
Chapter 3: The King Of Sleaze

Apartment 42, The Bowerstone Apartment Complex, 4th And Flint Street, Attison District, Temple City (3040).....

The early hours of the morning had not been a welcome sight for Baddwulf as he rolled onto his back and found the space on the right side of his bed had been recently empty as the tussled covers revealed that Mrs. Callens had been up for quite some time as he caught a glimpse of her bent over and seeing to her delicate feet fitting back into her red high heels. Baddwulf slid from beneath the crisp white sheets and tan comforter that lined his bed and strolled rather casually behind Mrs. Callens. Who gasped when she felt him behind her. As far as looks went, Baddwulf was most definitely a desirable man given his washboard abs, lean muscle mass, superior strength even when not in combat, and oceanic blue eyes that gave any woman pause. He wrapped his arms around the nearly dressed woman kissing her neck and shoulders as she did her best to keep from gasping aloud again.

She closed her eyes trying her hardest not to want to linger for too long as Baddwulf had been everything her husband had not been when it came to her needs, but she knew right off the bat it wasn't going to go any further than a few romps in the sack as a means of getting back at Thom for his treachery, but she was still drawn to Baddwulf like many of the women he took to bed.

The blonde woman decided to nip her feelings in the bud, but she couldn't help melting into his embrace as he wrapped his arms around her slender waist. Baddwulf smirked knowing all too well that she'd return once she'd ventured back home to her husband and he'd be waiting until she finally wised up about the nature of their newfound relationship or stopped wanting to punish Thom altogether. She took her to leave of him after a few more kisses along her shoulder with the unstated promise of returning for an encore performance as she made her swift exit from the bedroom and down the hall until she managed to get out the front door. Baddwulf smirked as he ventured backward into his bed as naked as the day he was born still reeling from the scent of her lingering perfume and arousal when she fled.

He smirked when he recalled all they had gotten up to before sleep overtook them and the first lights of dawn were upon them. He had also delighted in the fact that he'd knocked her husband out cold before returning home to find her willing to take another tumble in the sack with him despite everything she found out about the man she remained married to.

The seemingly gruff detective rolled onto his back with his sizeable cock sticking straight in the air as the images of the previous night ended up getting him excited all over again. He'd been almost sorry he let Mrs. Callens go back to her husband as he lied in bed with his right arm folded behind his head and stared up at the ceiling of his apartment. He had well and truly come a long way from where he began his life in this place, a lost and lonely kid trying his best to outrun the imposing monsters he'd awakened to find himself surrounded by.

His last good memories of his life before coming to Temple City had been of a vast greenish place where icy winds from the sea had been more often than not felt as the poor and the hungry huddled together or scrapped for resources in the wake of what had been left of the Gaelic Isles in the years following The War Of The Great Regression.

Amid the chaos and the warfare, he'd been only a boy of seven and sickly by all accounts as his father, and the only surviving member of his family not taken via the sickness that spread through the isles, had been so desperate that he handed his only son over to the visiting medical practitioners for treatment only for them to stick him with a DNA altering substance that essentially made him no longer classified as a human before effectively seizing him as their legal property due to him having the genetic coding of their drug in his body which overrode the genetic coding of his intended creation.

The heartbroken and grief-stricken man of The Gaelic Isles fought tooth and nail against the bastards trying to take his sickly son betrayed and shamed for being so desperate he fought until his last breath before they killed him via high-tech weapons in from of the seven-year-old boy's blue eyes and carted the kid off where he was thrown into a cage like an animal and taken from his homeland to a world of bioengineering labs and sterile environments with little to no human contact or warmth even for a child his age.

He recalled being poked and prodded via sharp metal instruments and questioned as if he had not been a person but an animal, and then one day a poking and prodding session led to him breaking out of the cage he was placed in. Half naked, starved, cold, and alone he became something else in the wake of his newly unleashed fury and escaped the highly secured compound.

