
Chapter 24: When The Wolf Comes Knocking

The Pits, Fifth And Central Ave, The Attison District, Temple City (3040).....

A good deal of shouting and screams filled the air as well as the telltale sounds of a scuffle just before one of the on-duty goons found himself kicked through the heavy wooden doors of the hideout spot where the known petty hood, Blacky Clay had been stationed in a bid to cause as much chaos to Attison District as possible. Baddwulf had not particularly taken too kindly to the nuisance causing him problems beforehand but to take out The Dope Diamond, there wasn't a goon alive that would keep the determined and utterly furious werewolf from snapping the uppity little hoodlum's neck. He tossed about the would-be tryhards with ease knocking their respective heads together and throwing them across the area and the room once he'd kicked his way in.

Rage had been prominent behind his dark eyes as the eerie glow of red took hold, he'd been out for blood given the week he'd been having. Especially with his favorite after-hours spot being torched following a messy shooting.

Baddwulf snarled as he tossed another would-be hero goon against a wall and stormed into the ballroom area where a rather impressive small stage had been along with various small sections of tables, chairs, and booths. Smoke filled the place in a thin white cloud that loomed in just about every space and pool tables galore had been about the place with various styles of artwork and a pristine finish to the rather retro decor.

"Nice spot ya got here Blacky." growled Baddwulf seemingly amused. "It's almost too bad I came here to mess it up."

A big brute who had been guarding the door glared at Baddwulf snarling in his own right as he approached giving the rather annoyed detective a glimpse of his neatly folded but very large horns as the cynical detective took notice of the fact that he'd been a humanoid bull and given to foul temperament.

"Oh fuck." Baddwulf remarked noticing just how big the rather pale humanoid bull with large powerful arms and a muscle-bound torso and legs had been as he approached at speeds only a bull enraged could be capable of.

It had only occurred to him slightly that this large brute was why nobody actively ventured into Blacky Clay's territory and there was no telling who else he had stashed in his midst given the number of misfits and two-bit hoods that occupied Attison District.


The Back Alley, The Pits, Fifth, And Central Ave, The Attison District, Temple City (3040).....

Without a word, the nostrils flared on the large bull and he charged Baddwulf tossing him through a heavy metal door and out into the alley To say the door had hurt had been an understatement as Baddwulf found himself rammed very hard into brick following the door hitting him in the back of the head. Driven by survival instinct his fangs began to protrude and his eyes shifted to an eerie red glow as his fury began to take hold of him.

A growl rumbled from his throat as the humanoid bull began to beat him with his large meaty fists bruising his ribs in the process. Baddwulf snarled and attempted to scramble out of the brute's line of fire but had been caught and rammed back into the brick wall over and over again.

Still furious and driven by instinct, Baddwulf's claws came out and he slashed the front of the bullhead brute's torso shredding his tight-fitting muscle t-shirt and skin drawing blood which only served to anger the brute all the more. Enraged it lifted Baddwulf by the throat and rammed him into the wall again and again as the dazed detective began to lose consciousness, he swiped at the bull's face causing him to drop him before they went tumbling through the alley and into the open street narrowly avoiding cars as Baddwulf attempted to outmaneuver the now charging larger Bull-man.

A series of flying fists on both their parts had been met with concern and speculation as many onlookers watched their struggle in the middle of the street. Honking horns and angry drivers offered a piece of their collective minds due to the traffic jam they caused prompting the bull to smash one car in the wake of his rampage.

Baddwulf managed to scoop up a broken car door and beat the bull with it knocking him backward for the first time in their fight but only just so as it further enraged the brute who once more took to charging after him. Baddwulf weathered the blow of being tossed into a nearby fruit stand while holding the door as a shield from the bull's sharp horns in the process.

As heavy as the door was and as beaten as Baddwulf had been, he still struggled to get to his feet only for the bull to catch up to him and choke him in front of those watching causing him to lose consciousness before dropping him off in a nearby dark alley far from the club once he'd been limp and thrown over the bull's shoulders.


Dark Alley, 4th Street, The Attison District, Temple City (3040).....

It was near nightfall when Baddwulf finally opened his eyes half expecting to be at the bottom of a river somewhere. Much to his shock, he'd been tossed amid a stacked row of garbage cans and old furniture as he slowly attempted to make sense of his surroundings. Everything had seemed to ache all at once and he knew he'd at least need two days of constant sleep just to heal properly as he winced when attempting to move feeling every one of the brute bull's fists and throws in the wake of their battle beforehand.

"Fuck..." hissed Baddwulf realizing that perhaps his gung-ho attempt to confront Blacky Clay had been the wrong approach but given his mood at the time, it felt the right way to go.

Not having much of a good day on his part, Baddwulf turned his attention to sifting through his pockets for his cigarettes. He put one to his bruised and bloodied lip and fished rather gingerly for his lighter due to the pain in his arms and chest from the blows absorbed by the bullhead brute that was apparently Blacky's bodyguard.

As he flicked the lighter and kissed it to the tip of his cigarette, he noted that for the first time in a long time, someone had actually worked him over good enough to keep him from walking away from his own power following a fight. He snarled at the implication and rolled his eyes as he sat back against the garbage bins and took a long slow drag from the end of his orange-lit cigarette amid the darkness of the alley.

He had come to the conclusion that he had to play it smart if he was gonna get anywhere near Blacky Clay and have a chance at denting his face for what he'd done to his beloved Dope Diamond. After all, Croc was counting on him and Croc wasn't someone you'd disappoint if you could help it.