Chapter 21

A few days passed and SEVEN gave me plenty of update concerning the Rhanshakov brothers. Lieutenant Doug did his job pretty well and arrested some of the Russians gang people while confiscating some of their weapons stock. It shouldn't take long before John Doug and his men take care of the rest of Rhanshakov's gangs.

Now I'm on my way back to my building after I bought some drinks at the nearby mall, but during my walk back to home some guy in a suit and sunglass stopped me by pointing a gun at me while hiding it with his coat.

"Mister Kang, follow us without resisting please." The guy who looked like a bodyguard said. I also notice he wasn't alone, two more guy were at my side.

I was surprised that for sure, but not afraid, the amulet I'm wearing could easily block the shot even if he was at point blank range. What I want to know is who the fuck is trying to mess with me again so soon after those guys from the gangs. These guys must be pretty ballsy since we're in the middle of the day and surrounded by people.

"Okay." I agreed as I lifted my hands in surrender.

In the end curiosity won and I followed those guys back to their car. They putted a bad over my head and tied my hands together behind my back.

I'm starting to feel a little bit scared but SEVEN was already aware of what happened. She told Vanessa what occurred and they will assemble the men and then prepare for my rescue, which will happen after we discover who they are and why they're unto us.

The car drove for around fifteen minutes before they ushered me out of the car and led me to their base then to a chair. When they took off the bag on my head I was greeted by a thirty something man with brown eyes and hairs.

"Hello mister Kang, thank you for accepting my invitation." The man said. He was wearing a blue business suit and looked like he was the leader of this group.

"Yeah, you're welcome." I said as I looked around me, it seems that I was in a small base of theirs. The place is pretty bland and simplistic. The room that I'm currently in has only a table and the two chairs we are sitting on, it looks like a cop interrogating room. There are only three people in the room, two guards and the brown haired dude in front of me who look like the interrogator.

"You must be wondering what you're doing here." He said as he pulled picture of the TR-1, it was seems to be taken during the attack on Michael Doran warehouse. "This is yours right?"

Well now I know why they wanted me here, they want the robot. That was unlucky, the first time we used the TR-1 and somebody already caught us. Since there's no point in lying, I admitted.

"Yeah, that's mine."

I doubted they're SHIELD agent since they don't operate that way, my bet is on some big arms company. In this instance, SEVEN is trying to get into their network and get as much information as possible.

"You must be aware that a fully functioning and weaponize android is unseen." He was looking at me intensely, I swear I could see greed in his eyes.

"Really? I swear Tony Stark has one." I exclaimed trying to sound genuine.

"I want it, and you're going give it to me." He said suddenly and harshly, his whole demeanor changed and it sounded more like an order than anything else.

"And how do you propose for me to give it to you?" I really wondered on how he expected me to give it to him.

"You will stay here and draw the design plan for us." He seemed to be serious, but wouldn't be simpler if I just ask somebody to send it to him? Anyway it will buy enough for SEVEN and Vanessa to prepare.

"You don't expect me to draw that in a day do you? People will notice I disappeared." I pointed out to him, though they already knew.

"Don't worry about that, I have your phone. I just send a message to your secretary, you have two days to get it done." He said while showing me my phone was in his hand. They only got my phone and drink, sadly for them they couldn't see the ear bud and the contact lens, and on top of that they left the amulet with me too. I don't blame them, the amulet look like any other silly and sentimental trinket.

"Alright, I'll get it done." This gives me plenty of time for me savior to save me and SEVEN to get all information needed.

"You're awfully calm for somebody in your situation." The man asked suspiciously.

Before I could respond I heard SEVEN from the ear bud. "Master, from the what I found in the police database this man is Eric Williams, he is suspected of participating and leading in multiple gang related crime but never convicted."

My only thought was those it was another goddamn mob boss, I was starting to question on how many of them there are in this city. If this guy is only a mob boss then, I'm afraid to say that I will just kill him off as soon as possible.

"Is there a point for me to resist?" I asked him and to be honest there's really no reason for me to resist right now. Resisting will only anger him and make things harder for me.

"No there is not. I wish everybody were like you, it'll be so much easier." Eric Williams said with a smug smile before motioning one of his men to take me to my room where they expect me to draw to design plan.

