
Chapter 7: Tempers And Tantrums

4th Street and Ryanair, The Attison District, Temple City (3040).....

Coming hot off the heels of his recent attack by the thugs sent after him via Blacky Clay, Baddwulf had not been in the best of moods when prowling the streets that night. He'd been looking over his shoulder at every corner, but not out of fear as his rage was beginning to boil to the surface. As he continued his lone stroll it had occurred to him with the shouting around the corner and the shattering of glass and windows, that he had not been the only one upset about the way their day had been turning out. There was a woman who had caught her husband red-handed laying pipe for a younger woman in their living room while she'd been busting her hide all day at work. He'd gotten fired from his gigs so many times everyone had told her to ditch the bum. She stuck with him and put up with his laziness only for him to cheat on her with a younger woman while spending her hard-earned metallic.

Black Pennies were the staple of currency in Temple City and earning them was like pulling teeth. Baddwulf walked passed the building with the broken dishes and the half-naked man dressed only in white boxer shorts with little red hearts imprinted on them, shouting back at his angry wife as if he had any room to be indignant about what he'd done. He was a no-good bum, just like everyone said and now there was no longer any doubt. She tossed him out on his arse along with his minimal belongings.

Baddwulf continued his stroll down the street as the afternoon sky began to give way to dusk as time passed by the hour. He managed to get himself close enough to the target street, 16th and Parkwood Blvd, still puffing in his cigarette as he took note of the bleak skyline and the setting sun. His narrowed eyes caught a glimpse of the place he'd been walking to, a rundown three-story building with brick siding. The alley beside it smelled of piss and stale water along with the vapors from cigarette smoke and lingering yet conflicting scents of cheap toilet water and expensive cologne.

Baddwulf took a step forward, dropping what remained of his cigarette butt and crushed it into the slick pavement via his shiny dress shoe as he readied himself and the watch he'd been given via Jake Summers for the job. With a quick press of the innermost button, a small but stealthy fly-like robot managed to tail him as he entered the building, which was a rundown motel on the outskirts of Highland and Attison district. The flashing of the big red neon sign out front had been something of a dead giveaway as to why the target had chosen this place and kept it a secret from his rather concerned wife.

Like all the women he'd previously seen in this sort of predicament, her husband had come to lay pipe with a more than likely younger and more fashionable broad while trying to maintain the illusion of respectability and whatnot. Either way, it meant another notch in the preverbal belt of "The Sleaze King", of Attison District.


Crummy Motel, 16th and Parkwood Blvd, Outskirts Of Highland/Attison District, Temple City (3040)...

The moment Baddwulf stepped inside, he found himself cut off at the front desk by the clerk and doorman. Some sleazy messy suit-wearing jerk made it a point to keep the guests happy and coming back at all costs. He'd been a small man with a goofy-looking shirt with fruits and trees on the front, bright in color and out of place amid the grit and grime that layered the inside of the building as well as the outside. He was blonde, with low blue eyes and round cheeks like a baby. He hadn't been the type to see a lot of action given his chosen reading material had been something along the lines of the X-rated in terms of material. He noted the way the apparently awkward man had been tapping his fingers against his side. The appearance of what was perceived to have been a lubricant of some sort also gave an indication that the door clerk had been up to no good.

He'd been watching holograms of something, something that wasn't quite on the up and up and it proved to be the ideal means of getting something out of him, which included access to the upper rooms so that he could finish his assignment. Baddwulf of course knew he could scale the building but it was a matter of height and which room to impose upon that would be a problem for him. So he settled for the sleazy way of doing business, he had been the king of sleaze after all at least according to everyone who had known about him in Attison District.

"No one is allowed in without payment or appointment." growled the door clerk annoyed to some degree that he'd been interrupted from his favorite pastime.

Baddwulf smirked as he could smell the stench of arousal on the lonely loser and proceeded to work the wheels of his newest means of charm into play. The heightened sense of arousal had not come from the dirty holos the clerk had been watching although, new-age pornography had its uses and devastating effects respectively.

