Luna's P.O.V

I sighed and twist the door knob going out of the door and when I was about to step out, I heard a voice from behind making me flinch and look at them seeing Jay and Ethan

"O-Oh hi Ethan and Jay"

"Hi Luna sorry for startling you and not giving you a heads up for today"

I giggled and scratched the back of my head and giggled

"It's fine Jay, but what are you two doing here? Aren't you both supposed to be in class?"

"Oh we were wondering if you want to come to class with us? If that's ok?"


We walked off and came to the hallway where all the students were, I feel like my anxiety has came back my hands started shaking


I looked up at Ethan and smiled

"You ok? I see your hands shaking"

"U-uh yeah I'm just nervous"

"Ok, oh here we are in your Homeroom"

I looked at my side not seeing jay

"You have the same homeroom as him Don't hurry, he went inside first because Benjamin pulled him in"

I nodded and he looked at me

"See you after classes Luna"

"See you later Ethan"

I smiled and waved at him going inside, I saw Benjamin, Jay and Jake talking Benjamin saw me and waved making Jay and Jake smile signalling me to come to them

"Hey Luna sit here"

Jay pointed the seat beside him

"We purposely saved you a seat"

"Really? Thanks"

I sat down and smiled as the three of them talk

"So Luna what are your plans after class?"

"Hm maybe just go around school and advance study"

"You really like reading don't you?"-Jay

"Yep I've had that habit since I was like 6 or 7, how about you guys?"

"We have Soccer practice today"-Jake

"Oh really that's quite sad since I don't get to hang out with you guys"

"Oh but you can come and watch!"-Benjamin

"Or just wait for us"-Jay

"I guess, I could stop by"


I smiled as we continued to talk until our Professor comes in


Luna's P.O.V

Classes were over and basically it's 2am in the morning, me and the three headed out of the classroom seeing Ethan, Samuel, Johnny and Riki waiting for them outside not until Samuel saw me


I waved at him and he went to me

"Lucky! Jay, Jake and Benjamin are your classmates"

He whined and I giggled at his childishness

"Why would I be lucky Sam?"

"Because I had to be stuck with 2 annoying kids"-Samuel

"Hey we aren't annoying and especially we aren't kids!"-Johnny & Riki

I chuckled at Johnny and Riki looking at Samuel acting like kids who got snitched by their Older brother

"Don't mind them Luna, so what're your plans today?"-Ethan

I looked at Ethan and smiled

"Oh I'm actually planning on going to the library to read some books or maybe doing some advance reading"

I told him and He made an 'o' sound and I nodded

"If you get bored come and see us at the Soccer field"-Johnny

"Sure I'd love that"

I said with a smile and they smiled back

"I have to go guys Bye!"

"Ok! See you later Luna!"-Samuel

They walked off the opposite direction as I walked the other way to the library. I arrived at the library and basically just picked some books that caught my eye and just sat down with the stack of books I picked out, casually reading the book when suddenly someone stood Infront of me

"Um excuse me you are blocking the light"

I said and they didn't move an inch, I became annoyed and looked up seeing three girls standing Infront of me I recognized the two of them which is Eliza and Michelle but the other girl I don't even know

"So all alone now Luna"-Eliza

"And? Do you have any problem?"

I said and Eliza scoffed grabbing my hair making me hiss in pain

"Don't you dare talk to me like that Luna"-Eliza

"I talk whatever I want to, I don't care Eliza you are not someone I should talk to nicely because you are a b*tch!"

I said and she pulled me out of my seat and Was about to slap me, when I closed my eyes waiting for the impactbut nothing hit my face, I slowly opened my eyes seeing and Jay Infront of me, Ethan holding Eliza's wrist

"What do you think you are doing Eliza?"-Ethan


Eliza was trying to get her hand out of Ethan's grip but failed

"Let go!"-Eliza

"And what? Hurt Luna again not a chance Eliza"-Jay

"Just let me go?! You are hurting me!"-Eliza

I held Ethan's hands and he slowly looked at me with anger and fume in his eyes

"Pls let her hand go"


Ethan slowly let go and Looked at Eliza

"Don't bother Luna again Eliza or else"

Eliza looked at him scared and ran off with her two minions, they both looked at me worry written all over their faces

"You ok Luna?"-Jay

"Um yeah I'm fine"

I said fixing my messy hair

"I think you should go back to your dorm"-Ethan

"But Ethan I promised you guys to come watch you practice, I can't back down on my word"

"Ethan's Right Luna, Eliza is currently just in campus grounds and she might cause a scene over and over again"-Jay

I sighed and smiled

"Fine I'll go back to my dorm and study there"

They smiled and helped me with my books as I tried to protest but they didn't budge and just continued carrying it, I just sighed and once we arrived I opened the door and let them in

"Where should we put these Luna?"-Ethan

"Oh just at my desk pls"

They nodded and out the two stacks on my desk gently, they were about leave when I stopped them they looked at me confused

"Um thanks for protecting me from Eliza lately"

Jay smiled and ruffled my hair

"Always Luna, we have to get going we just went to the library to um return a book"-Jay

I nodded

"I'll maybe come by to your practice"

"Ok! See you later Luna"

I waved at them as they closed my door lightly as I went to my desk and started reading