Chapter 13 – No Justice Like Angry Mob Justice

Walking around like a zombie, Adam cannot help but stare into the very spot that he last saw Conrad alive. And when you stare into the depths of hell with vengeance in your heart, then hell will reflect back at you a greater retribution in its belly than you can ever imagine.

Emotion subverts logic. It is in a different section of the brain. The logic side waving its hands at Adam's emotional side, but it was having none of it. Hate swells inside of him now. He will agree to Wilcox' terms and take on the mission to get rid of the Kraken.

Emotion is contagious. When one is filled with the most negative of feelings, it gets passed down to the nearest entity. The crowd of residents of Harbor Village are still shaken up over the death of Conrad. Fear is the strongest of emotions because it is the easiest to control. Now they are feeding off of the rage and revenge of Adam Belfort.

Out of nowhere, more people came out of their domicile. All that was missing was the pitchforks and torches. Turning this emotion inside out, they lashed out against the ferocious brute. "The Kraken needs to be stopped."

Another villager responded, "It just reacting to its instinct."

"This is no glider accident this time," said part of the crowd. "The beast attacked Conrad in cold blood."

A concerned mother said in a shaky voice, "It could reach out with its tentacles and grab our kids."

The responses came in to fast and loud, it was difficult to make out what anyone was saying. "Silicon Beach Realty knew the Kraken was dangerous. Why haven't they done anything about it?"

One man got frustrated. "How could they have predicted the feeding of a sea creature in its own environment?" The crowd yell him down.

Jensen was not for the arbitral killing of sea life without purpose. "Does that mean we kill every squid we see until we get the right one?"

"That's why we need someone like you Karl with the experience to know the difference."

"So you want to hunt something because it is doing what we all do and that is kill a living being so we can have our steak dinner."

Many in the crowd would not give Jensen eye contact. "I've never killed an animal in my life," shouts another villager.

"Do you eat meat?"

"Of course. Who doesn't?"

Jensen walks around in a semi-circle as he reaches to them. "Oh, so you are fine eating the flesh of a living being as long as someone else does the killing."

The crowd went silent. He gives them a long hard stare. "Hypocrites!"

Mumbling sounds permeated among the crowd until many do not now know what side to take. Then one bloodthirsty man shouts out. "Yeah, but if one of us killed someone in the community in a brutal way, you would want that person brought to justice… wouldn't you?"

"Yeah," said half of the crowd. Many seemed split on the issue. They all agree that something needs to be done. Many of them feel that a hero needs to emerge to slay this beast. A voice in the back of the throng pitches her voice for all to hear. "Which one of you cowardly men will lead this quest and save our village?"

One by one, all of the men glance around at each other, but not one would volunteer.

"That's what I thought," said the same woman, "Not a man among 'ya."

"I'll do it." All heads turn to the voice. It is Adam Belfort. As if he was Moses splitting the Red Sea, Adam makes his way through the crowd with wide steps as he walks up front. "I'll be that person to hunt the beast!"

Murmurs of, "You Adam."

"Are you sure?"

"Well he could..."

"I don't think so…"

"…what experience does he have?"

"…does he have a plan?"

"…let's hear him out."

All eyes focuses on Adam. "Who thinks it's a good idea that we should stop this thing?" Adam pulls his shoulders back with his chin held high. There is a gleam in his eyes as if he discovered some sort of inner light.

As if they are speaking in one voice, the crowd yells out in one, "Yes!"

Adam looks straight into the eyes of crowd like a used car salesman closing the deal. "I cannot do this alone. It takes a team to win any sports. We are from San Diego. We all know that." With a sense of calm, Adam continues, "A good leader takes advantage of the talents of others and brings them together for a just cause."

Someone yells out a clique line, "Yeah, there is no 'I' in team!"

"Precisely," Adam agrees. "So, my question for the people of Harbor Shores is… who will join me." Adam throws his right fist into the air, but the crowd said nothing. It was as if someone turned off the sound.

Looking like the fool posing like the Rocky statue on the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Adam slowly lowers his arm. He shakes his head in disgust. "Oh, I see," said Adam. "It was fine when someone else was going to risk their life. 'Kill the beast' and 'Yes, we want it dead'. But, when asked to step up and take the matter in your own hands, it's 'not me, I don't want to do it'

"Well," Adam continues, "Do you think I do? Huh? I had to dig deep inside of me to get the guts to even volunteer for a mission that I have no expertise in just because it's the right thing." He throws his hands in the air. "Ah, it's not like I would trust anyone one of you to bring us back safely anyway," Adam says through his teeth as he forces restraint.

