Training Under Anko Mitarashi

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in hues of orange and pink, I found myself resting in my grandfather's garden, though I had to be careful as some of these flowers were poisonous. The gentle breeze ruffled my hair as I leaned back against the wooden railing, lost in thought.

The day had been eventful, to say the least. I had spent the morning completing over 12 E-rank missions around the village, earning some extra Ryo in the process. which with I got more batarangs, and I managed to wrap explosive tags on them. Thankfully one needed to add chakra to it to make them explode and there was at least an 8-second delay. But even now, as the evening settled in, I couldn't shake the feeling of restlessness that gnawed at my insides.

I glanced down at the small stone necklace that hung around my neck, the one my grandfather had given me years ago. It was something that belonged to my grandmother. I'm not sure how lord Tobirama would react to learn that my mother got pregnant by a Uchiha. many of the memes from the past made him seem like a racist. But reality can always be different from what one thinks. And since I knew what was to come story-wise, I hoped I hadn't changed it too much yet. Sighing, I stretched my arms over my head. I planned to change many things, but would it be for the better or worse only time would tell.

Lost in thought, I found my mind wandering to the power that had surged within me during the mission in the Land of Waves. Moonhidora was probably hatched within me now, and I needed a way to connect to my inner world and talk to them. Naruto could do it but that was later down the line, and I wasn't willing to wait until then. maybe if I feed it more it would reach out on its own?

As I gazed out at the tranquil scenery taking the moment to relax as the last of my clones turned in a mission and vanished. Boy was I glad that my money would be put into my account. Smiling, with shadow clones there wasn't a limit to what I could do.

I heard the sound of footsteps approaching from behind as a sliding door was opened, and I turned to see my grandfather standing in the doorway, his expression unreadable.

"Ayumi," he said, his voice gentle yet firm. "There's something we need to discuss."

I frowned, sensing the seriousness in his tone. "What is it, Grandpa?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

He hesitated for a moment before speaking walking closer to me and resting his arms on the wooden railing, his gaze searching mine. "You will be assigned a new teacher," he said finally, his words sending a jolt of surprise through me.

"A new teacher?" I repeated. "But why? What's wrong with Izumi?"

My grandfather's expression softened. "It's not that there's anything wrong with Izumi," he explained. "It's just... a decision that has been made by the village elders."

I bit my lip, well this couldn't be good, not that I would hate learning more but I felt more comfortable with Izumi and if I had a new teacher there were things I wouldn't be able to use. I had grown accustomed to training under Izumi's guidance, and the thought of starting over with someone new was something I honestly didn't want.

"Who will my new teacher be?" I asked, trying to push aside my apprehension and at least learn who they would be.

My grandfather eyed me as if trying to get a feel. "Anko Mitarashi," he said finally.

Anko Mitarashi. The name was familiar, and I had heard about her and tried to remember what I had seen about her in the anime. She was a student of Orochimaru, which wasn't bad and she had tried to kill him or would try to soon once the exams started. His ex-student might be able to teach me some fun stuff. I personally had nothing against her, but that brought up a question of my own. " what will happen to Izumi?" 

My grandfather sighed, his gaze distant for a moment before he answered. "Izumi will be joining the Anbu. Lord Third believes her skills and unique abilities are better suited for that division. She has already agreed to join"

"I see," I said quietly, trying to mask the disappointment in my voice. "I'll miss training with her."

"I know you will," my grandfather said gently, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "But Anko is a capable teacher. And I'm sure if Izumi is around and has free time she will be willing to help you train."

I nodded, trying to muster some enthusiasm. "I'll do my best and I'll keep that in mind," I promised, though a part of me still felt uneasy about the whole situation.

As the evening wore on, I retreated to my room, the weight of the day's events heavy on my mind. If I was going to be training under a new teacher, I needed every advantage I could get. right Naruto did that once I think when he was talking to the nine tails.

I moved to my bed and sat cross-legged, closing my eyes and taking deep, calming breaths. The necklace around my neck felt warm against my skin as I tried to reach out in my mind.

"Moonhidora," I whispered softly, feeling slightly stupid. "Can you hear me?"

At first, there was nothing but silence. I concentrated harder, visualizing a dark, endless expanse within me. Suddenly, I felt a faint pulse, like a distant heartbeat. 

"Moonhidora," I called again, louder this time. "I want to talk to you." But still nothing, well, nothing in life is done on the first try, right? trying to comfort myself as I kept trying through the night before falling asleep at some point.

