Morgan's gift
Allow the user to change the size of his penis and add three points in the stat sexual prowess.
A sharp pain broke me from my stupor, it was Vanessa pinching my nipple. "I know my pussy feels really good but you better start fucking me right now or you'll regret it." She said with a snarl obviously impatient.
"Yes ma'am! " I increased the size of my dick by an inch before I started to thrust.
Vanessa frowned a little bit at the change but soon she started moan in pleasure. I wanted to find a rhythm but it felt so good that I just grabbed her thigh and plowed that wet snatch as fast as I could. The sound of flesh smacking could be heard all over the room and a women moan and scream came with it.
"That's it baby, keep thrusting like that, I'm about to cum."
More fluids came out of her nether region every time I rammed into her, and I didn't forget to further stimulate her by rubbing her clit. All my effort paid off because soon after she tried to clamp back her leg, her pussy squeezing the life out of my dick, her legs muscle contracted and she growled deeply in pleasure.
But I didn't stop to pumping, her contracting wall made me fuck her even faster. "I'm about to cum! Where to you want me to do it." I asked her while thrusting ready to burst at any moment.
Vanessa raised one of her eyebrow and looked at me funnily, it would be if her face wasn't so red and her eyes full of lust, before responding me by, "Outside."
I pulled my dick out reluctantly and stopped holding back, letting my seed flood out and spray it on her stomach while I rubbed my tool on her slit.
I sat next to her to take a much needed breather. Both of us are glistening in sweat. I took a good look at her body and she looks magnificent, smooth skin without a blemish and perfect proportion. The thing that made it even sexier is the fact she still has the heels on her feet making her alluring legs even better.
"I love the taste of your cum." Vanessa said as she scooped up the semen on her stomach and drank it. She took a long glance at my crotch before saying, "Is me or your dick got bigger?"
"Uh, I think it got bigger because of how good your pussy is." I needed to respond in a short time to make it natural and in that moment it was only thing I thought of.
"Is that so?" She gave me a questioning look, clearly skeptical. Then kissed me hungrily before licking my neck and whispered, "Let's go to the bed." After that she dragged to the bedroom and pushed me on the bed.
"You're mutant aren't you?" That question came out of nowhere and took me by surprise.
She went from to changing the size of my penis to being a mutant that was quite a leap. "I assure that I am not a mutant." After saying this, I wouldn't believe what I said either because it didn't sound convincing whatsoever, on the contrary, it sounded like I was hiding something.
"Don't worry, you can tell me. I have nothing against mutant." She smiled reassuringly and gave me little pecker on the lips.
"That's nice but I'm really not a mutant though." My tone at this point was little dead pan, which was unintended.
She didn't respond stood still in her absolute glory of a body and smiled. Her skin color changed to light blue, her hair to white and her eyes to luminescent red, she also have pointed ear like the elves. Her facial structure also changed but she's just as beautiful if not more, except that nothing changed, her body is still as great as before.
"Shiet, you look even better now." I couldn't help but blurt out. I wanted say that she will make even more money if she took this appearance but thankfully I caught myself before I said it.
"You are sweet, thank. But as you can see I'm a mutant, you have nothing to fear from me." She smiled still in her naked glory.
"I'm really telling the truth, I'm not a mutant. I admit that I can change the size of my dick but that a different power who has no relation of being a mutant." I replied to Vanessa. I could see that she was feeling disappointed but still has a curious glint in her eyes.
"How does it work?"
I explained to her the basics of the harem system without saying revealing my other powers and my reincarnation, instead I told her I got from a god due to luck, which is kind of truth. I don't even know why I told her so much but I felt that I could trust her. SEVEN is probably calling me stupid right now since he can hear everything from the phone I bought with me.
She in turn told me of her power. "I can shapeshift into another humanoid form and mimic them perfectly and get their memory by staying near them, but it depend the length of time exposed near them. I can also transform to a whole new person not necessarily somebody else. I can make myself pretty strong too. I feel I can do other things too but I still don't know what yet." She extended her arm and her nails transformed to claws before returning to normal.
After hearing this, I couldn't help but freak out a little bit and started to sweat quite a bit, a lot actually. "C-can you see my memory?" If she could I'm fucked, I could try to steal her power but I believe it takes time and she could retaliate if she isn't restrained.
She slowly approached and sat beside me, then rubbed my chest. "You're special, I can't get anything from you. I feel that I can't even transform into you." She said in wonder, lust in her eyes. "It never happened to me before, that's why I thought you were a mutant."
Relief washed over me when I heard what she said, at least I'm not getting exposed yet. But curiosity took over, so I asked whatever my brain came up with.
