
Chapter 21: Unwanted Interruptions Per The Usual

Apartment 42, The Bowerstone Apartment Complex, 4th And Flint Street, The Attison District, Temple City (3040).....

Loud knocking had roused the late slumbering Baddwulf as his blue eyes burst open and a look of annoyance spread across his ruggedly handsome bearded face. He had not been much for having his sleep interrupted and as such roared with great rage as he stormed through his living room and pulled open the front door to find that he'd been face to face with a cowering man small and nearly blading man wearing casual clothes with knobby knees trying his best not to incur his wrath as he pointed in the direction of the low life gangsters that Baddwulf knew first hand had not been looking for any assistance of any kind pertaining to his detective work. In his haste to answer the door, he had not been able to put on much aside from his boxer shorts as the tough guys pulled him out of his apartment and tossed him down the stairs back first while they set to work on "roughing" him up.

It was a typical hit of course, the husbands of the women he'd bedded more or less frequently had put together enough black pennies to put a hit out on him, hoping to save their collective pride but it was to no avail. Baddwulf had been hipped to their game a long time ago and if their wives came begging for a good turn in the sack he'd oblige them no matter who they sent.

The Weasel Boys had been the all-around hit squad for those who had a pretty penny to spend when down in the slums and they were the uglies triplets one would ever meet, huge fat and sloppily dressed with bellies too big for their dress shirts, they had a thing for causing mayhem and loved to throw hands with the likes of Baddwulf given his reputation for being a well known Graphite.

"The Giraffe is here boys what do you know," said Dale the eldest of the Weasel brothers.

"Gonna make him hurt real bad aren't we Dale?" asked Louis the dumbest of the bunch.

"That's right Cal." said in reply, the third and tallest of them.

The boys had been named appley so, due to their tendency to weasel farm and their obsession with them. Certain creatures were outlawed long ago but the smuggling ring of the Weasel brothers had been quite lucrative when it came to bringing in Weasels.

Baddwulf had barely any time to catch himself before he busted his head on the second flight of stairs as they pounced throwing him into walls and taking cheap shots at his face and body. He rolled onto his back and rolled his eyes as he staggered to his feet.

"Now boys, whoever is putting you up to this, just know their next when I'm done here," growled Baddwulf as his eyes glowed and he pounced on one brother after the other beating them senseless in the wake of their disturbing him from sleep. He'd been quite pissed and there wasn't a Dope Diamond around the place to see him through a bad day.

Dale jumped on Baddwulf's back and tried to strangle him from behind. Baddwulf quickly countered by ramming Dale into the nearby wall before they spilled onto the main floor and out the front door of the lobby.

Passers-by had been shaking their collective heads as Baddwulf was tussling with the other two brothers after knocking Louis out cold. He turned his attention to ramming Dale's head into a stone fountain that had been placed outside the apartment building and drowned him until he stopped fighting back before throwing his body to the side with his unconscious other brother.

Cal was the last and Baddwulf had been able to put him down with a series of body and head shots with his bare fists before suplexing his body onto the concrete below. He snarked and wiped the blood from his lip as he glared at the people and the brothers before spitting on them and heading back toward the apartment.

Baddwulf slowly made his way back up the stairs bypassing the broken wood and bits of wall fragments as he made it to his door. He sighed and closed it before stumbling over to his favorite armchair and collapsing just as another knock hit his door.

He growled and opened it this time spoiling for a fight and finding himself disappointed to find Jake Summers there with an arched brow and his eyes scanning the place. Baddwulf rolled his eyes and ventured toward his bar in search of a good stiff drink.

"That downstairs is your handy work I take it?" he asked closing the door behind him as he stepped inside.

"Welcoming committee meeting didn't go as well as they'd hoped," replied Baddwulf drinking a swig from his half-empty bottle.

Jake sighed.

"For crying out loud Ian it's barely twelve in the afternoon," said Jake noting his partner's early drinking.

"Well you know what they say, Jake, it's five o'clock somewhere," replied Baddwulf taking another drink.

"I heard about The Dope Diamond," said Jake with a sad expression.

He knew how much Baddwulf liked the place.

"Don't remind me," growled Baddwulf taking yet another drink from his bottle. "Croc's got me searching for the dumb son of a bitch that did it."

"And you already know where to look I take it?" asked Jake with a smirk.

"Damn straight," replied the brooding werewolf. "Fucking prick by the name of Blackie Clay is responsible, heard his boys leaving his calling card just before they shot the place up."

"Of course it was," said Jake with a grim expression.

Baddwulf arched a brow at him before approaching him rather swiftly.

"You know something you little worm and you'd better tell me what it is!?" he growled not taking his gaze off the younger lad.

Jake threw up his hands and sighed.

"Alright, no need to get your boxers in a twist, and thankfully you managed to dress halfway decent today," he said observing his rather annoyed partner, "It turns out that the infamous hood Blackie Clay had it in for that place due to his sister being employed there."

"Blackie Clay's sister?" asked Baddwulf with an arched brow. "Was she one of the dancers?"

"No one knows," replied Jake with a shrug. "It was just him going on about burning the place to the ground and his boys leaving his calling card."

Baddwulf gritted his teeth.

"I'm beginning to want Blackie Clay six feet under," he growled recalling just how troublesome the unknown hood had been for him in the past few days.

"Get in line," replied Jake with a sigh. "Word is Croc's first on the list for it."

Baddwulf rolled his eyes.

"Speaking of Croc, he asked me to find out who torched his club." said the gruff half-naked werewolf.

"Well everybody and their mother knows it's Blackie Clay's doing but not who Blackie Clay is or where to find him." Jake continued.

Baddwulf finished off his drink and slammed the glass down on the bar.

"Well looks like we better get to work then," he said making his way toward his bedroom to get dressed.

Once he opened the door Sullivan came rushing out and up to Jake purring and rubbing against his leg after giving Baddwulf a side-eye glare and making it clear he'd still been upset with him about the forgotten feeding.

"Hey Sully, want some breakfast?" asked Jake in the background as Baddwulf entered his bedroom and closed the door.

The sound of Sullivan's meow echoed in Baddwulf's keen ears as the door closed behind him.