2.22 Like Father, Like Fiance

Shuo looked up from his computer when someone knocked.

"Come in."

Cass entered and closed the door behind him.

Shuo immediately stood up and hugged him. Cass hugged him back. Shuo grabbed his hand and pulled him to the couch.

They took a seat, and he asked:

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel better."

Cass looked down and murmured:

"There's a reason, I wasn't feeling well."

"What is it?"

Cass murmured, his head still bowed.

"I'm pregnant."

Shuo lifted his head and met his eyes. He smiled and said:

"I'm happy we're expecting."

"You are?"

"Of course I am."

Cass said:

"I just..."

"What's wrong?"

Cass swallowed and blurted out:

"I know it's crazy, but I had the feeling that you were dating someone else. That's why you didn't care about me before."

Shuo felt his heartbeat quicken. He could tell that Cass needed reassurance that he wasn't. He held his hand.