
Chapter 19: The Common Cure For The Wicked Man's Blues

Apartment 42, The Bowerstone Apartment Complex, 4th And Flint Street, The Attison District, Temple City (3040).....

Sticking the key into his front door had been a lot less troublesome this time around as Baddwulf found himself finally back at his apartment and once more alone with Sully having come rushing to the door only to take note of Baddwulf and flick his tail in disgust before heading back toward the bedroom where he'd taken over his master's bed. Baddwulf rolled his eyes at the lackluster greeting he received and made his way over toward his favorite armchair after locking up. He tossed his coat and suit jacket onto the nearby sofa and his keys onto the coffee table and sat back in the chair lounging for all he was worth in the wake of the many aches and pains that radiated through his battered body. He was all kinds of hurt and angry, but most of all he'd been highly flustered. He'd gone down to The Dope Diamond to wind down and enjoy himself after a long hard day with his nose to the grindstone and his reward was more bullets and grindstone this time along his whole body and less about his nose.

No sooner had his pained ass hit the chair did his door receive a knock that startled him from his almost slumber and he painstakingly got up and ventured toward it. He had barely any time to muster a growl of annoyance when his blue eyes caught sight of Mrs. Collins standing before him in the pricy red number she had the other day. He had not been expecting company but the way she looked took all the remaining hot air he had stored up for the day out of him. She walked into the apartment in long slow strides as Baddwulf got a real good look at her from front to back, curve to curve. He had especially been a fan of her long legs which were always a highlight for him whenever she wrapped them around his neck when he'd been having his wicked little way with her. He closed the door and locked it while she saw her way to getting a bit more comfortable. Up close she could see the various cuts and scrapes along his body and the blood trailing from them and his nose as she took off her fancy white fur coat and tossed it onto the sofa.

Despite his apparent preference for redheads, Baddwulf had been partial to blondes now and again and Mrs. Collins was quite the voluptuous blonde. She seemed to grow more beautiful with each passing moment as she moved toward him with a warm wet towel and began working on doing something about the blood and cuts that lingered from his not-so-pleasant day out. He sighed as she pressed the warm towel against his bearded bloody face and she motioned for him to sit back down in his usual armchair. She untied his sloppily done tie taking a moment to toss it onto the sofa along with her coat and set to work undoing his bloodied formerly white shirt. Baddwulf looked up at her with intense desire behind his dark eyes as she tossed his shirt onto the sofa as well.

Without a word, Mrs. Collins ran the warm towel along his face and neck wiping away all the blood as she came to the white men's tanktop drenched in sweat that still covered his impressively muscle-ripped torso. He raised his arms as she helped him out of it and it too was tossed but only to the floor given how damp it had been from his sweating. Baddwulf had been heavily aroused and it had gotten her attention in the worst way as she climbed rather boldly into his lap and wiped his chest with the warm towel. He said nothing as the sound of their mutual labored breaths filled the living room and she slowly began to trail her bare hands down his muscular chest and well-chiseled abs.

Their eyes locked as she moved her hands down to his thick black leather belt and began undoing it along with the button and zipper of his trousers. Baddwulf grunted as she fished his impressive cock from his boxers and ran her soft warm hands along it. He'd still been relatively worked up from his time at The Dope Diamond before its unfortunate destruction and easily aggressive in his need for physical relief due to the stimulation. He gripped the lovely married woman's thighs and pulled her into his brutal and heated kiss causing her to moan and trailed down to her neck where he nibbled and licked at the flesh making her buck her body against his as he held her in place on his lap.

She'd been quite petite in terms of her frame and lovely overall, as he felt her breasts press against his bare chest for a moment as they kissed. He gripped her small but well-formed ass with both his brutal hands squeezing the cheeks and pulling her closer. She moaned when she felt his large rough hands quest beneath her red dress and up her thighs revealing that she had decided to forgo any panties this time around and he smirked at just how naughty the good girl and loving wife had become over the course of her discovery that her no good husband Thom had betrayed her and her spending many a night in Baddwulf's bed as a result of it.

Baddwulf could feel how excited she'd been when he plunged a finger inside her causing her to gasp at how bold and dirty he'd been as her husband would never have done such a thing. The wicked smirk filed across the handsome brute's face as she poked and prodded the tight depths where his now throbbing cock wanted to go as she gripped it stroking him with her soft nimble fingers and drawing a series of grunts from his harsh pursed lips.

The rather sly detective knew more than his fair share about how to please a woman in the wake of his breakup with his former fiancee Amanda Smalls, he'd spent many long and hot nights shoving his massive cock into a number of casuals, prostitutes, and married women whose husband's had betrayed them.

Mrs. Collins moaned louder and louder as his fingers continued to plunge in and out of her sopping sex causing Baddwulf to grin as she stroked his cock absentmindedly. The look of relative shock and awe that reflected behind her lovely eyes had been what he'd been most proud of as he was sure the only time she'd ever gotten off had been when she'd been in his arms, which is why she always found the time to drop by for a nightly visit ever since their first night together.

She was a rather timid thing most of the time barely saying a word to anyone or even looking in another man's direction. She'd been a good wife, loyal, devoted, and most of all faithful until she found out her husband had not extended her the same courtesy and had regularly been shoving his bare cock into many strippers and whores since their marriage began. The revelation had hurt her tremendously but she wasn't going to be the only one humiliated and hurt so she turned her attention to Baddwulf and had ever since the truth had come out.

Sensing that she'd had her fill of his fingers, Baddwulf slowly removed them causing her to whimper from being left empty in the wake of her need only for him to aim his massive cock in place of them and slowly began to impale the lovely blonde dressed in red along its massive length. The widening of her lovely eyes had told Baddwulf all he needed to know as he smirked thrusting forward and splitting her sopping folds via his large cockhead.