"So this is the little genius Eric brought back." I heard a woman said as they were leading me to the room.

Standing on the way is one very seductive woman, black hair with a tint a green on it with beautiful emerald eyes and green lipstick covering her luscious lips. She is wearing tight and form fitting shirt with a leather jacket on top of it and a leather pants hugging her toned legs with mildly heeled boots, all of it in a dark shade of green. All her clothes couldn't hide her very athletic but shapely body and her aura of extreme confidence.

Despite her obsession with the color green this woman is immensely attractive. After being finishing looking down, I looked up to see the status that meant she is a known character.

Ophelia Sarkissian

Status: Single

REP: 0/100

Don't feel anything for you

The man behind grew tired of me standing still so he shoved me forward to tell me to move.

"Can't a man ogle a woman in peace!?" I said in false indignation. I probably shouldn't overdo it because they may start swinging their fist if anger them.

"Shut up you candy-ass." I have no idea where that insult came from and that caught me enough off guard to give him a WTF face.

"What are you looking at? Move!" He said before shoving me again.

Not wanting to escalate things, I did what he asked, but before that I rolled the dice of Ophelia. I couldn't see the result because that guy shoved me again directly past her. I could have turned my head back but since it there's little chance of doing anything, I didn't bother to do it.

They led me to a room with a bed and an office desk with all sort of papers, pencil and a computer. Not exactly what prepared but good enough I guess, I'll just do whatever SEVEN tell to write or draw. I noticed there is a camera in the room, not unexpected but clearly annoying, I'll have to be careful if I want to speak to SEVEN or Vanessa.

Vanessa has been talking in my ears non-stop since I got kidnapped, it was mostly to ask me when are they going to do rescue mission or if I was fine. I couldn't respond to her due to always having people watching over me but now I can, I just have to be careful of not being notice by the camera and talk softly.

After the man who took me here left, I made my way to the desk and commenced my fake work while whispering to Vanessa.

"I'm fine, just be patient. We are still in the middle of the day."

Even though the base is in a fairly unpopular place in the city but SEVEN told me there are still some people in the surrounding, so we have to wait until nighttime before we do anything, and since we're in New York the city that never sleep, we have to wait deep into the night.

Thirty or so minute passed and I'm starting to get thirsty. "Yo! I'm thirsty, can I have some water please." I was also motioning in front of the camera that I'm thirsty in case they didn't hear it.

I sincerely hope they didn't expect me to go two days without drinks and foods or I might just call the cavalry to charge earlier, because I can't handle being hungry or thirsty, if that the case, fuck about being seen by other people and I'll call the men go all in right now.

But thankfully, a few seconds later someone came to give me some water, just not the person I expected. It was Ophelia, the green obsessed bombshell.

After thanking her for the water I returned to my work to give an image of hardworking guy so they don't come to bother while I wait for SEVEN to finish hacking their network. But something weird was happening, the woman didn't leave, and still stood there gazing at me intensely. She was looking at weirdly, and sincerely it was starting to make me uncomfortable and spooky.

"What are you doing?" I asked the woman who is still looking at me.

"Looking at your pretty face." She responded, her voice neutral, not revealing anything.

I decided to look at her status, maybe it'll be more informative.

Ophelia Sarkissian

Status: Single

REP: 100/100

She will follow you in life and in death.

I can't believe I got the lucky roll, one chance in ten thousand and I got it on a beauty like her, though the descriptions look a bit extreme. Let's hope she's not a yandere because I have no idea how to deal with except maybe kill her off.

Now I'm wondering how it works, because somebody can't just go from not feeling anything for you to willing to die for that same person in a span of a second. Maybe she is here to sort her feelings and if she thinks this is some sort of mind control, I just might be screwed. So I'm paying close attention to her REP scores in case it fluctuate, I'll know that she want to kill me or not.

We continued to stare at each other until she started to walk toward me without breaking away her gaze on me. She rotated my chair so I'm facing her and looked right into eyes like she wanted to see my soul. I checked on her status and there was no change, and that made me feel pretty safe until she lifted her hand and suddenly struck me between my legs.

"HAAA!" I shrieked in fear like a little girl and tried back off but it was too late.

