1.10 Boring

Caspian smiled at Drea and knocked on the door when he smiled back.

"Come in."

He entered and pulled the partially open drapes. He stood before the emperor.

"Good morning, your majesty."

Salvatore simply said:


When Caspian saw the cover move next to Salvatore, he looked. Camilla woke up and rubbed her eyes.

Caspian looked at the emperor in silence for a few seconds. Salvatore looked up from the papers he had been reading and met his eyes.

Caspian's heartbeat quickened. Salvatore was looking at him as if nothing happened. As though, he didn't confess his feelings for him and said that he would give him time.

Even when Hades has feelings for him, he is slimy. Of course, he is. He is the devil. He asked expressionlessly:

"Would his majesty like to eat something specific this morning?"

Salvatore looked at Camilla and asked:

"How about shrimp dumplings?"

Camilla nodded with a bright smile.

Caspian glanced at the emperor in silence and then said before leaving:

"I'll tell the chef and bring in the maids, so his majesty can bathe."

Caspian sent the chambermaids and went to the imperial kitchen. When he was done, he went back to the chambers and pulled out clothes for the emperor. He looked at the robes and picked out blue ones.

He put it on and newly made bed and stood at the side waiting for the emperor. Eben came in and looked at Caspian with a smile.

He bowed when the emperor came out of the bathroom and said:

"Your majesty."

Salvatore glanced at him a second than at the robes on his bed. He looked at Caspian, he was looking ahead expressionlessly. Salvatore said nothing and let the maids dress him.

Eben stood next to Caspian and asked:

"How are you now that the entire imperial city, knows why your father did what he did?"

Caspian didn't react. As expected, the rumors spread everywhere and everyone believes the original's father stole the money for his son.

Caspian could sense anger well up in him, but also sadness. He felt close to tears. Seriously? This is absurd. He wishes he didn't feel the shell's emotion so deeply. Caspian walked out of the chambers and hit Drea.

Drea asked:

"Are you okay?"

When he peered into Caspian's eyes, he felt uneasy for him. He looked ready to cry. Drea took his hand and went to the side, to make sure no one would see them.

He pulled him in his arms and hugged him. When Drea felt his shirt dampen, he caressed his back. For a long time, he held him until he calmed down.

When Salvatore finished dressing, he left for the dining room. Two people were hugging when he looked to the side. He could only see a part of them, but he was positive it was Caspian and Drea.

He got into the elevator and left for the dining area. He took a seat at the head of the table, and then Camilla sat down. A few minutes later, Caspian entered the dining room and stood a the side, next to Eben. Salvatore could tell he had been crying the entire time.

When breakfast finished, Caspian left for his servant quarters. He can't wait to be done with this life of a slave and living in this tiny room. Even when he was chased, he lived in better conditions than that.

The good thing is that he only has to work until tomorrow, then he'll have a free week to focus on his shop. Salvatore better has given him a big team. He wants to open the shop in less than three weeks.

After court, Caspian went to wait in front of Salvatore's study. He stood against the wall and one guard looked at him with a smile. He smiled back. Caspian closed his eyes until he heard footsteps.

Salvatore entered his office and took a seat behind the desk. Caspian closed the door and stood at the side. After a few seconds, he asked:

"Your majesty?"

Salvatore glanced at him.

"May I retire from work at 6 today? Eben will take over."

Salvatore asked:

"Why do you need to leave early?"

Caspian answered:

"I'm meeting someone for dinner."



Salvatore's eyes darkened. Caspian doesn't even comprehend why he is angry. He slept with Camilla last night. Salvatore knows that she's the reason everyone believes the previous chancellor did what he did.

He knows everything she and her family did to him, yet he sees no problem in sleeping with her. That liar said just yesterday that he wanted to protect him. How? By having sex with that bitch?

Salvatore is pathetic on so many levels, and he's full of shit. Caspian looked at him expressionlessly, as he waited for his answer.

