M30 Buenos Aires dead!

A shadow crosses the night and lands a few steps from the tree. The walkie-talkie hits the ground and the jacket absorbs part of the blow. This is it. Iñaki looks at the sign again and screams:

"M30 Buenos Aires dead! M30 Buenos Aires dead! M30 Buenos Aires dead!"

Iñaki's vocal cords vibrate angrily, Rambo howls with him and the canned sound explodes on the floor. The creatures turn their bloody heads. Expressions of rage and hunger are directed at the device. Eduardo and Mike stand still like statues.

"M30 Buenos Aires dead! M30 Buenos Aires dead! M30 Buenos Aires dead!"

The sound continues to attract the dead and Iñaki continues to empty his lungs over the walkie-talkie.

Iñaki's throat burns and even so he continues to scream. A large number of infected have already arrived at the place where the small speaker lies, many others are on their way. Some stragglers from the bus and others who were swarming around the area joined the group of listeners. There are still some around the tree.

Then a zombie steps on the walkie-talkie. But his foot slips and falls face down to the ground.

"M30 Buenos Aires dead! M30 Buenos Aires dead! M30 Buenos Aires dead!"

With the binoculars glued to his eyes, he distinguishes five infected who, with their gazes on Eduardo and Mike, are still standing under the tree. "5 is the best -Iñaki thinks as he shouts- is the best we are going to get". His companions seem to read his mind and jump.

"M30 Buenos Aires dead!" Inaki screams louder than ever. "M30 Buenos Aires dead!"

The figures fall on the grass inches from the 5 infected, roll, and begin to run towards the urbanization. The rest are still gawking at Iñaki's voice. The light reflects off their white countenances as they breeze toward the highway. The 5 are left behind.

"M30 Buenos Aires dead! M30 Buenos Aires dead!" Iñaki finds it hard to breathe. "M30 Buenos Aires dead!" His head hurts. "M30 Buenos Aires!..." Gets dizzy. "M30!..." he takes a hand to his forehead, stops screaming and Ramboo stops howling.

The audience then turns interested in the movement of the 5 and begins to follow them. Iñaki presses the button again and tries to scream but a cough rashes his throat.

Thirty zombies join the pursuers, but they have lost sight of their prey.

Mike and Eduardo have crossed the highway and Iñaki sees how they cross the basketball court next to the urbanization, turn right further on, he loses sight of them for a few seconds and they reappear at the door. The door opens. Eduardo and Mike come in. Safe and sound. Thanks to him.