The transformation

She calmed down by herself but her curiosity was higher than ever before the team decided to stay away from the machiene and wanted to purely observe it's workings

That's when

She sat down and wondered why prison like situation could be so good and make her feel like a princess ,she heard of stories of beautiful princess that had been kidnapped and left in dungeons she also recalled poetry that were sang about caged bird melodies ,

She was taken back to a day ,she was at the old palace of her sisters where her aunt sat at her throne behind the veil and the courts poets were asked to read from the chronicles of the captured princesses she stood by holding the curtains of stones

She recalled all of this as she sad down in fear trembling,

She knew she had to gather it up all together and fight to stay alive , but deep inside she was extremely excited and happy to be here be in the palace of her dreams ,but the team did not understand why and how was she related to this

They tried going through the settings over And over read the instructions

But all they could do now is fold their hands and watch the wonders of their own hands now out of their own control

The princess walked around and tried to search for clues and articles the place was duster than ever left unused for ages

Torn in between the thoughts of why she was here and knowing this was the right place to come ,but not knowing if it was the right way to come she was battling but strived her best,

The team was baffled by what was happening and before they could conclude that it was and is a complete technical error ,one of the team members Samantha rushed in and said I had informed one of my friends in the archeological department regarding this and they have sent us an important file she said gasping ,the head asked her to take a seat and took the file of photographs in her hand ,Samantha said the later half of the lost princess story was found in a inscripted series of pictures and it confirms that she becomes the queen again