs to warm up to you, let me do it, Blue said then took the brush from him.

The cat wiggled his tail again as Blue carried him, then began brushing his fur..

It likes you already, Ricardo said wearing a nervous smile.

He not it, Blue corrected with an eye roll... I think I should think of a cute name for him, she added with a smile as she racked her brain, to think of something nice.

Are you sure about keeping... him? Ricardo asked.

Yes, I'm not letting them take him from me this time

But your sister....

She will learn to love him,can't you see how adorable he is? she asked dropping the brush then started ruffling the same hair she brushed cutely..


Blue? Mia called from outside.

I told you, she will definitely come around,Blue said going to open the door.

On opening the door,she met with Mia's angry face.

You can't keep that cat, she said with a mean face.

But why?

My boyfriend is not comfortable with it!

But he doesn't even live here, Blue pointed out.

You mean his opinion doesn't matter? Mia flared up.

That's not what mean, Blue replied almost breaking down.

What the hell do you mean then?!

What I'm saying is... I mean August doesn't live here...

You said that already! Mia snapped.

What I mean is, I can keep Beiber with me in the room whenever he comes, he doesn't need to see him.

Beiber? You already named him after your favourite artist? What has come over you? This cat is... she paused when the cat glared at her, he was lookimg at her like he was boring holes into soul then he wiggled his tail signalling Blue to drop him.

She dropped him and he ran off.

What was that? That cat is evil! Mia screamed looking as shocked as August when he first saw the cat.

That glare was intimidating,she was shaking like a leaf already.

Evil? Come on Mia, Beiber is a cutie, didn't you see his cute eyes and the crown? Blue asked smiling as she used her eyes to look for him.

What crown? And those eyes are devilish! Jeez Blue, i know you love cats but this one.... no, i'm not letting that devilish cat stay in my house, what do you....


No no!!

Go away!! They heard a loud scream.

Their eyes almost popping put their sockets, both of them ran to the direction it came from,Ricardo followed them.

They got to Mia's room,there August was, curled up at the edge of the bed, his head buried in his palm.

He looked terrified.

And the cat.

It was right there beside him on the bed looking as pitiful as ever, yeah to Blue but not to Mia.

What the hell!


I'm throwing this cat out! Mia screamed going grab the cat but she received a glare which made her take a step back.

Are you alright? Blue asked August.

Does he look alright to you?!

Your scary little cat obviously has a hand in this! she barked.

Thats not true, Beiber is just a little lovely cat, how can he scare someone as big as August? Blue asked with a chuckle.

Mai who was holding August, trying to calm him down heard her chuckle and her blood boiled.

She sprang up on her feet and went to face Blue.

Mia, you should calm down,there has to be a mix up somewhere,the cat can't....Ricardo was trying to defend Blue when he was cut off.

Are you throwing the cat out or should i do that myself? Mia asked sternly pointing at the innocent looking cat.

Blue rushed to the cat and carried it.

I can't throw him out,she said confidently.


All the havoc its causing means nothing to you?

I'm asking you as your twin sister, this evil cat can't stay here, Mia said almost loosing patience.

And I'm asking you as my twin sister, let me keep this cat, just this once, please, Blue begged with teary eyes.

Her face already turned red.


Please Mia,I won't let himself go close to August ever again,she continued begging.

You have to choose,me or the cat, Mia spoke looking very serious.

Mia! Ricardo called shocked at how she wants her sister to choose over a cat.

Its just a cat! Why do you have to ask her to choose? he asked

You are joking right? Blue asked.

Choose Blue, she replied with the same energy as tears poured out of Blues eyes.

Blue nodded then stared at the cat, ruffling his hair, more tears poured out of her eyes when she looked into his eyes.

She smiled out the pain in her heart as she kissed the cats fur.

I'll leave, Blue said stunning everyone in the room.

No Blue, you can't do that, Ricardo said going over to her.

Mia swallowed hard as she tried not to make eye contact with Blue.

I already got attached to him,I can't let him go,so I will have to leave instead, it doesn't make us enemies either,you are my twin and I will always love you but maybe its time to face the real world, take care sis,Blue said then went to her room.

Ricardo chased after her.

August smirked as he watched Blue walk in with the cat.

Mia rushed over to him.

Are you alright? she asked and he nodded.

You know that wasn't necessary, I'm alright, he said.

Medicine after death 🥴🙄

I can't let the cat stay, its not my fault, Mia defended acting nonchalant, pulling him to her.

Few minites later Blue csme out of the room with her box on her right hand and the cat on the left.

Sad, Ricardo trailed behind her.

Mia stared at her but she didn't look at them.

The cat glared at them and they cringed

Don't come with me,Blue spoke softly to Ricardo who couldn't hide his sadness.

He wasn't even allowed know where she was moving to or to help her.

Kissing the cat,Blue dragged her box out of the house leaving all of them stunned at how serious she was.

She's gone, she took it serious, Mia muttered looking lost.

She didn't pick me, she said again as tears poured out of her eyes.

The tears she has been trying to hide, poured put freely and heavily.

Its okay, I'm sure she will come around, August comsoled but his eyes were on his wrist watch.

I'm not sure about that, do you think i went to far? she asked.

You were just angry,she understands, August replied patting her hair.

His eyes went to his watch again.

Oh my God! he screamed.

What's wrong? Mai asked, worried.

Shit! I need to be somewhere,I will see you later baby, please be fine e,he rushed his words, kissed her cheek then ran off before she could say anything.

Take care of her, please,he whispered to Ricardo who was giving him suspicious looks.

Having no other options, Ricardo went to her.

She looked pitiful.

First it was Blue, now August, she muttered.

He only stared at her,not knowing what to say.


August drove in high speed.

He didn't want to loose her.

What if she already drove too far since she took her car? he wondered nervously driving without caution.

He can't miss her.

He has to meet up with her.

Where are you Blue? He muttered as he tried to follow his instinct on which road to take.

Deciding to follow his heart,he took the road going to the left.

There is a private hotel down the road,she must be on her way there.

True to his thoughts, he got a glimpse of her car driving ahead of him.

Excitement surged through him as he followed her.

She drove into the hotel and he watched her from outside.

She got down and walked in, he too drove in.

He stayed in his car till she sorted out her bills,took the key and began climbing the stairs.

He came in and followed her secretly till she walked into her room.

Smiling in satisfaction,he walked back to the receptionist to book a room too.

He has to keep a clear eye on her.

He won't let her slip through his fingers, never.

He walked into his room.

We did it, he said like he was talking to someone then he bowed with his both hands behind his back.

After that, he began taking off his clothes with a smile on his face.