
Chapter 32: Passion's Fleeting Spark

The Living Room, Apartment 42, The Bowerstone Apartment Complex, 4th And Flint Street, The Attison District, Temple City (3040).....

Baddwulf had been nearly out cold by the time the door to his apartment had opened by way of a twist of the doorknob and a lone shapely figure stepped inside led by strapping red high heels and a questing pale hand with red fingernails. The lovely and semi-darkened face of one, Amanda Smalls had peered from the shadows as she stepped inside turning and closing the door behind her while taking care to lock it before shifting her focus back onto the slumbering detective sitting with his shirt unbuttoned at the collar in his trousers and black dress socks as he leaned back in his favorite armchair, clutching an empty glass that smelled of strong booze and given to snoring quite a bit.

Amanda grinned rather slyly as she approached discarding her coat, and heels as she tossed them onto the sofa and slowly moved her pale hands along the slumbering Baddwulf's thigh as he continued to grip his glass. His blue eyes sprang open briefly as he took note of her amid the darkened shadows and she smiled, her ruby-red lips and enticing body always a treat to take in upon his awakening. The shift between who she was back in those early days in Highland District and who she'd become after her fall from grace and subsequent venturing into Attison District had been astounding.

No longer was she that sweet charismatic girl that loved the color pink and kept her eyes on the stars with hopes and dreams beyond the city limits. She'd been as cold and jaded as the rest of them when it was all said and done but Baddwulf had not held any judgment of her for her decision to leave him, even if it had hurt him so profoundly that he refused to accept the love of another in her place.

"Sleeping good?" asked Amanda in her usual silken sultry tone.

"You know it," replied Baddwulf taking one last swig of the remainder of his drink before Amanda reached up and took it into her formerly questing pale hand and sat it down on the coffee table.

Her eyes blazed with heat and need and Baddwulf found himself more than a little aroused in the process. She ran her hands slowly down his chest and he watched as she discarded her dress, a rather tight black thing that hugged her curvaceous hips in all the right places, her heel shoes one by one, until she was only standing in her red bra and panties as he stared in complete silence his heart beating thunderously inside the confines of his chest and his tongue out in the wind.

She'd always been quite the looker, and it seemed her body had only gotten more beautiful and elegant with age. Of course, anyone who had known Baddwulf knew all too well that he was easy to aroused when it came to a pretty face with a warm willing body. He'd had his fill of prostitutes and strippers once he came to Attison District and then lonely housewives neglected by their cheating husbands became a source of constant companionship in the later years but even that was getting old.

In an instant, he'd been on his feet gripping the soft smooth body of the lovely Amanda and pulling her close to him as she ran her soft warm palms along the exposed portion of his chest.

He closed his eyes for a moment taking in the sensation of her touch, per usual when he'd managed to find himself alone with her, which had been surprisingly more frequent ever since she'd come back into his life after taking the case for his father.

Baddwulf kissed along the back of her neck, the sweet scent of her perfume making his nostrils flare and his eyes grow intense with need. He could feel the warmth of her smaller body pressed against him.

For a moment all the filth and the dead bodies that had infested Temple City seemed to disappear and all he could see behind his hooded dark gaze was his lady in red as she took him by the hand and led him back toward his bedroom. There had been no words that passed between them as she escorted him through the hall taking a glance at the locked front door and by passing her scattered remainder of clothing.

Baddwulf let out a growl as he neared her at the door, pressing his eager fully dressed body against her half-nude form loving the scent of her perfume and the softness of her pale flesh against him.

The creaking of the bedroom door had alerted a formerly sleeping Sullivan to their presence and he hastily hopped down from the bed and high-tailed it out the door just as Amanda turned to kick it closed behind her. Sullivan flicked his tail and headed toward the living room where he plopped into Baddwulf's chair turned around twice to get comfortable in the warmth of the seat cushion and then laid down content to be alone once again in the quiet.

He had not been much of a fan of Baddwulf as of late but he hadn't been at all a fan of Amanda. He'd hissed at her a time or two whenever they crossed paths and Baddwulf had not been in earshot. Being a cat seemed to give him all the perks of knowing a person for what they were worth.

There was something about the sultry redhead bombshell Amanda Smalls that rubbed Sullivan the wrong way, and he wasn't at all afraid to let it be known. After settling into Baddwulf's chair, The seemingly content Sullivan closed his eyes still not at all liking the looks of another night of having to endure Amanda's unwanted company and a possible skipping of his feeding by Baddwulf because of it.

The door to Baddwulf's bedroom had been closed and it seemed he'd be preoccupied for quite some time as far as his little furry friend had been concerned.