The following morning came too soon, and the lingering disappointment from the previous evening clung to me as I made my way to the training grounds. The sky was a brilliant blue, and the air was crisp, as I ate some buttered toast.

I approached the designated meeting spot. As I drew closer, Anko Mitarashi came into view, standing with her hands on her hips. She wore her signature trench coat and mesh bodysuit, her wild purple hair blowing slightly in the breeze.

"Well, well, if it isn't Ayumi Kure," she called out as I approached, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "I've heard quite a bit about you."

I swallowed, trying to push down my nerves. "Good morning, Anko-sensei," I said, bowing slightly in respect. "I'm looking forward to training under you."

Anko's eyes sparkled with mischief as she looked me over. "We'll see if you can keep up, kid," she replied, a playful grin spreading across her face. "I've got high expectations, especially since you're a Kure."

I straightened, meeting her gaze with determination. "I'll do my best," I promised, hoping to prove myself.

"Good," Anko said, clapping her hands together. "Let's get started then. Show me what you can do. I want to see your skills firsthand."

We moved to a clearing in the training grounds, and Anko watched intently as I went through a series of basic techniques and exercises. She occasionally called suggestions, on how I could have done things differently, her keen eyes missing nothing. Despite her playful demeanor, it was clear she took training very seriously.

After what felt like hours of demonstrating my abilities, Anko called for a break. "Not bad," she said, handing me a canteen of water. "You've got talent. But talent isn't enough. You need to push yourself beyond your limits. Remember you need to put in hard work"

I nodded, taking a sip of water. "I understand. I'm ready to work hard."

Anko's grin widened. "That's what I like to hear. And since it seems you're barely even tired, let's talk about strategy and improvisation. I want to see how you handle unexpected situations."

We spent the next few hours running through various drills and scenarios, each one designed to test my adaptability and quick thinking. Anko's methods were unconventional and often involved surprise attacks and tricky maneuvers, but I found myself enjoying the challenge. Hell, I came close to being bitten by a few of her snake Jutsu's more times than I'd like to admit.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the training grounds, Anko finally called it a day. "You did well, Ayumi," she said, her tone approving. "I think we'll get along just fine."

I couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Thank you, Anko-sensei."

She waved a hand dismissively. "Don't thank me yet. We've got a lot of work ahead of us. But I have a feeling you're up for it. Just one week before the chunin exams"

I nodded, determination burning in my chest. "I won't let you down."

As we parted ways, I felt my clones finishing up more missions around the village. Training under Anko Mitarashi was going to be intense, but it was exactly what I needed.

That night, as I lay in bed, Anko's training would be tough, but I was more determined than ever to succeed. And with Moonhidora's power still waiting to be unlocked, I knew I had a long journey ahead of me. 

Before drifting off to sleep, I tried reaching out to Moonhidora again. "Moonhidora," I whispered, feeling a bit more confident this time. "I will become stronger."

The next five days passed in a blur of training sessions with Anko and completing E-rank missions around the village. Each day brought new challenges and lessons, and I enjoyed this style of training, it was different from what I had become used to, hell I even learned two interesting Justus. But one question lingered in the back of my mind, waiting to be asked.

As the sun began to set once again, signaling the end of another day of training, I mustered up the courage to broach the subject with Anko.

"Anko-sensei," I said, approaching her as we prepared to part ways. "I have a question."

Anko glanced at me, her expression curious. "Shoot," she replied, as she was eating a dango stick.

"I was wondering... if you could teach me about summoning, I've heard about it before, and I think it could be a valuable skill to learn." Well, I didn't lie I did hear about it in my life on earth while watching the show, and I knew it was a powerful tool to have.

Anko raised an eyebrow, studying me for a moment before responding. "Summoning, huh? That's not an easy technique to master. and depending on the creature you summon things can get dangerous."

"I understand," I replied, nodding eagerly. "But its something that could help me and even keep me alive during the Chunin exams."

Anko seemed to consider my request for a moment before nodding. "Alright, kid. I'll teach you what I can. But like I said, it won't be easy. You'll have to prove that you're worthy of the summoning contract. I have a scroll and we will see if you have an affinity for it. if not then you're going to have to find another scroll on your own"

 "Thank you, Anko-sensei," I said gratefully.

"Don't thank me yet," Anko replied with a smirk. "We'll see if you even have enough Chakra to even summon something. Training starts tomorrow, bright and early."

With that, she turned and walked away, leaving me standing with a smile on my face. I needed every advantage I could get for the Chunin exams. As I made my way home for the night after putting more of my money in my account.