When I realized that I didn't feel any pain, I looked down to see the hand is an inch short of touching me, my dick even decreased its size instinctively. "What the fuck are you doing!?" I couldn't help but ask, luckily I deactivated the amulet before this or her strike would have been blocked even though it didn't seem that it was aimed at me.

"It was to warn you that you better do what is asked of you." The green obsessed woman said in a low but neutral tone of voice while keeping eye contact.

"I'm already doing that." I remarked it to her. I'm starting to think she just might be crazy.

"That was a taste of what your punishment could be." Ophelia replied with a seductive smile before plopping her ass onto my lap and sat on it. "And this could be your reward if you're a good boy." She said sultrily in my ears and then proceeded to grind her crotch on my groin.

Her slow and sensual humping instantly gave me erection and she felt it. "Hmm, you like that don't you?" Ophelia whispered softly in my ear before taking my earlobe into her warm mouth and suckle it.

Her hands are roaming all over my body, rubbing and grabbing everything she gets her hands on.

"The hell that bitch is doing?" I heard Vanessa said from my ear bud, she doesn't sound happy. "If I ever get that bitch in my hand, I'm going to make her regret it."

Ignoring Vanessa, I putted my hands on Ophelia's hip. No matter how much I'm enjoying this humping session, I don't like doing it front of a camera where a bunch of dudes are watching. "Stop, there's camera. I don't want to do this." I told her as I tried to push her off me.

Ophelia stopped what was doing and gave me a look, I couldn't quite tell which one, before she stood up and walked toward the camera. She took off her jacket and covered the camera with it before returning to me, but what I didn't foresee was her slapping me hard on the cheek.

"That's for interrupting my fun." The woman clad in green justified. Then she took a chair and blocked the door.

"What the fuck are you doing Sarkissian!" Someone said behind the blocked door, from the voice I could recognize Eric Williams.

"I'm trying to convince him to our cause, Williams. Let me do my thing." Ophelia replied back.

"Don't take too long." The mob boss told her after a couple minute of deliberation and then left.

"So… your name is Sarkissan huh, rather uncommon. What's your full name?" I asked so we can this shit out of the way.

"Just call me Ophelia."

She turned her back on me and sat on my laps again, she grabbed my knees for leverage and started to grind slowly our crotch together. Her supple and toned derriere is pressing on my groin, the friction of our clothes sending jolt of pleasure to my brain.

"I'll have to admit that she has a great ass." Vanessa commented, and I'll have to agree with her. "But I'll still have to teach her who is the main girl." I completely ignored that sentence and concentrated on Ophelia's derriere instead.

Seeing that magnificent bottom moving and rotating, I couldn't help but grasp that soft yet firm ass, and pushed my groin further into her crotch while rubbing along with her. "You like my ass don't you?" Ophelia moaned out.

"This isn't the only thing I like." I replied lecherously as my hands moved upward, going under her shirt and caressed the smooth skin she has underneath. When I touched her bra, I unclasped it smoothly with a quick motion. I had a lot of practice.

With her bra out of the way I palmed her perky soft breast and drew circle around her hardened nipples. I trailed kisses on the side of her neck and explore her ear with my tongue.

All the touching made me want to see her body and twin peaks. "I want to take your shirt off." I whispered huskily in her ear.

She lifted her hand and said, "Go ahead."

Like a man possessed I hurriedly lifted her shirt and bra off. I was greeted by a beautiful and smooth back but the most noticeable detail about her back was her huge tattoo. It looked like an octopus with a skull as a head, it seemed awfully familiar to me but couldn't quite tell why.

"Master, I succeeded in invading their network and examined all of their data. I discovered that they are a small cell of an organization called HYDRA. The knowledge of the TR-1 is limited to this cell due to Eric Williams wishing to earn credit for himself in the eyes of his superior." SEVEN reported.

Now I know why they looked so familiar, it is a goddamn HYDRA tattoo.

"You're HYDRA!?" I yelled out in surprise. It got out of my mouth before I could think.

Ophelia stopped her grinding and slowly turned her head to face me, all semblance of lust were gone from her face. I couldn't tell what she was thinking and as usual I couldn't help but blurt out another word from my mouth before thinking it through.

"Oh shit."