Embarrassed, the throng all stand still like soldiers guarding an armory. Then Adam saunters passed them. As he does, he stares at each one, but they avoid his gaze. He spots Jensen and stops. "However, there is one man I know I can trust. Not only the one man with the skill to get the job done, but someone I call a friend. Someone you all know has your back no matter what." He walks right up the crab fisherman. "Karl Jensen!"

Jensen looks back at Adam. A flush creeps across the old fisherman's face. Then Jensen glances back at the crowd. Finally, back at Adam. Jensen gives a forced smile. "I appreciate the kind gesture. I too see you as a good friend Adam. You and Ashley have treated me like family. I look to you as a brother and wouldn't hesitate to give my life for."

Adam responds. "How come I hear a 'but' coming?"

Jensen crosses his arms. "The mission is crazy. I'm surprised at you Adam."

Adam says nothing. He has a big lump in throat. He starts to speak, but his voice cracks. "You won't do it for Conrad?"

"That's not fair. Of course, I would. If I was there that day, I would have put my life on the line to save him. But, hunting a creature that was only looking for her next meal will not bring him back." Jensen shakes his head. "Sorry." Then he turns away from Adam and leaves. As Jensen goes down the dock, his trusted companion Nikita runs up to him.

As Adam watches his friend turn his back on him, he must somehow deal with the crowd and the emotions he just built up. "Well, if not Karl," Adam says, "We'll find another brave soul. In the meantime, go back to your apartment with the assurance that the beast will be taken care."

The crowd disperses and mumbles to themselves on how brave Adam is. One person missing is Ashley. Adam is relieved because she would not allow him to take on the mission. She would agree with Karl and say that it is a fool's errand. Somehow, he must find a way to present to her so that he will not be risking his neck. Oh, God… what did I get myself into?


Striding down the gangplank of the docks, the crab fisherman picks up his little dog and heads towards the Shrimp Dancer. He climbs aboard and lets Nikita off inside. As he sits in his cabin of his boat, he reflects on what just happened. Karl Jensen cannot believe that his friend Adam Belfort would put him between a rock and hard place. Jensen has faced many a dangerous situation. When you go out to sea, you do not think of it as bravery and being fearless. You just do. You do not have time for such nonsense of fear or what if's.

While inside, he hears some voices above. He climbs out and sees the other fishermen. Oh, crap. They are going to give him a hard time about not volunteering. However, he is surprised by their response.

"Glad you spoke up to that landlubber Belfort," one of the fisherman Louie said.

"Ah, his heart is in the right place," Jensen said. "But, you all know that you just can't go out to the sea looking for trouble. Because as sure as we are standing here, it will find you."

"Wonder where he is going to find someone foolish enough to sacrifice their boat for his hunting expedition?" says another fisherman.

"Heck with the boat," says Louie, "If he dares go up against the Kraken, the loss of a boat is the last thing on my mind."

Jensen nods his head. He was going to dispute him, but thought better of it. Instead, he decided to change the subject. He brings out the latest gadget he bought at the bait and tackle shop. "This UV light will bring me to the 21st century."

"About time you crusty ole' crab," Louie laughs.

"Planning on playing disco music with that Karl?" jokes another fisherman.

"It will help me track down critters that hide in the bottom of the ocean," Jensen replies.

"Get out of here," says a third fisherman."

"Here, I'll show you," Jensen replies. He sets it up. Flips the switch, but it will not turn on.

They all laugh, "Yeah, I see it works real well."

"I see them critters real nice." They continue to laugh.

"Ah," said Jensen, "There. It's all new, so it takes a while to get it going." He points it to the harbor. Highlighted on the bottom of the water all kinds of sea life scatter about. No one is laughing now.

"Wow, Karl," one of them say, "When you out there tomorrow, it'll be like shooting a gun into a fish barrel."

"Do that again?" Louie says, "Point that thing over there."

"Now don't expect much. It works best at night. This way I don't have to pull anchor so early."

"Whoa," says one of the fisherman, "What's that?"

"I didn't' see anything," said another fisherman.

"Right there," said the first. "Jensen, point that thing over there."

Jensen does. All of a sudden, bursting out of the water is the beast. Louie yells out, "It's the Kraken!"

"Nonsense," said Jensen, "There is no such—" Just then it jumps out of the water. As she is airborne, the villager got to see for the first time its immense size. As she comes back into the water, she causes a big splash.

