Balance Test

As it was the first day they became soldiers, Eren and Jean held back a bit, Eren turned around and left, walking out of the dining room without saying anything.

And Jean Kirstein on the other hand met his goddess, Mikasa with her beautiful flowing hair. Jean's silly moves failed and with a red face she looked at Mikasa, who only had Eren in her heart, so she left only a perfunctory word before ignoring him completely.

However, the brown-haired boy didn't give up and with a blushing face, he stealthily followed Miakasa's back.

Imagining the possibilities made his heart beat faster, she was so beautiful, her flowing black hair, her delicate face, her thin, pink lips.... All that together, without him realizing it, made him fall in love instantly.  

Takashi, who was off to the side preparing food for Sasha, also watched this classic scene that he remembers very well, that beautiful hair that Jean was captivated by would soon be cut down to his shoulders by Eren Jaeger's rabbits and his creative ideas with the use of three-dimensional maneuvering equipment.

The tough love blow for Jean came too quickly, so she unconsciously pursued Mikasa without hesitation, only to watch that grim scene of Mikasa walking next to that idiot boy she had just bumped into in the dining hall.

If he had known earlier, he would have spoken politely to Eren a moment ago instead of getting into a conflict with him.  

It was at that moment that Takashi looked at Eren reminding Mikasa about her hair, looking at Jean he knew he noticed that too.

"Poor boy, considering a classic ending to the story of those two, Mikasa will possibly be the bride that Eren will marry at the end of his fight against the titans." Takashi thought with a wry smile.


Connie came out of the dining room humming an unfamiliar sweet tune as he walked past Jean.

Jean, who stopped abruptly upon hearing the bad news about Mikasa's haircut firsthand, unconsciously wiped the tears from his hands with Connie's back.

Connie was startled and looked back to see Jean wiping his hands on his clothes. Immediately, he was furious, "Hey, you! What the hell is wrong with you, what did you rub me, did you just wipe your hands on my back?"

Jean still looked lazy, didn't look at Connie at all and replied indifferently, "It's a matter of trust, don't worry it's just water."

"Hey?" Connie looked at Jean dumbfounded, he just now felt something extremely cold on his back, who knows if what Jean rubbed on him was snot.

Takashi long ago ignored this nonsense and walked towards Sasha, who was close by sitting in the distance.

Taking a piece of bread, Takashi brought it closer towards Sasha to smell the food he brought with much difficulty.

"Shhhh!" Sasha suddenly opened her eyes and rushed to snatch the bread from Takashi's hand in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, three to five loaves of bread were devoured by Sasha cleanly, even the speed at which she took the bread was too fast. Takashi felt that it was impossible to match that speed even if he trained for a long time.

"Takashi, is there anything else?" Sasha looked at him expectantly. Takashi on his side was speechless. There were several pieces of bread and just to get Sasha some he had to put his embarrassment aside and ask the aunt who served the food for bread several times.

Under the cold stare of that lady, Takashi was able to get extra food for Sasha.

Just when Takashi was a little overwhelmed, a pretty girl with blonde hair, big blue eyes and a small body came over with a piece of bread and a bag of water.

She said to Sasha, a little unsure, "Well, I brought you something to eat, this was the only thing I could get you..."

"Are you a goddess? You are a goddess." Sasha hurried up, grabbed the bread and popped it in her mouth. The blonde girl gently handed her the bag of water and Sasha fell into her arms exhausted after eating.

The corner of Takashi's mouth twisted angrily. It should also be noted that he is very handsome, with black hair and eyes as black as night, and a very clean face with almost no imperfections. He also delivered bread to Sasha, why not call him a male god of beauty?"

He has a small impression of this blonde girl, her name seems to be Christa.

Christa struggled to help Sasha, who was numb from extreme exhaustion, before Takashi came to help. However, a tall woman with black hair tied into a ponytail approached first and helped Christa.

The girl with the tied hair looked at Christa and said, "Do you think it was worth all the effort? Did you do this as a favor to the potato girl?"

Christa was stunned, not knowing what to answer.

"Hmph, forget it, somehow we have to help her get to the dorm."

"You want to do her a favor too?" Christa asked unconsciously.

"No, this way she'll be in my debt. Her idiocy might come in handy in the future." Scoffed the black-haired woman named Ymir.

Takashi, who was standing to the side, rolled his eyes, "Is that a compliment?"

