
Chapter 30: An Uneasy Reflection

Baddwulf's Office Building, Main Street and Park, The Attison District, Temple City (3040).....

Smoke filled the office as Baddwulf sat back against his chair and pondered what he'd been knee-deep in since the moment he came back from the morgue. Jake had gone home calling it a night a few hours prior and promised to look in on Sully before heading off. It was a long and unusually quiet night the heat had still been an issue for everyone but the lack of sunlight made it all bearable. Baddwulf had been puzzled as to why so many had turned up dead in the span of a few weeks and then suddenly the back-to-back killing as well as the memory of the rancid figure he'd chased through the alley that had gotten away from him.

Feeling restless and how much his reflective habit had been getting to him, Ian Baddwulf turned his attention to his secondary makeshift bar. He had always known when to stock the good stuff courtesy of his contact who smuggled things for his old man when needed and he had enjoyed the perks of being The Old Don's son even when he had not acted like it by living it up in Highland District.

In truth, Baddwulf had missed the place but after venturing down to Attison and seeing how bad things had been down there for people like Jake Summers and the dames that ended up on the back end of the long pipe dream wagon that lead them from the innocent young flowers having grown up in the warmth and security of Highland to being chewed up and spit out by the twisted and the soulless husks that reveled in being trapped in their gilded cages that had been Beverland only to be tossed out into Attison district when they'd been all used up and wrongly abused.

Baddwulf couldn't stomach it and as it was well known, he'd been a sucker for pretty faces and a few tears. The turmoil had been what drew him in as he knew all too well what it was like to be broke and lost in the wake of twisted people using and abusing him. The flashes of those long and torturous nights he spent in the icy cold metal labs being poked and prodded by the heartless scientists and treated as anything but the boy he'd been born as so long as they got results from their never-ending tests.

They had not cared that he'd been terrified of their beeping and buzzing machines nor that he missed his family whom they had gone out of their way to murder just to cage him. He was forever haunted by the sunken and desolate faces of the people that didn't make it out of that place, their bodies tossed about like disposable waste as the cold monsters behind tools and machines went on about their various days.

Baddwulf recalled the cramped nature of his own cell, the silver bars that held him at bay, and the constant anguish of being watched and tormented. Every day they would come with the long metal sticks and poke and grab him, the worst one being fitted with a black loop that went over his neck as he snarled and growled giving in to his bestial nature in the wake of his terror at being handled so roughly.

He'd been only a small boy when they took him from the Galic Isles in a large helicopter and locked him in the cage as he watched his father die in front of him shot like a dog amid the sea of bodies that dropped from the rapid fire of the guns that were mounted on the chopper.

The old man had only been trying to save his life from the disease that had already taken his mother and sisters. He'd done what he thought was best when he alerted the brutes to his son's odd condition only for them to kill him and seize the lad before evacuating the place as the bodies continued to pile up sick and desperate the people revolted only to be set ablaze by many flamethrowers and grim bastards that seemed to delight in their suffering.

Baddwulf had been powerless to do anything to help back then when he finally managed to escape the labs and made his way down to Attison district, he knew not where he crossed into, but knew he needed to get as far away from his captors as possible.

Meeting Don Leonetti had been the best thing that ever happened to him and he'd been his son ever since. It was only natural that he'd return to the place where it all began, and want to assist the people like Leonetti had done for him, it was also the place he had hoped to never run into his ex-fiance only to see her sunken so low into the bottom of the pit just as he had once she turned her back on him and had gone to Beverland to live the life she always dreamed of.

A life without him and their love, a life away from Highland.

Baddwulf turned up his glass and drank down the cool dark brown liquid as he sat at his desk kicking up his feet as the flashing red neon from the sign across the street from his building continued to light up the night sky in relative silence. Life had been much different for him now, the anger of having been abandoned by the girl he loved dissipated following a few long and grueling years of beating into the bodies of his father's enemies.

He had no regrets in that regard, protecting his father became his main priority after nearly losing him in the ambush. As the years went on, and Leonetti became untouchable no one dared move against him, not even those in Beverland so there wasn't much for Baddwulf to accomplish hanging around when there was so much to be done in a place that would need his services so to speak.

Baddwulf took one last sip of his booze as he continued to stare out of the window next to his desk basking in the all too familiar calm before the inevitable shit storm that was about to sake Temple City to its very foundation. There was something big brewing, something having to do with a few major players in the underworld, and the bodies were only going to pile up more if he had not gotten to the bottom of it soon.