Takashi Ackerman

"No, not again, you must wake up in the hospital..."

Takashi woke up again and for the second time in the same place, a hunter picked him up on a mountain and was sending him back after putting a bandage on his head.

Takashi Ackerman, only twelve years old, was born on December 30, 835 and it was in that year that fate put him in this world.

Takashi, who woke up lying in the forest, vaguely remembered that he had plans to join the 104th corps of soldiers that would be in the South recruiting new people. So he intended to join the army, if he didn't he would starve to death or he might be one more of those roaming the streets looking for food.

Now Takashi had become a traveler from another world, he used to have another name, but now he had become completely Takashi.

The real Takashi Ackerman had died just a few hours ago, he fell from a tree while hunting a bear, if it was a normal thing he should have died and become food for the bear's mouth. But just when he was on the verge of death, a powerful force suddenly emerged from Takashi Ackerman's body, increasing not only his strength but also his control over his body.

And with that force did he kill the bear?

Of course not, he is not Superman after all, a child even if he is an Ackerman is not an opponent of a bear at all.

Besides, all his weapons including his bow accidentally fell to the ground earlier in your battle with the bear, so he could only run wildly, and only after desperately running for his life, he finally got rid of the bear in a somewhat miraculous way.

But God did not favor this boy.

Just before he could celebrate that he was able to avoid death, he fell backwards and his head hit a stone, dying on the spot.

Then, the traveler formerly named Aiden opened his eyes and woke up in Takashi's body, wiping the blood from his face and discovering that a hunter was piggybacking him to a small village outside the forest.

"Takashi, are you awake? I heard that you would be joining the Training Corps too, won't you have difficulties because of your injuries." Said the lord who led Takashi to a small courtyard.

"No problem, Uncle Blouse, it was just a small wound on my head that will heal in a few days, I plan to leave soon after that." Takashi said in surprise, he never thought that the name of the gentleman who saved him would come naturally from his lips.

Uncle Blouse, dressed in a hunter's outfit and a big hat, smiled, "Takashi, you are a very strong boy, but this morning you recklessly went after a bear. This decision was very impulsive and did not conform to the precaution a hunter should take. I told you that if your father did not leave you enough money for you to have a quiet life I could offer you whatever you needed."

"I don't know how you ended up killing that bear, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it was very dangerous! I'm aware that it's not easy for you to live alone, but I told you to count on my family for whatever you'll need. After all, I knew your father for more than ten years. Now that he sadly passed away, I must also take care of you as part of my family."

After hearing Mr. Blouse's words, Takashi smiled and said, "Thank you Uncle Blosue for your concern. Now that I am twelve years old, I can take care of myself. This time I will definitely become someone to look up to and protect everyone from those creepy titans so you can go back to hunting in the forest normally."

Now, since he was another person from another world, he has some means, after all, even though he doesn't seem to have a system, he was granted a very impressive gift. He still remembers the roulette of that dream, with his great luck he obtained the Mangekyo Sharingan and the ability to use Chakra.

As his memories settled, he knew much more about his opportunities within this world. Just thinking about how powerful a Susanoo could be, there was no need to fear the titans.

According to his own gifts, just the Susanoo alone is enough to live and survive in this world until the end, no matter if he can go blind due to the overuse of his eyes.

It was then that the triumphant smile of his gifts suddenly hit him, it turns out that in order to use the Susanoo he has to give part of his lifespan in return to use the power of his eyes. No matter how you look at it, the stronger the Susanoo's form is, the more years of lifespan he will lose by using it without losing his eyesight as he normally would.

Not only that, but also the Chakra is too limited, he cannot create anything else besides using it only to increase physical strength and strengthen his body.

Besides strengthening physical fitness several times, it can only be attached to the surface of fists, swords or arrows to increase attack power.

And what are your opponents? A group of horrible titans that the most possible and common thing to happen when standing in front of one is to be paralyzed without knowing what to do.

Knowing the history, Takashi Ackerman is talented, being an Ackerman he could have a very strong explosive power. However, he can feel that all that strength was erased when he entered this body.

Looking at the lifespan he would lose, Takashi didn't want to think about that at the moment. If he could use Chakra and use it in swords and body, the physical strength of an Ackerman would not be lost at all and now his surname could be used as a cover to cover his future combat power.

After accepting all that, Takashi abnormally was very calm, which surprised him.

Mr. Blouse sighed when he heard Takashi say that he would expel the titans from the surroundings, a little worried and yet relieved.

Takashi's father brought him when he was only two years old to this village by the forest about ten years ago and became a hunter, often hunting with him inside the forest before Maria wall was breached by the titans.

Just two years ago, in the year 845, the titans breached the Mary Wall, causing a large number of refugees to enter the Rose Wall, eventually the way of life in the forest was restored but the number of people greatly reduced the animals to hunt.

One day like any other, Takeshi's father went into the forest to hunt and never returned after that, leaving him at the age of 10 to live alone.

Now two years have passed, Takashi is 12 and old enough to join the army. It so happens that he also plans to let his daughter join the army, so he will send them together and they will take care of each other in the future.

Thinking about all this, Mr. Blouse called out his daughter's name, "Sasha, go out and greet Takashi, he will join the army together with you."

