
"See that you do," the Saint Ruler replied, her smile as bright and beautiful as the sun itself. "For now, put aside all thoughts of war and vengeance, and focus your energies on the preparations for my longevity feast. It is there that the fate of our dynasty shall be decided, in the crucible of diplomacy and intrigue. You must be the very picture of grace and poise, the living embodiment of our family's noble spirit."

"As you wish, Royal Mother," Queen Xue murmured, her head bowed in reverence. "We shall not fail you."

With a final, beatific smile, the Saint Ruler vanished in a burst of searing white light, her divine presence fading from the mortal realm like a dream upon waking. 

But even in her absence, the Dragon trio could feel the weight of her expectations upon them, the burden of her trust and the terrible price of failure.