Thunder Star Body

"Hmph." Lai Hai smirked. She then turned over to Li Pao, who has been mainly quiet throughout this entire trip. Shrugging, she asked her, "Are you going to stick around too? You're far more bearable to be around than those other bastards." 

Li Pao was a bit startled. She didn't really have that much of a clue of where to go from here. Thus, she similarly shrug and nodded. "Might as well continue on going with the flow." 

It was a bit strange for the trio. But there was a better sense of peace between them. 

At the very least, they could find common ground on the fact that each of them was whole heartedly swayed by Lin Xiang's never-ending prowess. ...

At this time, deep inside the 2nd layer of the mystical temple. Dazzling lightning radiance continually flashed across the open hallway. 

The rippling power of this dazzling lightning radiance wasn't merely divine. It completely transcends.