The slight shift of the clerk's heartbeat occurred when he first noted Baddwulf himself and it was easy pickings from there. Baddwulf could hear the blood rushing through the veins of the clerk as he fiddled with his dark horn-framed glasses and the buttons on the front of his trousers. It was all too clear what was going on and Baddwulf had full advantage. Being inflicted with refined lycanthropy had its uses not just in combat but also in matters of persuasion, as this clerk clearly had the hots for him. While Baddwulf himself wasn't in the least interested in playing for the home team, it didn't stop him from using his heightened and peculiar pheromones on men attracted to him if that got him what he wanted quick fast, and in a hurry.

"I want in that establishment," said Baddwulf no longer waiting on pretense.

"L-Like I said pal.." began the clerk his body sweating up a storm the longer he'd been in Baddwulf's presence.

"Like I said, I want in the establishment," said Baddwulf as his eyes flickered with an unseemly yellow glow that seemed to make the clerk's body heat up all over as he fiddled with his hands and did his best to hide his small but tented erection.

"W-whatever you want." replied the clerk mesmerized by Baddwulf's apparently beastly charm.

Baddwulf smirked as he'd known all too well how this little exchange would have gone if the clerk had been a woman and simply strolled passed without a word as the clerk tried his best to not only compose himself but to figure out what he had just experienced altogether.


The Second Floor, Crummy Motel, 16th and Parkwood Blvd, Outskirts Of Highland/ Attison District, Temple City (3040)...

Flashing neon did its best to distract the wayward detective as he moved about the darkened corridor in search of the room he spied his target signing for when he'd view the clerk's dirty holos. He was quite the snoop when he needed to be and smiled at his efforts as he slumped into the shadows while awaiting his prey in the form of the shady businessman banging his partner's wife.

His keen wolfish ears detected quite a bit of the sex romps going on in the place and their distinct voices of them respectively. The Protofly, the rather odd name Jake had come up with for his newest gadget, had managed to climb into the nearby window as Jake directed its movements via his computer back at the office. It still annoyed Baddwulf to have the awful thing about, but he wanted these pictures to be good and he did acknowledge to himself at least, that some things he couldn't manage when it came to dealing on the outskirts of the law.

In a bid to get the camera inside, of course, Baddwulf relied on the classics, playing the drunken fool who had been lost on his way to his own room after disturbing the guests just so that they'd open the door for The Protofly.

Baddwulf stumbled and belched as he knocked on the door causing the woman on the other side to crack it open in annoyance and fear as she saw the rather unstable man moving about the corridor smelling of booze and cigarettes.

"L-let-t-t me-e-e in-n-n h-h-h-honey," he said in as much a drunken facade as possible. "N-N-eed to use the little boy's r-r-r-ooom-m-m."

"I'm afraid you have the wrong room." said the woman nervously looking upon him as she did her best to hold the bed sheet that she had wrapped around her lovely body.

"Oh...ss-s-s-s-sorrrrryyyy," replied Baddwulf before stumbling out of sight when he saw the fly go in.

He had recognized the woman from the photos in the file her husband had sent over. She was a very beautiful woman indeed and seemed to have come from a good stock as far as family genetics were concerned. Her large breasts were barely hidden via the sheet she had wrapped around her and her ruby-red lips commanded more of Baddwulf's attention than most women had when he wasn't putting on a drunken show.

A message from Jake alerted him to the fact that the fly was inside the room and gathering a good deal of evidence. There was even a video of the two of them having their romp right before the eyes of the camera. Baddwulf rolled his eyes as he continued to stroll down the stairs and out the front door taking note that the clerk had not been present.

The experienced detective smirked when he stood in the shadows puffing on yet another cigarette and waiting as the two of them made their way out of the motel after their "meeting of the minds." He was quite patient as he slowly took out his own camera and began snapping pictures of them in compromising positions. They had been none the wiser, believing themselves to have been discreet as Baddwulf made his way back toward Attison District and his office to turn in the footage. The Protofly had downloaded the much-needed data before being smashed to pieces by a citizen who believed it to have been an actual fly and shattering its cameras and body in the process.

Baddwulf couldn't help but smirk when he heard the citizen ranting about pesky flies and crushing the gadget at the bottom of his heel.

After all, he had hated both flies and technology as much as the next fellow.