Shuo pushed a button when his cell phone rang.
"Wu Yunlian is here to see you, he says it's urgent."
"Let him in."
Shuo frowned. Yawen wouldn't dare to tell his father about their fling, would he? Now that Cass is pregnant, he doesn't want anything to upset him. No, there's no way.
Shuo looked up when Yunlian entered without knocking. Yunlian closed the door behind him and took a seat. Shuo smiled.
"What can I do for you, uncle?"
Yunlian said:
"We have to speak about Cass."
Yunlian said:
"Cass is pregnant."
Seeing that he wasn't surprised, Yunlian narrowed his eyes.
"It seems like Yawen told you."
"He came to my house unannounced and informed me."
Yunlian's eyes darkened and swore:
"If you dare lay a hand on my son after he gives birth, I swear I'll destroy everything you care about then you."
Shuo looked at him stunned and said: