My apartment, 09 February 2008
It's been a week since I slept with Vanessa and we saw each other twice during that time. For lunch and coffee, we only talked to get to know each other better, like normal date. We discussed about mundane things such as our hobbies or interest, apparently she likes to watch old action flick like Rambo and like boxing as a stress relief.
Then during our discussion I asked her if she was willing to quit her actual job and work for me instead as my secretary slash bodyguard. Then at that moment I thought I fuck up, I remembered reading something on the internet that women didn't like to be told what to do. But apparently I was worried for nothing since the relationship point increased by two points when I said that.
The mutant didn't agreed but didn't refuse either, she showed interest and asked for more information, but since I say on the spot I wasn't prepared to respond every single of her questions. I still managed to respond quite a bit and sound serious about the job offer. I told her that I was prepared to open up my own company and needed someone to help me. I also needed a bodyguard because I was weak and since she is a pretty strong mutant she could protect me.
Vanessa may not have agreed for now but the mutant told me she already stopped and quit prostitution. In my mind, it's only a matter of time before she accepts my offer. My dream of having a harem is one step closer.
Now I'm trying out the contact lenses, ear bud and gadget SEVEN made for me.
"Damn, this is amazing. The lenses make me feel like I'm a cyborg." The lenses send everything I see to SEVEN who can analyze the images and in return he can show me the path the to take, information on the person or object I'm looking along with heat and night vision.
"On top of that it's sneaking as fuck, the ear bud too." People won't even notice I'm wearing contact lenses even if they look, the only way for them to know is if they touch my eyes and the ear bud is pretty sneaky too unless you get close and look inside my ears.
"It was nothing master." The AI replied with his usual robotic monotone voice.
"I also tried the amulet and the gun. Good job SEVEN, I feel much safer now." Actually I'm still weak as fuck but the amulet can create an energy sphere around me that can easily tank a flurry of bullets, and the gun is just a handgun with twenty bullets in it and no recoil, with a laser guided aim that can only be seen if I'm wearing the contact lenses. The gun is so easy to use that people would think that I'm bulleye.
Now, SEVEN is working on making a robot to guard me, so when we enact our plan for Wilson Fisk it'll be safer. Especially since we know that he is involved with the Hand, SEVEN tried to look for them but they're very secretive and I forgot most of their member names, so it resulted in nothing. We opted just to reinforce the security of the tower that Wilson lives when we take it from him.
"Did you work the details of the plan to take over that ball headed fatso company and money?" I already knew the general gist of it but we have to cover all angles if we don't want to get caught with our pants around our ankles.
"Master, I need another week to prepare all the equipment necessary for the plan."
"Alright, I still need to tell Vanessa of our plan." Not wanting to be called stupid again, I waited until we had a concrete and well thought plan before telling her. I planned to invite her tonight and tell her about it, hopeful she takes it well.
Night time/ same day.
The doorbell rang, I went to open the door already knowing who it was. I greeted Vanessa who generally took the appearance of her persona Jenny, except the time she tried to troll me by taking the look of a man and tried to kiss me at our first date. She laughed her ass off, as for me I didn't find it funny at all.
She came here dressing in a simple white shirt with a black leather jacket on top of it, blue jean that hugged her figure and wearing black espadrille heels. I don't know why but seeing women wearing heels turn me on, I guess that my fetish, but not the kind that I want to get step on and lick the shoe, I just find it sexy that's all.
"Come on in, please." I invited her inside as she brushed past me I inhaled her wonderful perfume. I trailed behind her after closing the door and got an eyeful of her heart shaped rear. Being so enamored with her derriere, I nearly forgot to direct her to the saloon where SEVEN is.
As we got into the room with full of cables, screens, boxes, informatics equipment and SEVEN robotic arms doing their thing, Vanessa gave me a 'WTF' face after seeing the absolute mess. At least there are two seats where we could take a seat.
"Take a seat, and sorry about the mess but it's either this or my bedroom." We both sat down on our respective seats. The mutant crossed her legs and I couldn't help but gaze intensely at her perfectly shaped and toned legs, I gaze at the same intensity for her feet and heels too.
"You told me over the phone that you had something important to tell to me. Or it is just that you miss me?" She said with a teasing smile, and then with a very alluring and sexy voice she said, "Let me inform you that I will not do the naughty with you today, even though I very, very, very much want to do so."
I'm already having blue balls with barely half a minute into the discussion.
Getting the control of my urge, I went straight to the point. "Well, you remember when you told me about your dream of getting revenge on Wilson Fisk?"
She frowned and took the appearance of her original look. "Yeah and I also remember that I told you not to do anything stupid. You didn't do anything stupid I hope." Vanessa replied with a harsh and sharp tone.
Seeing her apparent displeasure, I waved my hand and explained hastily. "No! I didn't do anything. All I did was collect some information, research and come up with a plan. I also spied him a little bit." Actually everything was done by SEVEN and just sat there doing nothing but play video game and eat, either way SEVEN doesn't care if I take all the credit.
"Are you crazy? What if he noticed you?" Vanessa asked seemingly upset but she said it with a hint worry in it which warmed my heart.
"I doubt so because I was nowhere near him physically." I reassured her while pointing at the bugs and flies that lay nearby. "I used these bugs to do it for me, they have a small camera equipped in it." SEVEN easily made those bugs and remotely used them to spy and record everything Wilson Fisk did or say.
Vanessa took a closer look and exclaimed in admiration. "They look so real! You can make a fortune if you sell it to the military." What she said is true, I could probably sell it for a lot of money, but I got plenty of way to get money and I rather keep military technology for myself and the people working for me then give it to a potential nuisance.
"What are the arms doing?" The mutant asked looking at SEVEN who is working on things that might help us.
"Oh, SEVEN my AI is making something that will help us take down Fisk." She will know that I have an AI sooner or later, better tell her now. Having an AI is not that much of a big deal anyways.
"You made an AI!? You must be pretty smart." She smiled proudly and I don't know why she did.
"Yeah… but I'm not smart though." I like to think that SEVEN was created due to my wish, so in a part I made him.
"Humble, I see. But it is safe?"