Interview (Arc 2)

Feng Yongrui entered the building and looked around in awe. Several people were bustling around or talking to each other, obviously talking about work. He stopped by a table and was greeted by the receptionist, a neat-looking lady with short hair.

"Are you here to apply for the job?" the lady asked, smiling at him.

"Yes... My name is Xiao Xiong," Feng Yongrui said rather nervously.

The lady typed away at her computer and looked back at him.

"Ah... You are the one who's applying to the public relations department, right?"

"That's right..."

"Please come this way, I will lead you to Mrs. Hua. She's in charge of hiring the new recruits..."

The receptionist led Feng Yongrui through several corridors and they arrived in front of a small room with glass windows.

"You may enter this room. Mrs. Hua will interview you..." the receptionist said.

"I see, thank you," Feng Yongrui smiled politely and took a deep breath.

Alright, he could do it!

Feng Yongrui pushed the door open and stepped inside the room. There was a white desk and a lady sitting behind it. She greeted him warmly, and Feng Yongrui replied politely.

He sat down opposite her and gulped nervously.

You may be wondering, if Feng Yongrui was so nervous like this, why didn't he just send a doppelganger to do the interview?

First of all, the doppelganger was only able to copy and mimic certain actions and behaviors. For example, a doppelganger would be able to mimic Feng Yongrui's usual actions of going to school, listening to the lessons, and so on.

But when it came to certain details, the doppelganger would not be able to react properly. Someone had to control the doppelganger.

For example, if Feng Yongrui sent his doppelganger to school, the doppelganger would act like how Feng Yongrui usually acted. But, if something unexpected happened, let's say, a fire broke out in the school, the doppelganger would not behave properly.

Like a person manipulating the strings of a puppet, Feng Yongrui would have to "take control" of the doppelganger, making it scream in fear, run away from the fire, and so on.

Having a doppelganger was nice, but it was limited as well. If there were sudden or unexpected situations, Feng Yongrui was afraid his cover would be blown or something wrong would happen.

Thus, he decided that it would be better for him to attend this interview personally.

"Host, you better behave yourself. Don't embarrass me," the System muttered inside his head.

Feng Yongrui wanted to roll his eyes. No one knew the existence of the System, so how was he supposed to embarrass the System?

"Also, you have to be hired. If you fail this interview, you'll have to find another way to get inside the protagonist's company, and it will be too troublesome," the System reminded him.

"I know, I know..." Feng Yongrui said. "Now, be quiet, okay?"

Feng Yongrui gave a business smile and focused on the lady, Mrs. Hua.

"You are... Mr. Xiao Xiong, am I right?" Mrs. Hua said.

"That's right, Madam," Feng Yongrui replied.

"Sir, I have taken a look at your resume and you seem like a very experienced person. Could you please tell me a little bit about yourself?" she asked.

"Alright. My name is Xiao Xiong and I am an orphan," Feng Yongrui began speaking just like how he had rehearsed it before. He gave a brief yet comprehensive answer, one that he had crafted beforehand.

Of course, within his answer, Feng Yongrui added bits and pieces of information that promoted himself. He claimed to be hardworking and always persevering even when he faced difficulties. He also claimed that he loved working and writing.

...Feng Yongrui felt like he was selling himself and advertising himself to Mrs. Hua. It felt rather weird, but oh well.

"Alright... Now, I'd like to know why you want this job," Mrs. Hua said.

Feng Yongrui gulped. Why did he want this job?

The truth was, he wanted to get this job so that he could get closer to Yin Longshen, betray him, and hurt Yin Longshen's younger brother, who was also himself.

...Of course, he couldn't just tell the truth to Mrs. Hua.

Feng Yongrui began a lengthy speech of how he had always admired XBH company for being advanced and making a breakthrough within the software industry.

He also said that he wanted this job because he wanted XBH Company to rise to greater heights and benefit the rest of mankind...

In short, he said a lot of flowery and rather superfluous words. Mrs. Hua listened with great interest, sometimes nodding along. Feng Yongrui was relieved when he saw that she wasn't annoyed with him.

After that, Mrs. Hua asked him about his previous work experience, his education, how he managed his stress, and how he faced pressure. Feng Yongrui managed to answer each one of them well.

Thankfully, he had prepared his answers and memorized what he wanted to say. He always wanted to be prepared, because preparation was like his armor: it helped him gain confidence and speak smoothly.

Finally, Mrs. Hua asked him about his strength and his weaknesses.

Feng Yongrui pursed his lips and several thoughts flew through his head. His greatest strength at the moment was, he had the System.

His greatest weakness, though, was also the System. After all, this System of his was really terrible at doing its job.

Feng Yongrui looked at Mrs. Hua's face. So far, she looked rather satisfied with him. Feng Yongrui felt it was rather ironic.

If she hired him, it would be like she was inviting a tiger into her own home. After all, Feng Yongrui did not exactly come here with good intentions...

Feng Yongrui was here to sabotage XBH and hurt Yin Yongrui, himself. He was here so that in the future, he would be able to collude with the Chen family, who would be upset about XBH's success.

Feng Yongrui sighed. Wasn't life always ironic?

But it had to be done. There was no turning back.

Feng Yongrui answered Mrs. Hua's questions with ease and confidence. When the interview was over, he thanked Mrs. Hua and left the building.

Now, all he needed to do was wait and see if he was hired.

"I hope I'm hired..." Feng Yongrui muttered as he walked away from the building.

Two weeks later, Feng Yongrui received an email from XBH Company. He was hired! Feng Yongrui was ecstatic. This meant he was one step closer to succeeding!

Feng Yongrui planned to go to work personally during the first three weeks. After that, he would probably send his doppelganger to work in his stead.

Feng Yongrui did as he had planned. During the first three weeks, he went to the XBH Company personally and left his doppelganger at school. He got to know his colleagues, he was introduced to his job, and he slowly got used to his work.

After those three weeks, Feng Yongrui had familiarized himself with his job, and he was ready for the doppelganger to take his place. Several weeks later, Feng Yongrui decided to go to the next step of his plan: going to XBH Company as himself, as Yin Yongrui.

All this time, Feng Yongrui knew that his older brother was starting a company, but he had always pretended not to know. Yin Longshen had never mentioned it either. However, Yin Longshen was visiting his company more and more frequently than before.

It was to the point that Yin Qiushan, who rarely ever talked with his family, heard about it and asked Yin Longshen on what he was doing. Yin Longshen had made up some excuse, and thankfully after that, Yin Qiushan did not ask about it anymore.

In the original timeline, Yin Longshen was crippled and hated the Yin family to the bone. He built his company to get revenge on the Yin family, and of course, on Zhao Baozhai, the main perpetrator behind his accident.

Since he made his company to get revenge on the Yin family, naturally Yin Longshen did not tell them about his company.

Now, though, things were different. Yin Longshen did not hate the Yin family, but he didn't love it either.

Yin Qiushan was pretty much non-existent during Yin Longshen's childhood, so Yin Longshen had little to no impression of him. Yin Longshen and Zhao Baozhai's relationship was also pretty good.

This time, Yin Longshen was building his company not for revenge, but for another reason. However, he still kept this a secret from Yin Qiushan. The interesting thing was, he had actually told Zhao Baozhai about it, and she was actually supporting him.

Of course, Feng Yongrui had not idea about this. He only thought that Yin Longshen was hiding the fact that he was starting a company from everyone else. However... Feng Yongrui wanted to be involved in his brother's company.

This time, not as "Xiao Xiong", but as "Yin Yongrui".


If you were to get an interview for a job, what is the question you hate the most, and why?

Comment below~