All of these season fishermen just freeze in place. Not one moved or said a word.

Breaking through the silence is Nikita. She runs up to the spot where the beast was and barks up a storm. "Nikita," yells out Jensen, "You'll just cause her to return. I have never seen her react this way before."

They all look out into the harbor and spot the creature rolling along the surface of the water. Now it swims right towards them. There is nowhere to run as the dock is narrow. One by one they dash off to the side.

The beast of Fukushima swim right along the docks. But, the fishermen all make it safely to the boardwalk side and up the gang plank.

Jensen is out of breath. He puts his hands on his knees, as his breathing goes back to normal. Louie says to him, "Now do you believe in the legend of the Kraken?"

"She is a big one, I'll give you that." As Jensen straighten up to collect his wits, he looks over and notices that his dog is missing. Sure enough, the little shih tzu is still on the dock. She growls at the beast. Then she barks viciously challenging her.

Hearing the barking, Adam comes runner towards the pier. All of the others join him. And Nikita keeps up the barrage of barks. She thinks she is bigger than she is.

Quickly, Jensen runs down the blank towards the dock. The colossal squid lifts up one of her arms to take a swipe at the dog. But it just can't reach it. Adam is now by his side. Jensen is relieved as he reaches over to grab his fury companion.

However, the beast would not give up. She pushes her giant girth against the dock. Jensen and Adam loses their balance. But, Jensen regains it enough to charge towards Nikita. As he gets closer, he sees the creature right next to the docks. She makes another pass. She bumps the dock again.

Jensen almost fell and had to go to one knee for balance. When he does, he sees his beloved pet falling into the water. Nikita looks behind her and sees the beast coming her way. Frantic, she leans forward on her chest. Then moves her front paw and back legs alternating them. The poor dog uses this technique to get back to the dock. However, she is just moving at a slow trot.

Coming at full force is the Kraken. The beast is on her home territory now. She is about to pounce. Afraid of what the squid will do to Nikita, Jensen jumps in to save her. But, is he too late. The tentacles move forward to grasp the dog. The beak opens up in anticipation of her feast.

If the tentacles get a grip on the dog, it might be difficult for Jensen to grab Nikita. It is now or never. Jensen reaches forward and grabs her and the colossal squid just misses.

Jensen hands her off to Adam. The dog pants in excitement. Adam has trouble holding her as Nikita wants to save her master. Jensen puts his hands on the dock to pull himself up, but it is just a bit too high to thrust his weight upwards. He swims towards a rope ladder. He reaches for it, but is instead grabbed by the beast.

The Kraken has Jensen, but not a tight grip. His clothes make it difficult to dig in. Jensen fights back, but realizes that she is just too strong. The squid wants to make quick work of her prey and opens her beak.

Adam watches in horror. "Watch out Karl."

Jensen ducks his head. He manages to slip slightly downwards. With all of his might, he pulls himself loose. But his left hand is still caught by the beast. Instead of his arm, she rips his jacket off instead and Jensen is free.

Now that he is no longer the beasts next meal, Jensen pulls both hands and forearms toward the center of his body and sweeps forward. As he does, he notices that his left arm is in pain. He grips the rope ladder. He pulls himself up, but grimaces as he puts too much pressure on the left arm.

Adam drags him out of the water before the beast arrives. He is safe on the dock. Some of the residents come rushing forward to see if he is okay. One of them is Ashley. The first one to arrive to see if he is alright is Nikita. She runs over to him and Jensen picks her up with his good arm. She licks his face as he hugs her.

"Adam, can you hold her for a while." Even holding her as light as she is, causes Jensen discomfort.

"Is there something wrong?" asks Adam.

"No, it's just—" he winces again. "—never mind… I'm okay."

Adam takes Nikita from him. "No you are not. You look like you're in pain."

Jensen's attempt to hide it fails when his left arm seems distorted. "Karl, you are not okay." He takes out his cellphone. "I'm going to call an ambulance."

Jensen puts his good hand on his cellphone. "No, please. I'm okay."

Ashley runs up to them. She takes one look at Jensen's bloody arm. "My God, what happened?"

"Don't be brave Karl," said Adam. "You need to go to the hospital."

"Do you know how much an ambulance ride is?"

"If that's all you are worried about," says Adam, "I'll drive you." He hands the dog to Ashley.

She says, "I'll look after Nikita. The important thing Karl is that you take care of yourself."