
Chapter 10: A Sucker For A Pretty Face

Apartment 42, The Bowerstone Apartment Complex, 4th And Flint Street, The Attison District, Temple City (3040).....

By the time Baddwulf had stuck his key in the door, he noticed that his apartment had not been how he left it, almost immediately the scent of something akin to perfume and arousal hit his flaring nostrils and he stepped inside almost driven by impulse. He'd still been more than a little riled up due to the dances at The Dope Diamond Club, but he had done his best to see his way home and keep his mind on business. Sullivan seemed to have been fine as he made himself known via the center of Baddwulf's reclining chair as the puzzled detective moved about the apartment locking the door behind him and tossing his keys onto the nearby table. Whoever had been inside, was definitely female as the scent of arousal began to have a tremendous effect on him causing his cock to rapidly swell and tent the front of his trousers.

Moving swiftly with his enormous cock leading the way, Baddwulf ended up trailing the scent back toward his bedroom where he'd been stunned to find a completely naked Amanda Smalls in the center of his bed with her body on display and her red hair all over his pillows. She spread her legs like a pinup girl and motioned for him to join her. Baddwulf's cock had been doing all the thinking for him as he quickly discarded his attire and tossed it onto the floor before crawling onto the bed as naked as she'd been before settling his body between her milky white thighs as he had so many times before.

Her supple breasts were always firm and pleasant to look at even when she'd been showing them off to get her way and this time there was no exception to how much she commanded his attention. Without a word, Baddwulf gripped her via the ankles on both legs and pulled her closer until she found herself impaled upon his engorged appendage moaning out loud at the sensation of being filled so deeply. He pressed his chest into hers, feeling her nipples harden at the sensation of being compressed against his hard muscle-toned chest.

Amanda pressed her ruby red lips into the flesh of Baddwulf's neck as he thrust forward filling her again and again as he had the first time they'd done it in the back alley of his father's restaurant in Highland. He was her first back then, and plenty huge as far as she was concerned despite them only being teenagers. Baddwulf let out a low growl in reaction to her warm tightness which was surprising considering she'd left him some time ago and been around the block more than once as a result of it.

Another growl erupted from Baddwulf as he gripped the smaller-framed woman whose long red locks curtained about her shoulders while she wrapped her arms around the big rugged brute who had always brought her so much pleasure whenever they hit the sheets in the past. Both their bodies glistened via sweat as Amanda continued to cling to him moaning in his ear with each hard thrust forward.

She had missed his off-brand form of lovemaking, more than she realized as she continued to cling to him her red fingernails digging into the flesh of his exposed back and leaving claw marks in the wake of each thrust. Baddwulf had been one to live up to his moniker when in the throes of passion unsure how to control himself when he'd been completely unleashed and Amanda was the one woman that knew how to get him unbound.

Vibrant red locks twisted in tangles along the crisp white pillows as sweat continued to soak the sheets that surrounded them. Baddwulf's hips were pumping in a frenzy as he towered above Amanda grunting as she moaned in his ear kissing his neck and lips as she welcomed everything he'd been attempting to give her. There was a seedy twisted kind of love affair and one with tragic consequences as she abandoned him long ago for a life of glitz and glamor. He had given her his heart as a lad and she crushed it at the base of her high heel when she climbed into the back of the black limo she'd arrived at his father's restaurant in and never looked back.

At least until she found that a life of glitz and glamor didn't last very long when one had people always bound to take your place or take you out to get it. Many assassination attempts and some augmentation via bioengineering later and she was as cold and ruthless as "The Big Boys" that tried to play her for a sap. She always regretted her decision to walk out on Baddwulf, especially when he'd proposed to her and he had never been the same since. He'd been more gruff and distant with his affections to anyone that wasn't his father. She missed the sweetness behind his tone and the innocence in his blue eyes that had long been gone in the wake of her return to find him as embittered and jaded as she'd been.

She was informed when visiting with some of the guys from the old neighborhood that Baddwulf threw himself all the way into his work for his father, becoming cold and ruthless in that way of life once she'd gone and never thought about opening up to a woman like her ever again. Instead, he frequented brothels, and strip clubs, and bedded married women whose husbands betrayed them, just to have an excuse not to deal with anyone's past sexual desire and it showed.

What tended to happen between them on occasion if he had happened to see her was what was happening now, as bad as they were when it came to being in love, neither one of them could deny their mutual addiction to one another in bed. The hot steamy sex romps born of hatred and disgust further exacerbated by memories of a time they could never get back only spurred their various trysts as much as it had now as Amanda continued to cling to the brutally thrusting Baddwulf.

She could feel him, like a battering ram against her insides as he continued to pump his hips into her pelvis driving himself deeper and deeper into the warmth he seemed to crave with each passing day. Amanda moaned in his ear despite her efforts to play it cool and not let him know how much he'd always gotten to her. Sadly, he knew all too well how to command her body with his own and her efforts remained in vain.