Salvatore said:

"You can leave now. Take the weekend to work on your plans for next week. Eben will take care of us."

Caspian sneered and left. Perfect.

Caspian glanced at the car approaching and entered. He beamed at Drea and he smiled back.

"I hope you don't mind, the dinner is at my place. I thought it would be better, so no one will bother us."

Caspian smiled.

"It's perfect."

Drea relaxed. He didn't want Caspian to think that he was up to something. He knows that if they go to a public place, people will point and whisper at him.

It was already hard enough for him this morning, so he doesn't want Caspian to be more upset. When they arrived, Drea opened the door for Caspian, and he followed him inside. Caspian looked around.

He isn't surprised Drea lives in this kind of house. Usually, royal guards come from influential families. Drea lead him to the dining room and pulled his chair. Caspian took a seat, and Drea sat in front of him.

Drea looked at Caspian then away. Caspian smiled.

"If you want to ask me questions, feel free."

Drea met his eyes and asked:

"Why did you accept to have dinner with me? You don't seem interested in anything besides working."

The original was asked out by multiple guards, but he would always refuse them. All he cared about was getting proof of his father's innocence, and the Ellis household's guilt.

Drea knows he turned down numerous guards because one of his friends Leon tried everything in his power unsuccessfully. He's the one who smiled at Caspian, this morning when he waited for Salvatore in front of his study.

He's also the one who created the pool. Caspian plans on dealing with him too.

"Just because I refused all those disgusting guards doesn't mean I'm not interested in anything."

Caspian tilted his head and asked:

"Do you think I should've accepted Leon's offer?"

Drea is friends with Leon. They've known each other since they were kids. Meaning, he knows full well what kind of individual he is. Drea said:

"He just wanted to get to know you better."

Strike one. Caspian said:

"I can tell what kind of man someone is with just one look, and nothing about him inspires me with confidence."

Drea felt uncomfortable hearing that. Leon is indeed loud and sometimes rude, but deep down he isn't a bad man. If he and Caspian become serious, he'll have to get along with him.

He's his closest friend.

"You can't decide about someone's character that quickly."

Caspian said nothing and looked at the servants when they brought the food. He isn't surprised by Drea's words.

He is the type of human who sees the best in anyone. And he follows the mass, it's the reason he likes him. Who wants someone who isn't docile? If it becomes a relationship, he'll deal with Leon, so they'll never have contact again.

During dinner, Drea and Caspian kept talking. Over time, Caspian could feel him relax. When it was late, Drea drove him back home. They arrived and when Drea was about to come out of the car, Caspian stopped him.

Drea closed back the door and looked at him. Caspian pulled out a cell phone and gave it to him.

"I won't be working the next two weeks since I'm working on a project. This is a device I created that will allow us to communicate."

Caspian showed how to send texts and make phone calls, as he had done with Salvatore. Drea felt stunned.

"You made that?"

Caspian nodded.

Drea said:

"It's astonishing, you should sell it."

"That's what I'm working on. I'll be supervising production and make sure the shop can open before the end of the month."

Drea smiled, not only is Caspian beautiful, but he is smart. Once he's known for this, everyone will know that he isn't the person they made him out to be in the play.

"Here's the charger in case you run low on battery."

"Thank you."

Caspian smiled.

"I should go. It's late. You don't have to get out of the car."

Drea nodded.

Caspian asked:

"Aren't you going to kiss me goodnight?"

Drea felt his heartbeat quicken and leaned in. He captured his lips and kissed him. He demanded access to probe further, and Caspian gave it to him.

The kiss was sweet and tender, and Drea didn't want to end it. He pulled back and looked into Caspian's eyes nervously.

When he smiled, Drea seemed like he could breathe again.

"Good night."

After saying that, Caspian left.

Caspian entered his quarters and closed the door. He oned Silas, and he appeared in front of him. When Silas saw his face, he smiled and asked:

"How was your date?"