He had not recalled much aside from the piles of bodies draped in white lab coats and black suits with shiny dress shoes as he found himself given to the one biological imperative not affected via genetic mutation, he ran as fast as his little legs could carry him and as far as he could manage.

He would up in some beaten-down alley behind an authentic Italian restaurant, run by a local thug by the name of Vincenzo Antonio Leonetti. The surprisingly kind-hearted man took him in after protecting him from beings collectively known as "The Black Hearts", a paid arm of the so-called government enforcers that were known for kidnapping children from lesser families for experimentation, and adopted him as his son.

Baddwulf had worked for his old man up until about ten years before becoming a private detective, which ultimately lead to his leaving his father's organized crime family in an official capacity due to a conflict of interests, but he remained in touch with them whenever he ventured passed the district line into Highland where Ian Baddwulf once more became "Francesco Michael Leonetti" better known as "Franky".

His father had been none too thrilled about his eldest son leaving the confines of the family to venture into the cesspool known as Attison District but he supported his son and made a decree that should "Franky" need any assistance he would be there with his boys and a lot of guns the moment he got word. Despite his considerable wealth, Vincenzo Leonetti, also known as "The Godfather of Highland", never had any wish to venture into the Beverland district of Temple City knowing all too well that those sellouts were as fake as press-printed bills when it came to decency and friendship.

Vincenzo hated disloyalty among many things and never could stomach anyone coming from that hell hole. The nicest thing he could say about Attison District was that the people there were real twenty-four seven even if they were sex fiends, drug addicts, and thugs for the most part.

Baddwulf drifted off after his trip down memory lane and the hours seemed to pass without incident. He'd only awoken when he felt the inevitable call of nature and slowly pulled back the sheets and sat up in bed as he focused his efforts to make it to the toilet with his aching bladder and sizeable cock leading the way.

He did his best to ignore the coldness of the hardwood beneath his bare feet as he stepped into the bathroom and got a sense of the cold white tile. He grunted at the sensation as he made his way over to the toilet bowl and promptly began urinating as he looked about the room. The single high window that echoed the noise from the street had been what provided the most light with the lamp shut off. He briefly thought back to his time with Ms. Callens and a wicked smirk filed across his gruff handsome face.

It was some life to lead being Ian Baddwulf, he'd gone from growing up in the slums of the Gaelic Isles to the Highland Heights only to venture back to the slums in Attison District just for "shits and giggles" as they say.

He thought it an interesting turn of events that he'd even gone from number one mob enforcer for his old man to a low-rent detective whose main claim to fame had been along the lines of taking sleazy pictures to expose cheating scumbags to their long-suffering and clueless wives. He was often dubbed The King Of Sleaze when out and about by bitter husbands angry their wives had plenty of ammo for a full-on divorce.

Baddwulf finished up flushing the toilet once he had and washing his hands, but not drying them as he left the bathroom dripping water all over the floor as he ventured back toward his bedroom only to get a hankering for booze and made a detour toward the kitchen for one of the ice cold brown bottles that lined the lower rack.

He popped the top in a timely and expert manner and gulped knocking on his front door had gotten his attention. He strolled over toward the door, thinking that perhaps Ms. Callens was in for another go around when he caught sight of a familiar face that made his nose wrinkle and his blue eyes narrow.

Standing before him was a voluptuous redhead with porcelain white skin, ruby red lips, smokey grey eyelids, emerald green eyes, and a lovely set of legs that seemed as if they could wrap around a man's neck for days on end and still be long. Before he could say a word, she pushed passed the door bold as can be taking note of his exposed naked body and the subsequent effect she seemed to have on him and any other man that she came into contact with.

"Still every bit the Big Boy that I remember you being." said the redhead in a cool and casual tone.

Sullivan, who had been sleeping in Baddwulf's chair seemed to roll his eyes as he leaped out of it at the first sign of the woman in red. He hightailed it back toward the bedroom leaving the two humans to sort out their apparent differences.

"What brings you by Amanda?" asked Baddwulf not in the least in the mood for another one of her games.

"Not even gonna offer me a drink?" asked Amanda as if she'd been offended. "Not even for old time's sake?"