She had already informed him that he'd been much longer and wider than her husband and stretched her to incredible means when he entered her. Feeling her body attempt to accommodate his massive size, Mrs. Collins clung to Baddwulf wrapping her arms around his neck as she shifted some taking him all in as he grunted in reaction to the sweet friction provided by her hot wet sex giving way to his throbbing large cock.

"Fuck." he grunted as he thrust forward desperate to filly be inside her.

She felt good, so good that he knew it would be difficult to have to give her up when she made the choice to stop seeing him if she made the choice that was.

The angle from the chair had not provided enough friction for him so Baddwulf used his immense strength to carry her toward a nearby wall as his trousers dropped to his ankles and he found himself pressing the lovely blonde against his kitchen wall. They had been near a shelf and the rocking of her body along the wall had caused it to shake and knocked a few of his items off but he had not cared as he began to brutally pump his hips into the pelvis of the now moaning and gasping blonde as their rather unseemly act got underway.

Mrs. Collins' red dress had been hiked up her waist as Baddwulf set to work drilling her tight warm sex for all he was worth. He had loads of pent-up aggression and desire from when he'd been out and about and she was just the soft warm thing that he needed to take the edge off. She wrapped her pale slender legs around his waist as he continued to pound her rather helpless body against this wall shoving his massive cock in and out of her heated depths and drawing a series of moans and screams from her lovely lips in the process.

Her blonde locks and lovely breasts bounced in reaction to her body being jolted along the wall by the powerful werewolf and his deeply rooted desire as he became more and more primal in his urge to have this lovely woman in the worst way possible. Baddwulf pumped his hips as he grunted and snarled while pinning Mrs. Collins along the wall of his kitchen. She moaned and clung to him her head rolling and her eyes going blank as she felt him unceremoniously drill her inner depths with reckless abandon.

She closed her eyes and allowed herself to feel only sensation as the infamous Baddwulf's massive cock continued to plunge in and out of her heated sex and moans burst from her ruby-red lips and filled both their ears. Baddwulf grunted as he increased his pace needing desperately to get off and obtain some relief from the horrific day he'd been having.

Mrs. Collins thought of Thom sticking his wayward cock in various other women and lying to her face day after day about working late and tending to a project while she sat home alone crying herself to sleep for months on end. She had come up with the ultimate way to punish the bastard that attempted to waste her young life and that had been to give herself to his most hated enemy, Baddwulf.

She could feel the brute inside her battering her insides with ease as she felt her inner muscles contract within and envelop his massive cock as another series of moans escaped her and the intense sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoed inside the rather darkened and quiet living room. Like most of the women that ended up coming to Baddwulf's place of residence in the dead of night, she had never before experienced the kind of raw animalistic passion that he provided whenever he had taken her to bed. Her husband had always been so tame as if she were some china doll he had not wished to break and she had believed any manner of intimacy had been like that for all men and women who were married. She'd been shocked to find out just how wrong she'd been when she saw the images of her so-called husband with other women and the truth about how he had more or less disappointed her in bed due to his small size and lack of skill in getting her to have any sort of release when they had done it.

Baddwulf had managed it instantly in one night making her toes curl and her knees buckle more than once as he took her, his body strong and his desire stronger as he gripped her hips in the center of his rather comfortable bed. He wanted nothing less than what she was willing to give him and he took it all without question. She had never known a more passionate and driven man in all her life and as a result, became somewhat addicted to his brutish brand of love-making if one could even call it that. He had been a bit more vulgar than her husband calling it "purely fucking" as her cheeks blushed the instant he said it.

Mrs. Collins had been of the mind to agree with his assessment here and now as he continued to pound her body against his kitchen wall with reckless abandon. He grunted while she moaned and clawed at the flesh of his back taking in the masculine scent of him as she felt her body give way to the violent intruder that sought to plunge what had not belonged to him and lay claim to the womb that had been abandoned by the man who had rights to it.

Due to his keen senses as a result of being genetically altered via Lupine DNA, Baddwulf could tell that Mrs. Collins had been in what his animalistic mind referred to as heat, and the fact that she was only seemed to intensify his desire to coat her womb and lay claim to it with his own boiling seed so as not to allow the pretender she called a husband to do it. His nose knew the moment the egg inside her ovaries had been ripe and ready to be implanted as she cling to him moaning in his ear as she continued his brutal pounding of her heated depths.

Mrs. Collins knew the moment she awoke that morning exactly what she planned to do when the shift in her body had alerted her to the notion of desire that made her take a good hard look in the mirror. Thom had been out with his whores again and hadn't said a word to her in weeks believing she'd stopped seeing Baddwulf and he'd been so content in his belief that he went back to betraying her all over again. He came home late at night and engaged in sex with her as a means of reclaiming her from Baddwulf only to discard her once he'd been done and skirt chase when the mood struck him. He reeked of booze and often came home penniless when he supposedly spent all week working.

Baddwulf grunted once more in Mrs. Collins' ear as she gripped him tighter as he jolted her body along the kitchen wall. She felt the inevitable pulsing of his massive cock and knew all too well that the ride was at an end as he groaned and she felt the sudden warm sensation of rope after rope of his thick release fill her waiting womb as she took it all desperate for it to remain inside her hungry body as she continued to cling to him gasping for breath in the wake of the shockwaves that filled her in reaction to getting what she came for.

For the brutish man panting as he leaned against her body along the kitchen wall, dirty heated sex had been something of a common cure for the wicked man's blues, but only a temporary one when all things had been considered.