"Yo, aren't you the potato girl's partner? Boy, are you dissatisfied with me because of the words I said about your friend? "Ymir sneered with a venomous smile.

"Hmm, I'm Takashi, I have no problem with your words, I should thank you for helping to take Sasha back to her room, it would be a problem if I did it in your place." Takashi said coldly.

"Hahahaha! Stop being funny and don't look at me with those eyes, believe it or not, I could be your grandmother." Ymir scoffed as she looked at Takashi.

"Haha, you think too much of yourself, I'd rather be alone for the moment." Takashi said unceremoniously.

"Alright, stop arguing, send her back first." Christa stopped Takashi and Ymir from fighting each other.

Takashi shrugged and didn't say much, he had to trust the black haired woman with the sharp mouth to send Sasha back to the girls' dorm.

Otherwise, it would be a bit of a pain to trust the fragile blonde girl named Christa to take Sasha back.

"I appreciate your help and concern for my friend Sasha, she's usually complicated when food is involved but she's a good girl." Takashi said as he looked at Christa.

"I know, I was impressed by the way she didn't hesitate in front of the instructor and acted under her own personality." Christa said with a sad smile.

"Is she lying?" thought Iyad silently.


After Takashi returned to the dormitory, everyone was ready for bed and didn't talk much. Tomorrow he will have to test the adaptability of the balance. It's better to go to bed earlier and get a good rest for tomorrow's tests.

After a good night's sleep, Takashi slept very well and, the next day, a roar woke everyone in the dormitories.

"You have ten minutes to wash up. After washing, assemble in the courtyard, at the whistle you will have to run ten laps around the yard. After running, assemble at the mess hall entrance to then perform the balance adaptability test...." Instructor Keith's strong voice was authoritative.

The sink for the male dorm is at the rear of the dorm. Buckets are used, which is normal considering the time in which they lived.

The tech tree of this world is amazing at certain points. The world within the walls is by no means at the level of World War I, but it does have strange and unreasonable technology, such as three-dimensional maneuvering equipment.

But for bathroom issues it still uses very basic stuff!

With the deterrent of eliminating 5 people in yesterday's test, even though many people were sore in the morning, no one dared to miss.

It seems that yesterday's initiation rite was very successful. The recruits are very polite. If there is a commotion, they will be sent back home to move rocks, so there is no room to cry.

After the morning run, everyone who hastily finished breakfast approached the five instructors who would be conducting the balance test in front of the large courtyard.

The operation of the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment is far from being as simple as it seems, after all, it is about letting people accustomed to two-dimensional space move into three-dimensional space to act naturally.

Flying in the sky is not a simple matter, so before operating the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment, everyone should hang on a special balancing device for a period of time to test the adaptability. This test can roughly see a recruit's potential in using the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment.

In the field, Takashi hung gently from the balancing simulator, barely shaking.

This adaptation test is actually quite difficult. If you can't pass the test in two days, you should say goodbye to this place. It is known that dozens of recruits will be eliminated in each phase.

"Oh, amazing, Takashi, you impress me a lot!" Thomas was a little surprised by Takashi's near-perfect performance.


Takashi sighed softly, sometimes in life you have to enjoy the special moments. He hung on the balancing device with ease, enjoying the exclamations of everyone around him.

Among the remaining 309 recruits, more than 200 people have been evaluated and 187 people have passed the test. Those not qualified will have another chance tomorrow.

So far, only Mikasa's performance can be comparable to Takashi's.


Beside him, Eren fell head first to the ground hard, well, Takashi felt pain when he looked at him anyway.

"No way!"

Eren hung half his body in the air, looking at the sky without understanding why he couldn't do this simple test.


Mikasa looked at Eren beside her with a complicated look, she couldn't do anything for him right now.

"Eren Jaeger, what the hell are you doing, get your damn body up this instant!" instructor Keith shouted.

Takashi sighed, if he didn't remember wrong, Eren's belt was defective, otherwise he wouldn't fail this test.

Seeing this, Takashi also released the safety buckle once on the ground and stepped out of the balancing device, it was time to let others take the test.

Of course, he wasn't going to point out the problem with Eren's belt, it would be hell to wear a defective belt.

But this is not necessarily a bad thing, setbacks make people grow, Eren Jaeger after this will again use the same broken belt to hold on for three or four seconds during the evaluation the next day.

Eren Jaeger has to overcome obstacles to become stronger, after all he is Takashi's future partner on the battlefield. He could not take away all the opportunities where he would become stronger.