Baddwulf rolled his eyes this time mirroring his cat.

Amanda seemed to be amused by this and quickly snatched the beer from his hands and drank a bit of it down while simultaneously running her free hand along Baddwulf's bare chest. He hated that his body still responded to her touch, although his mind had acted as if it were vicious claw marks digging into his flesh.

"I know you missed me." teased Amanda before passing him back his bottle and watching him spitefully drink down the remainder to ensure she couldn't get another taste.

Baddwulf narrowed his blue eyes at her once more only for her to rush him, her free hand falling forward and caressing his cock as if it were a pet of her own. The low growl from the handsome muscle man only served to intensify her playfulness.

"Admit it, Wolfie baby." she teased him again. "You've missed me just as much as I've missed you."

"That ship has sailed," replied Baddwulf grabbing her by her wrist and pulling her away from him. The slight twist had hurt him a bit but he played it off very nicely. He wouldn't give her the satisfaction of having him at her beck and call again.

Amanda seemed disappointed that some of her old tricks weren't getting her anywhere.

"Well since you're gonna be that way," she said making her way over toward the sofa. "The least you can do is help me out...you are still a detective from what I hear even if it is mostly taking sleazy pictures of powerful men in compromising positions."

Baddwulf ventured toward a desk and slipped a cigarette from the pack he had stashed in the drawer between his lips and lit it via a pack of matches. He struck it and let the flame die down as he turned his attention to the redhead on his sofa.

"I ain't doing you no favors," said Baddwulf in annoyance as he puffed on his cigarette.

"Not even if it's to get one over on ol' Marty St. John?" asked Amanda with an arched brow knowing the history Baddwulf had with St.John since they were teenagers.

There was a flicker of malice that flashed behind Baddwulf's eyes as he puffed on his cigarette. As badly as he wanted to bring the arrogant rich boy prick down a peg or two, he had considered that he was dealing with Amanda Smalls of all people. She always had her nose in other people's nefarious business and had a bit of her own as far as her life as a streetwalker had been concerned. There wasn't a cock in Attison District that she hadn't ridden at least twice and that went double for Beverland District.

After blowing a few rings of smoke into the air, Baddwulf considered his next few words very carefully.

"Say I might be interested, what are the job details and how much do I get paid?" he asked holding the cigarette via his fingers and looking very sternly in Amanda's direction.

"How do 5,000 black pennies sound?" she asked in a casual tone.

Baddwulf nearly spits out his cigarette.

"Five thousand black pennies?" he asked as if he heard her wrong and his hearing was quite acute.

"That's right," replied Amanda. "You get two thousand for taking the job in advance and the rest when it's complete with possibly another five thousand in bonus if the evidence is right."

"Client must have deep pockets," remarked Baddwulf.

"Indeed they do," replied Amanda in agreement with a giddy smile. "Client wants you to catch the no-good bastard in a compromising position with good shots and I mean good to be the proof needed to do some preemptive decision-making."

Baddwulf had not liked the sound of it but he did like the sound of money and he had no love loss for the likes of Marty St. John in the first place.

Another puff on his cigarette saw him finally making a decision. He knew he'd regret getting mixed up in whatever Amanda Smalls had cooked, but 10,000 black pennies was a lot to pass up especially with his slow rate when it came to clients that couldn't pay much, if at all.

"I'll look into it," he said in a gruff tone before puffing on his cigarette once again. "And this better be on the up and up."

Amanda seemed pleased as she got to her feet and made her way over to him.

"King of Sleaze you may be called from time to time, but everyone knows you're the big bad wolf," she said before kissing him on the cheek and wrapping her hand around his impressive cock once more.

She bit her bottom lip and took her to leave of him, sweeping out of the apartment as quickly as she had arrived. Once she was gone, Baddwulf let out a breath he had not realized he'd been holding.

Amanda Smalls had been nothing but trouble ever since he met her.

It seemed that girls that wore red and wolves always seemed to find themselves in a world of hurt.