The sensation on both their parts had them unable to respond to anything outside of their mutual passion as the hours passed by and night gave way to day. A cool morning breeze replaced the midnight chill that had little to no effect on the stifling heat between them. Amanda couldn't hold back the single tear that ran down her cheek as she continued to cling to Baddwulf as if he'd been a liferaft and she'd been drowning in the depths of a murky sea for a very long time.

Unbeknownst to him, even when she'd been enduring her worst, he'd always been her safe haven. Just the thought of him had been enough to pull her out of the depths of despair and the slums of her existence only for her to realize she'd abandoned her shot at happiness when she walked out on him for the glitz and glamor of life with another only to late be betrayed and left for dead as if she never mattered to anyone.

Amanda's no-good ex-husband said all the right things and presented all the right bribes in the form of gifts and trips, but at the end of the day, he was still a two-bit hood born from Attison and living on borrowed time in the heights of Beverland and she found out the hard way how people who were fool enough to live in Beverland got to stay on top.

They give up their decency and humanity to pretend to live it up all the while being prisoners in their gilded cages and slaves to the true powers that arranged for their being on top. The man she chose to marry instead of the man who had loved her sold her off to the highest bidder where she was beaten, raped, and mutilated to the point of unrecognition before being sexually trafficked following forced augmentation that altered her biogenetics.

Where Baddwulf was a genetically altered mortal turned lycan, she'd been something more sinister, more monster than a woman as a result, and treated like little more than a biogenetic sex doll by her handlers until she broke the controls and sent them on a slow fall into the very pits of what the people of The Old Era called Hell. She wouldn't age, she couldn't love and she was only capable of providing sex for any man that came into her vicinity.

Sex and death became her business and it was all she grew to know as the days and months passed without reprieve. Baddwulf had found her by accident one cold dark night, and he'd been so drunk and broken himself that he felt nothing for her the way he use to. She spread her legs for him as she had for many men who had ended up in her neck of the woods, but she refrained from killing him. A small part of her had wished to hold on to the memories of their time before. When she'd still been able to feel something and experience life outside of her forced profession.

As for her no-good husband, he wanted a turn with the new and improved sex worker and got the shock of his life when it turned out to be Amanda who slept with him before slitting his throat and watching him bleed out in the center of the motel bed. Never once did she tell Baddwulf what truly happened to her, for fear of what he'd do to avenge her and get himself killed. In her mind, she was already dead and the demon that occupied her body was merely running on the vapors of whom she use to be.

Baddwulf gripped her tighter as his hips pumped faster and faster. Amanda continued to moan as a single tear continued to stream down her supple pale cheek. He was much too good for her now, her bloody history and the changing genetic coding that made up what was left of her had seen to her never having a decent life, even in the horrors of Temple City. She had enemies all over the place and people out to replace her at the drop of a hat. Not a day went by that she didn't regret her choice in walking out on the only man who had ever truly loved her and she knew all too well it would haunt her until the day she stopped functioning.

But this, their little encounter had been enough to stave off all the bad days she'd ever experienced past and present, it was the only way to be with him that didn't require her to pretend to love him. She wasn't capable of such a thing, not anymore and she didn't figure he'd been capable of it either as he was slowly becoming consumed by the city, night after night becoming more animal than man.

Amanda continued to grip the back of Baddwulf as he drilled her warm depths over and over again with reckless abandon jolting her violently across his surprisingly comfortable mattress and tangling the crisp white bed sheets. A series of grunts and moans filled the semi-darkened bedroom as the piercing glow of red neon from the building next door bore into the darkness and seemingly highlighted the passionate scene going on in spite of it.

Baddwulf let out a growl as his body flexed and his hips continued to pump into his pelvis of Amanda at an alarming speed. She could feel the pulsing of his enormous appendage and moaned from the sensation of her own release, which had not been quite a common thing for her to experience, not these days, Baddwulf seemed to be the only brute capable of reaching even the most forbidden part of her as he drilled her over and over again as she coated him in her warm slickness and the formerly clean white sheets along with him.

She could feel him in the deepest part of her, every thrust, every muscle twitch, their matching heartbeats in the wake of their heavy breathing. She loved him once, and he had loved her just the same until she walked out on him. Their eyes met and she could see the telltale glow of darkened yellow that signaled the ignition of his long-dormant passion getting the better of him.

Amanda smiled loving that she could still get him to lose control and show her the wolf that dwelled inside him even if it was a brief glance through passion-filled yellow eyes while in the midst of animalistic coatis. She loved his scent, the deep manly musk, and the pheromones that seemed to drive any woman who had been in his vicinity insane with need for him. The redhead had been no different, despite all the changes she'd been through as she continued to cling to the brute of a man whose fangs began to protrude from his mouth as his thrusts got more frenzied and numerous in the wake of his passion reaching a boiling point.

Clinging to him as if for dear life, Amanda felt her body convulse and she found herself biting down on his shoulder as he thrust forward as hard as he had before the intense pulsing from his cock filled her insides as burst after burst of his wayward seed filled the moaning woman whose body had glistened via sweat as much as her lover's had before he panted in her ear and collapsed form exhaustion as their mutual act came to a close.

It seemed that the more things changed, the more they stayed the same, at least when it came to Baddwulf's animalistic brand of love-making.