Song Yu and Yin Xinya who was observing on the sword mountain peak, wryly smiled.
"Your kind really are troublesome, huh?" Song Yu suddenly stopped speaking.
She, Yin Xinya, and Xie Ya snapped their gazes to the highest spot on the mountain peak.
It was there that an unfathomable pulsating of divine aura swept through the entire training realm!
All inferior beings had to bow to this divine aura. Even Exalted Origin powerhouses weren't allowed to throw their weights!
Naturally, this supreme divine aura rippled from Lin Xiang. He took a light breath, the air he exuded twisting space apart as his divine aura surged to greater heights.
But this had only lasted for a second.
The very next moment, he recalled his unfathomable divine aura. The entire world instantly regained its calm.
Though, Lin Xiang's presence remained mysteriously enthralling, enrapturing any souls in just his general vicinity.