It was then that Takashi looked at Sasha Blouse, who was hiding behind a tree in the courtyard.

Sasha had wheat skin, amber brown eyes and reddish brown hair pulled back in a ponytail with a fringe and two front locks on the sides. She has a slender body and usually wears a medieval dress in her spare time.

"A surprise to be in the same town as Sasha..." Takashi thought to himself with a slight smile.

Sasha who was hiding behind a tree and was silently watching Takashi, when she heard her father's words, approached a bit embarrassed, "Ha, hi, I'm Sasha Blouse, let's watch our backs in the future!"

Takashi couldn't help but smile and said, "Sasha, we have seen each other very often, don't talk so formally when you address me in the future."

"Ha, this... I'm sorry..." Sasha was a little embarrassed, not knowing what to say incoherently.

Seeing this, Mr. Blouse got a headache and could no longer hesitate. Even if the old ways are left, he had to agree to let his daughter go to the army to seek a better future. He wanted to do it last year, but he was a little reluctant, but now he really has a determined mind.

His daughter has been in the forest for too long, and it's hard to communicate normally with other people, and recently there are very few prey, some people really can't afford to support their own 'food enthusiast' daughter."

Mr. Blouse coughed slightly and his expression became serious, "Sasha, pack your luggage today and go join the army with Takashi in a few days, just when the old village chief is going to buy some supplies outside, you can go with him and get to the recruiting place quickly."

Sasha puffed up her face and was not so polite to her father, "Humph! Just until now, just in time to be a soldier and have enough to eat and not let you work on other things!"

She had had a fight with her father the other day, arguing with him about whether to abandon the hunting tradition, accept government supplies and raise horses. So even without Takashi, in the end she would be sent to serve as a soldier to help her family.

Seeing his daughter's annoyed look, Mr. Blouse could do nothing, turned his head and said to Takashi, "Takashi, you are usually smart... Please take care of my stupid daughter after going to the training corps."

"Don't worry, Uncle BLouse, I will take care of her and I think she will be someone well liked by everyone in the corps." Takashi replied with a smile.

"Ah, who are you calling an idiot, take out that piece of barbecue and apologize!" Sasha grabbed her father's hand angrily. If he doesn't send her to the army this time, she won't be able to have some leftover food at home.


When Takashi arrived home, his sweet home was just a simple log cabin. Looking around, there was almost no furniture giving it a very poor appearance.

"Well, at least I'm not unsure of surviving the future..." Takashi showed a bitter smile not knowing what to do.

After a few days, Takashi prepared to travel, he had nothing to pack as his things were very few.

A few moments ago he was able to buy some good clothes, dry food and a bag of water, leaving himself with some money for the trip.

This was all due to the bear he hunted a few days ago and only got some money after selling it.

Thanks to that bear, he can eat well for two days and has bought at least decent clothes for his trip.

Only after a few days, Takashi felt natural and knew his intentions in trying to hunt a bear.

At night, Takashi began to practice the basic training method for channeling Chakra, although the world he is in now is different from where this energy came from, the effect, although slower and less effective, is still functional.

Although he could not form a Chakra to use elemental abilities, it would be enough to increase his physical strength and attacks by infusing the energy into specific points of his body.

When he arrived in this world, he carried in his mind a very basic training method to begin moving Chakra within his body, in addition to the information from his eyes which he set aside for the time being.

It was said that all living individuals naturally produced Chakra to some degree. Contained in the "chakra coils" that surround everything and connect to each organ of Chakra production, the energy circulates throughout the body in a network called the Chakra Circulation System. In Naruto, certain groups, such as the ninja, have learned to generate more Chakra and release it outside their bodies through their Chakra Points, or Tenketsu, in order to perform special techniques, called Jutsu.

However, Takashi knew that in reality the use of Chakra in the titan world was not so magnificent, he could not beat a titan with just a few physical blows.

Still, if the Chakra is attached to a metal blade, at least it will be easier to cut a titan, and it is better than nothing considering that this was not his main weapon in this world.

After two hours, the practice is complete. Takashi knew that one hour a day is enough. However, to heal his wounds in a faster way, the training method is essential, but if he trained it longer he would possibly also lose lifespan considering the strict rules of his gift.

Thinking about the titans that have no effective vital signs except the back of his neck, Takashi still hesitated to face them if he didn't have a Susanoo that in critical moments he would use it to save his life.

But even so, he was hesitant to use it lightly at the thought of the lifespan he would lose, so he would only face titans in normal cases with a three-dimensional maneuvering device, according to his speculation, he could kill some titans with a height of three to four meters at most with a knife. For those titans of seven or eight meters, or even a dozen meters more, they could only escape without any other device.

Chakra in this place has nothing but a powerful imaginary use in this world, it can't cut a titan with one hand or a cut from a sword from afar

Takashi believed that even if the Chakra is attached to an arrow, the effect will be lost when it exceeds 20 meters. The bow and arrow are useless for titans, so he still has to rely on the unique technology in this world: a three-dimensional maneuvering equipment!

Indeed, science is the most powerful, the main force to kill titans is well deserved, and the rest is in your own skills.