1.3 Let's play

Caspian walked behind the emperor as he strode to the elevator. He could feel Eben's eyes on him, but ignored him. He stood behind the emperor as the elevator started. They rode in silence and went to the dining room. The two guards opened the doors and they entered.

Camilla was standing in front of the chair on the emperor's left. The emperor had a seat at the head of the table, and she took a seat when Salvatore said:

"You may have a seat."

The two guards inside closed the doors, and Caspian and Eben stood on the side in case the emperor needs something. He honestly doesn't understand how the original could stand that.

He was born into a wealthy family, but he has to be Salvatore's bitch just because the Ellis were jealous. He has already thought of ways to make money. All he requires is to create something that everyone will need.

Technically, he would steal the invention, but who cares? He'll start by creating cell phones. In this universe, people use letters, or pigeons, to send messages. Caspian glanced around the room, bored, and his eyes landed on one guard in front of the doors.

He was tall, dark, and handsome. He seemed to feel his eyes on him since he looked at him. Caspian kept staring at him despite being caught.

The man felt his heart skip a beat. Caspian is already the most beautiful ger you'll ever lay eyes on, but the way he was staring at him, he felt as though he was the only person in the room. He looked away, slightly uncomfortable, and Caspian smiled.

That man fit his type to a T. He loves shy and unassuming men. Caspian likes to see someone's emotions on his face. He doesn't like the cold and unfeeling type. He checked Silas and saw that his name was Drea.

Since he'll be here for the next 80 years, he might as well find someone to spend them with. In his universe, it's impossible to be with someone your entire life. Life technically doesn't end, people don't even marry.

They have relationships and children, then when they are done, they move on. They usually stay together for less than 150 years. But he likes the idea of being with someone for a lifetime. When he felt eyes on him, he looked at the emperor.

He smiled brighter and Salvatore gazed at him expressionlessly for a few more beats, then resumed eating. Caspian's eyes flashed in amusement. He's not surprised about Salvatore's personality.

Hades is exactly like that. He is rough and vicious. The only time he saw him smile was when he finally caught him. Camilla looked between the emperor and Caspian with a frown.

She doesn't even understand how he can stand right now, let alone smile. She glanced at Eben quickly, then at the emperor. She smiled and told:

"Your majesty, I was wondering if you'd like to go to the theater tomorrow night, they are playing L'avare."

Caspian prayed he would tell no, if he doesn't, he'll have to watch a play. He'd rather die. The emperor looked at Caspian's frown, then at Camilla, and answered:

"We'd like that."

Caspian narrowed his eyes at him. That son of a bitch said yes on purpose. When the emperor glanced at him with a raised eyebrow as if to say do you have something to say, he looked away annoyed. The emperor looked at his plate again, his eyes seemed to have a gleam.

Caspian went to his room when brunch was over. He had brunch while the emperor and Eben were in court. As he ate, he listened to what was happening there and thought of a way to undermine the Ellis.

Right now, what he needs most is to get closer to the emperor, but he would rather not do that. He needs to make himself invaluable to the emperor and the empire. He grabbed a brush and worked until morning court was over.

He waited in front of the emperor's imperial study until he came. As he waited, Caspian looked at Drea one of the guards in front of the study. Drea was avoiding his eyes, and when he finally looked at him, he smiled.

Drea smiled at him and then looked away. Caspian tilted his head with a smile. The other guard felt like the third wheel. He was slightly surprised to see such a straightforward ger. They're usually bashful.

Salvatore walked to his study and the guards opened the door. Eben left since Caspian was there. It's fine, he has to meet the empress anyway. Caspian entered and remained at the side until the emperor needed him. He's basically Hades' bitch.

Caspian watched a movie using Silas. He paused the movie when Salvatore ordered:

"Come grind ink."

Caspian stood at the side and did it. The first thing he'll create is pens. This is so fucking ridiculous.

As he did, he could feel Salvatore look at him. Caspian glanced at him and asked:

"Does his majesty wish to ask me something?"

