
Chapter 26: Pleasure In Pain

The Bedroom, Apartment 42, The Bowerstone Apartment Complex, 4th And Flint Street, The Attison District, Temple City (3040).....

A series of grunts and groans echoed about the bedroom in the wake of the lovely vixen known as Amanda Smalls casually sliding her body down onto the brute of a man's throbbing appendage as he continued to reel in the wake of having his canine lupus arse handed to him by way of an overgrown man-bull in the infamous hoodlum Blacky Clay's employ. Baddwulf had known all too well that getting mixed up with anything Amanda-related was going to lead to trouble with a capital T. Still, he couldn't exactly object when her hot dripping-wet sex had been engulfing his throbbing erection after one of the longest and worst days he'd had in a long while.

A grunt escaped from the harsh lips of Baddwulf as he struggled not to buck his hips against Amanda's downward bounces as she began to moan and pick up steam. She had felt good, as always, her hot box as molten as ever in addition to her clenching around him as if there were a thousand tiny mouths suckling his rigid flesh pole from inside her depths as if trying to coax him into spilling his thick hot seed inside her before he'd even got going.

Unable to take much more of her direct teasing, Baddwulf ignored his aching body in favor of the sensation surrounding his massive cock as he pinned Amanda to the bed with her shapely arse pressed against the mattress as he began to thrust into her of his own accord driven to near on madness by her calculated teasing and the need to pound her heated depths with reckless abandon.

Whether she meant to or not, she'd brought out the beast in him as his eyes shifted to a familiar lustful golden hue and his rather sharp fangs came to the forefront of his mouth protruding as he snarled in reaction to stuffing the moaning lass full as their bodies clashed amid the tangled bed sheets beneath them.

This was always how it was with them, nothing between them aside from a few rounds of hot skin, a series of moans, and occasional grunts while her pert breasts bounced up and down before his eyes in a hypnotic rhythm and he thrust into her so deeply and so frequently that her teeth chattered when clicking together.

Baddwulf had known all too well that Amanda had been nothing but trouble but his cock had other ideas regarding the redhead temptress rolling about naked in his bed. She didn't have to do much aside from showing up with her voluptuous curves and large breasts out on full display before his cock had been at attention knowing exactly how their encounters would play out even before his mind had.

Despite his pain at the present moment from the manbull's punches, Baddwulf's cock had been the main instigator in terms of him giving in to pumping his hips like a madman between Amanda's bare thighs as she gripped his shoulders pulling him into her heated kiss as she took everything he'd been holding back in terms of his frustrations with not only his cases but with life in general.

"Uhhhh!" she moaned her velvety voice rolling into the thrusting brute's ears.

A low howl escaped him as he continued his pace jolting the lovely redhead along his mattress. It never took much for her to get to him. She always had him eating out of the palm of her hand at the drop of a hat when it came to sex, and she was more or less the catalyst for his sex drive in the first place given that she was the first he ever had.

Amanda let out a low hiss as she wrapped her shapely legs around Baddwulf's neck while he held her hips high and pumped his massive cock in and out of her tight depths with all his might despite the residual pain from his earlier altercation still shooting up and down his spine.

It was always the same song and dance between them, Amanda's moans filling his keen ears as the late hours passed aided by the constant beating of the headboard and the creaking of the bedsprings. Sullivan had apparently the good sense to hightail it into the living room where he curled up in Baddwulf's favorite armchair.

The detective always figured his cat was much more intelligent than he let on when dealing with him, of course, he'd been able to convince a relatively civilized werewolf to be his keeper after all. Baddwulf grunted as he pumped his hips through the pain needing to feel the pleasure that was constantly building between his battered body and the lovely Amanda's.

More moans filled the room as Baddwulf jolted the sexy redhead along his mattress making her gasp in the wake of his deep drilling. She'd been impressed that he had not missed a stroke, even with his injuries still nagging at him. Ever the dog with a bone, he had responded to her a lot faster than she had ever anticipated.

The soft glow of his yellow-golden eyes had made a contented smile spread across her pale face as she wrapped her legs around him pulling him in deeper as their eyes locked. She'd been so in love with the beast beneath the surface that she'd never once drawn away from it, feeling more and more at home with the snarling brute as it began to overtake her spirited lover causing his fangs to protrude and his growls to increase.

He'd been all about the non-too-subtle art of animalistic and dirty sex. No strings attached no expectations, her favorite type as of yet, and always when it came to her big bad wolf.

She could feel him, expanding inside her clenching depths desperate for release as his sizeable testicles churned with anticipation of a long and leisurely release deep inside the confines of her largely coated womb. Her scent was maddening as he thrust harder and faster his lust-fogged mind matching his frenzied pace as her pert round breasts bounced before him.

Amanda smiled as she took him in, all of him that was feeling him so deep that his heartbeat pulsed in rhythm with her frequent clenching. A groan escaped his lips and he could no longer hold back his desperation, nor she her own and in that moment they had reached their end together, spent and sweaty as they attempted to catch their collective measure of breath following the intense exchange.