Benjamin's P.O.V

I sighed as I looked at Jay as he put the box Infront of Luna's dorm, he knocked on the door and he dragged me to the far corner and peeked through

"Why don't you just give it to her personally? And what was even in that box?"

I asked him annoyed, if Ethan scolds us well mostly me since that dude literally is whipped for Jay

"It was a kitten, remember she said she wanted a black cat? I bought a kitten like a week ago to give it to her"

I sighed as I peeked seeing her coo at it and went inside her dorm

"Ok she got the kitten let's go or we will be late to practice again"

Jay nodded as we walked towards the field, Johnny saw us as he smiled waving at us I guess they just got here

"Jay, Benjamin I thought you two will be late again"

I giggled ruffling his hair

"Don't worry I'm not always late Jay always made me late"

Jay punched my shoulder as I hissed

"Geez don't use your super strength you are totally unfair using your powers Jay"

"Not my fault, you sometimes get on my nerves"

I was about to smack him when Ethan showed up, feeling his gaze towards me I retreated my hand as Johnny snorted a laugh

"Yeah yeah Johnny very funny"

"Sorry it was funny seeing you hold in like that"- Johnny

"I see you and Jay got in here early now Ben"-Ethan

I nodded

"Yeah, Jay just dropped off the kitten he bought a week ago Infront of Luna's dorm even though he is severely allergic to cats"

"Jay? Did you really do it?"- Ethan

Jay huffed looking at him

"C'mon what was I supposed to do? Luna wanted a cat"-Jay

"And you are allergic to cats you shouldn't be holding one"-Ethan

"The kitten was in a box ok? That's why I didn't get allergic reaction"-Jay

"What was all the sneezing you did?"

Jay glared at me as I shrugged


Jay looked at him like a puppy getting scolded wait- scratch that a kitten getting scolded by its owner, as I sighed going to the locker seeing Riki and Jake talking


They both looked at me and smiled

"Hey you got in early today"

I giggled

"Jay is the one making me late not me Jake"

"Whatever you say, wait where's Sam? I think the 6 of us are here except for him"

I looked up and sighed

"Samuel you having the ability to stick on walls is nice and all but it can get people to have a heart attack"

They looked up and gasped

"Sam! Did you take my banana milk?!"-Riki

"No I didn't I went to the cafeteria before I came here, I was the first one so maybe I could just chill up here looking at the two of you having a conversation about Biology and what not"-Samuel

"If I see the fridge full of Banana milk missing one, I swear I'm gonna beat the hell out of you"-Riki

"It's not like I'm gonna die remember we are immortal"-Samuel

"Yeah oldie"-Riki

Samuel gasped as I sighed, these two really argue alot as I took my uniform and put it on

"Let's go?"

Jake nodded as we left the two to bicker inside as I looked at Johnny talking to Michael

"Hey where's Jay and Ethan?"

I said as as I approached them, they immediately pointed at the two of them having their own world as I rolled my eyes at them

"Why can't they be together, they have to rub it in on us"

"Just leave them be, so let's do some stretching?"-Michael

I nodded as we waited for all the players to come


Jake's P.O.V

Practice has ended and I was so exhausted literally Ethan had a bad mood today

"Hey Jake?"

I looked at Jay


"Can we go back to the dorm I want to rest where are we even going?"-Jay

"Yeah practice was already tough, and now we are walking towards the other side of the Academy now"-Benjamin

"Ethan told me to go here, now all of you shut up and let's go"

They groaned as we walked towards the end of the hallway seeing the big door, Jay opened the door and inside was Ethan sitting on a chair while looking at the table Infront of him

"Tan? What's wrong now?"-Jay

"Rogue Vampires are on the run again"-Ethan

"Eh?! I thought they won't bother us now! We already killed the King like a hundred years ago!"-Riki

"There must be a new leader now and we have to be careful especially the people around us since I know they will target those people"-Johnny

Jay widen his eyes as we get what he was trying to imply



I cursed underneath my breathe as Ethan sighed

"Don't worry about that, we protected the others before in exchange of erasing their memories we can protect the-"

Ethan was soon cut off by Jay

"So we are erasing their memories too?!"-Jay

Ethan looked at Jay

"There might be a chance"-Ethan

"No! I can't lose my sister Ethan! I waited to see her for a hundred years, I-I can't"-Jay

We looked at the two of them worriedly as Ethan sighed nodding

"Ok then, our secret is on the line"-Ethan

"Where are Kyle and Nathan when we needed them the most"-Jay

We nodded as we all sighed clearly stressed from all of this

"Tomorrow after class, straight to this room and without anyone noticing ok? Especially Luna she can't know about this"-Ethan

We all nodded as we headed towards our dorm getting some water and heading towards our rooms as I layed still while Jay is on the other side scrolling through his phone.

"Everything's gonna be alright right?"

Jay looked at me and lightly smiled and nod

"Yeah it will Jake"