Salvatore asked:

"Have you become a eunuch to find yourself a match so you can have a better life?"

Caspian felt like slapping the shit out of him. Salvatore knows full well that all he had was taken from him, so even if that was the case, why would he be so judgmental? Despite the deep hatred he felt for Hades, he asked:

"What does his majesty mean?"

Salvatore's eyes darkened. He held his chin and turned his head. When Caspian met his eyes again, he warned:

"Do not lie to us."

Caspian said:

"Your majesty, asking this servant to be honest, isn't fair."

Salvatore tightened his hold.

"Telling us the truth isn't fair?"

Caspian answered:

"It isn't. If this servant speaks openly and his majesty is offended, I'll die. I must tell what his majesty wants to hear, just like everyone in the empire does. His majesty never had an issue with that before, so why is it when this servant is concerned?"

Why is he getting angry just for that? The emperor only wants people to tell him what he would like to hear. That is what narcissists do. But the way he took it personally is too much. He will not accept that kind of whim.

Salvatore stared at him, when he saw his eyes glisten slightly, he let go of his red chin.

"When we ask a question, be honest, and we won't take offense to it."

Caspian nodded as he touched his chin. He seemed in pain. Salvatore asked again:

"Have you come here to find someone to enhance your life?"

"This servant doesn't need a man to better his life. I can do it on my own and I will."

Salvatore peered into his determined eyes. Caspian pushed the ink toward him and went back to stand on the side. Salvatore told:


Caspian took a seat on the side and let out a sigh. It was written all over his face how relieved to finally sit, he was. Salvatore's eyes glistened again as he glanced at him.

Eben entered the living room and respectfully bowed. Camilla ordered:


All the handmaidens left, and the doors were closed.


Eben took a seat next to her. She asked:

"How is Caspian still alive?"

Eben explained:

"When the feast ended, his majesty went to the servant's quarter with the imperial physician. He had him clean his wounds and even gave him a pomade made of Idrisla flowers. Subsequently, the physician would pick up the pomade before changing his bandages, then bring it back."

Camilla's nostrils dilated. Eben moved back. She stood up and tossed the vase that was on the coffee table.

When her grandfather had an accident and only that pomade could've saved him, Salvatore never offered it to her, but he did to Caspian.

She's done being nice and patient. First, she'll have Ezra, his brother killed, then she'll destroy Caspian's reputation. Once she talks to her brother and father, she knows that they'll get scared.

Salvatore using that pomade for him proves he values him as more than a servant. Idrisla flowers are rare, but he let a servant use it.

Not just a servant, a beautiful ger. She took a breath and looked at Eben.

"You must do something for me."

Eben immediately said:

"Of course, your highness."

At the end of the day, Caspian stayed until the emperor showered and changed into pajamas. When they left, Caspian asked:

"Your majesty, should I bring your silver plate for tonight?"

Salvatore draws a card every night on a silver platter, each belonging to one woman in his harem, to know who will serve him that night.

Salvatore shook his head.


Caspian felt surprised. Don't emperors feel like wusses if they don't sleep with one of their concubines each night?

Salvatore took steps forward until they were face to face. Caspian took a step back with a frown. He doesn't like how Salvatore invades his space like that. Hasn't he heard of personal space?

When Salvatore wrapped his arm around his waist to pull him closer, he knew he didn't. Caspian peered at him wide-eyed and called:

"Your majesty?"

Salvatore looked at Caspian intently. He looked stunned and uncomfortable. His cheeks were flushed, and he could tell he wanted to run away.

Satisfied enough, he let go of him and got into bed.

"You may leave."

Caspian turned off the light and left.

As he walked to his servant's quarter, he looked ahead thoughtfully.

*What is it?*

Caspian answered Silas:

*Hades is playing with me, as I played him while he was chasing me.*

Except that no one can play with him, since Salvatore wants to play, he will too. We'll see who will lose.