
Chapter 16: Carrying Favor

Outside Leonetti's Restaurant, Highland District, Temple City (3040).....

A low growl erupted from the tightly pursed lips of Baddwulf as he stood outside his father's notorious restaurant. He had no genuine desire to be back in Highland, but the call of black pennies was such that he ventured to the only place he knew to provide what he needed to get through his latest case. The brutish detective continued to lead the bumbling sap into his father's establishment annoyed that he had to do all the talking when he saw his way to catching Shelark before his inevitable departure. The old man had not changed much, he was still wide, bald, and frumpy-looking as he was the day Baddwulf met him. He was an average-sized man with a wide belly, but Baddwulf towered above him easily. He lost his hair ages ago and had taken to shaving his former beard leaving his already ugly mug fat and bare. The old man seemed to still have a knack for the unseemly and as a result, he hoovered about the restaurant like there was no tomorrow.

"Frankie!" said the voice of none other than Rudy Shelark. "Long time no see!"

Baddwulf resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he needed the fat bastard for a favor.

"Rudy Shelark," he said in greeting. "What's a fat tub of lard doing in a restaurant you might get mistaken for the cooking batter?"

Rudy chuckled at this always a fan of the insults and jeers when it came to all things Leonetti related.

"Look at you kid, all this time I would have thought you'd bring a girl home and you're out running the streets with another guy," replied Rudy with a smirk. "By the way, have you coughed up any hairballs lately?"

Baddwulf flipped the older man the middle finger as the fat older man chuckled and turned his attention to the confused-looking Neil.

"Don't I know you?" he asked. "Brautigan right?, Neil Brautigan the sap who's broad is two-timing him with that idiot Slim Marshal."

Neil seemed to be disheartened that everyone seemed to know about his wife's infidelity before he did.

"Hey don't beat yourself up too bad kid, it happens to the best of us," said Rudy with sympathy.

Neil seemed to feel a bit better about his situation.

Baddwulf had not been interested in the mutual sentiment only his black pennies as he was pressed for time and had other places to go and people to see, namely a certain cheetah girl at The Dope Diamond.

"Can we hurry this little love fest along?" he asked annoyed, "I got places to be, I just wanted to see if you could help the fellow out and all that."

"Getting me a client?" asked Rudy with a smirk. "Ain't you sweet."

Baddwulf rolled his eyes and Rudy placed a hand on Neil's shoulder.

"Step into my office kid," he said as he led Neil to his end of the restaurant.

Baddwulf made his way toward the front door only to be stopped by Rudy.

"Before I forget," he said tossing the brooding werewolf a black velvet pouch, "Here's your finder's fee."

Baddwulf arched a brow as he caught it and peered inside. Rudy had given him about five thousand dollars worth of black pennies.

"You gotta be shitting me?" he asked looking at the old fat man.

"Not at all, this kid's a legal shark's gold mine." replied Rudy before venturing back into his "office".

Not having to be told twice, Baddwulf turned his attention toward the front door again this time in a better mood with the pouch of black pennies well in hand.


The Back Alleys, Attison District, Temple City....(3040)...

Baddwulf had been halfway back to his office when he was once more jumped from behind. He had been in a good mood due to being finally paid, but the hoodlums from the district were starting to grate on his nerves. He had a pretty good idea who had sent the goons his way yet again and why they had it in for him.

"Let me guess, Blackie Clay?" asked Baddwulf not at all phased by the goons sticking the silver barrels of their guns into his back.

"How'd you know?" asked the thinner one of the two.

"Lucky guess," replied Baddwulf only seconds away from hunting down the idiot himself and ripping his throat out. "Look I know this little number already and if you, two low lives don't know how to tango then I suggest you get the hell off my dance floor you get me?"

These two had not been as stupid as they looked when faced with a vengeful and temperamental Baddwulf. They both took the high road and scramed elsewhere.

Baddwulf rolled his eyes.

He had been in a decent mood before he was ambushed by cowards and there was that name again, Blackie Clay. He was sending goons after him in droves. The annoyed werewolf had not known what he did to get on that hood's bad side but he was done with small-time hoods mucking up his day with their two-bit hustle and nickel-and-dime personalities.

The annoyed werewolf continued on his journey back to his primary office as he planned to share the good news with Jake Summer and find out what their next move and case would be once he had a chance to unwind and take a little trip down to The Dope Diamond. He had also wanted to remind the kid to go to the apartment and feed Sullivan lest the cat gets uppity again and piss in his dress shoes.

Baddwulf took out another cigarette and lit it via the silver lighter he kept in his back pocket. He took a long slow drag as he did a bit of reflecting on his day and his upcoming plans for the time being.

Amanda Smalls had once more crossed his mind and given the night they shared before her sudden and random departure, he had not been all that surprised that she had. In the old days, he might have said that she was one in a million. Sadly, the day she chose to walk out on what they had in favor of wealth and fame she became just like everyone else and eventually ended up in Attison District a bottom feeder looking out for their own best interest and too low for any aspect of dignity or status.

Baddwulf took one more drag from his cigarette before putting it out against the wall and stuffing the snuffed remainder back into his front shirt pocket before entering the building where his office was located.

He had a feeling that it was gonna be another long night for him once everything was all said and done.