2.9 You Need to Let it Go

Caspian woke up and unconsciously looked to his left. He sat down and rubbed his eyes. He oned Silas and he appeared.

"Hey, how are you?"

Caspian answered:

"I'm okay."

Silas asked:

"How do you intend to make Wu Pharma yours?"

"What do you mean? It's already mine."

Silas said:

"You might own the shares, but the board of directors won't recognize you as the president."

Caspian smiled.

"They will, once they hear what I have planned for Wu Pharma. Every pharmaceutical company is working hard on bioengineering, but none of them have made real breakthroughs. Once they see what I'm capable of, and the earning potential, they'll do whatever I want them to. Trust me."

Silas nodded and looked down. Caspian asked:

"What is it?"

Silas looked up.

"You know you don't have to be with him again, right?"

Caspian gazed down.

Silas said: