Caspian entered the living room, still holding the pendant. He quickly glanced around and saw Yunlian, at the head of the table. On his left was Yawen and on his right was Shengmei. Next to Yawen was Shuo. Someone was sitting at the end of the table, facing Yunlian.
There was an empty seat next to Shengmei. Hearing his footsteps, everyone looked at him, beside Yecheng. Caspian smiled and murmured:
"Hello, sorry I'm late."
Caspian walked to the empty seat, but before he could sit, Yunlian asked:
"Are you okay?"
Caspian looked at him and his eyes filled with tears. He quickly blinked back the tears and said:
"I'm okay."
Yunlian frowned. He looked at Caspian's hand who was clasped around his necklace and stood up. When Yunlian approached him, he noticed how he stood straight, as though he was worried about how he would react if he didn't.
Yunlian's brows furrowed deeper. He held Caspian's chin and lifted his head.