"Your power is so good, so why are you a prostitute?" After saying it, I was afraid she is going to be offended but apparently she didn't and responded with a smile. "My mutation only manifested when I was fifteen, by that point I was already deep in this industry."
"Then when I knew what I could do I tried to have a better life and I did, but there's a lot a reason on why I'm still doing this. Long story short, I'm afraid of being discovered, I'm not willing to deal with the consequence of impersonating another person, I don't have the skill or the knowledge to do illegal stuff get out cleanly even though I did learn some martial art, I want to stay lowkey. Even though I don't particularly like this job but it's something that I know, something I did most of my life, something I'm comfortable with, it's well paid and I can choose my client. Those are my main reasons why I keep being a prostitute."
She seemed to put a lot of trust in me to tell me all of that, unless she's trying to trick me which I highly doubt. She also seems to have a rough childhood and have no friend from what I heard. Maybe she just needs someone to talk to.
"You could totally have a sugar daddy and get a better life." I said trying to continue the conversation.
She laughed, it was a beautiful and dazzling one. Shit, am I falling in love already!?
"I could totally get one but most of them are old, I don't want to be stuck with an old guy. As for the younger ones, it just takes more effort than I deem worth. I just don't to be with someone for their money." She looked melancholy when she said that, she needs a friend.
"What is your dream?" Seeing how that the discussion was going, I changed to another subject.
"I want a big family. What about you?" It was a generic but very believable answer for her.
As for me, my dream is a little bit more eccentric. "I want a harem. Girls that will love me with all their heart and I'll give them back just as much if not more."
She looked a little bit shocked before laughing her ass out. "Sorry, I don't mean to mock you. It's just that I didn't expect that." She apologized while trying not to laugh again. "How will you make that work though?" She asked in genuine curiosity.
"It's just a matter of choosing a right partner and loving them equally. I will definitely make it work." I exclaimed with determination.
Vanessa was looking at me seductively and said, "Would you take me in your harem if I asked?" while moving her eyebrow suggestively.
"Of course, and you have to admit that it is pretty compatible with your dream of having a big family." I replied and teased her in return by wiggling me eyebrow suggestively.
"Smooth, and true."
Vanessa smiled but then took a melancholic look again. "I always wanted to get this out of my chest and tell it to someone but I wasn't close to anybody, until you. I feel close to you, I feel like you're my friend, maybe more and I feel I can tell you all my worries. I know we only met recently but that's how I feel. So, are you willing to lend your ears and listen to me mope around in sadness?" She looked at me with her big red, beautiful and hopeful eyes.
Without hesitation I smiled and said. "Lay it out on me, if it gets too boring I'll just zone out by watching your bosom." I jested a little bit, it got me a smile.
"I had a dream before the one I told you. I wanted to take revenge against the man that killed my parents, I wanted to take everything from him like he did to me, but when I learned who he was I gave up. I realized that I would have to sacrifice my life for it, and it wasn't worth it. My parent would want for me to live a full life." Then she proceeded to tell me her past and on how she ended up being a prostitute, a sad story really.
"What's his name? The name of the man that killed your family." I asked her since he seemed to be a big shot, maybe I'll recognize him.
"Wilson Fisk." Vanessa hesitated before responding with a name that I knew really well.
Now I understood why she didn't want to take revenge, that fatso is a scary and tough motherfucker. Then I thought of an idea. "What would you do if I give you a chance to get your revenge?" I asked in a joking tone to probe her.
Vanessa didn't respond at first, but maybe thought I wasn't serious, she responded with the same tone of voice I used. "If you help me achieve my revenge, I'll give you my body, heart, mind and soul." The shapeshifter accentuated very seductively at the end.
"That's a deal." I said maybe more seriously than I should
Vanessa picked up on that and warned me." Hey, don't joke around and do something stupid. I still want to see you again, and in one piece."
"Hehe, the only stupid things I'm going to do is ask you what is your real name, because I doubt Jenny Love is really your name." I diverted the subject but I was planning to get rid of the Kingpin.
She laughed merrily. "Nobody in their right state of mind will use their real name in this job. But since we can't be friend if you don't even know my name, I'll tell you. My name is Vanessa, Vanessa Carlysle."
We talked about everything, from our past to mundane things such as the weather, and joked around up to deep into the night until we were tired and fell asleep on the bed.
The reason I was so willing to tell her that much about me and know she wasn't lying when she told me her feelings was when I looked over her head, I saw the relationship point increase every time I was being truthful and the more we interacted. I think she knows when people are lying.