Call me Captain Takashi

The Three Dimensional Maneuvering equipment can be very dangerous to some extent, overlooking all the risks that a single mistake can have when moving with this device and the most delicate are the firing piston, the control unit that makes up the trigger and the mobility of the whole equipment.

The hooks that fire the spatial maneuvering unit are the most important of all and from which many of the users end up dead or seriously injured.

It is known to be aimed using the waist, since the two firing pistons are located there, once the target is in sight and the point at which to shoot has been calculated, the main trigger arranged on the handles of the hardened steel swords must be operated.

Each trigger is responsible for activating its respective piston, once done a hook will shoot out and hook on the solid surface but preferably vertical, after this the user can operate the mechanism again to generate traction and move thanks to the mechanical impulse resulting from the tension of the rope, and so on until the desired distance has been covered.

On the other hand, the user also has the possibility to stop the pulling exercise of the mechanism and unhook the end of the rope that is in contact with the surface.

This thing can pierce trees, walls and even the tough skin of Titans to hold ropes without breaking and return to its place. What will happen if it shoots directly at a human?

You only have to look at the sharp hook anchor that carried a metallic cold light to know that it's deadly stuff! If you mistakenly shoot at a fellow human's neck, he'll most likely die without knowing what happened!

These are the words that instructor Keith emphasized the most.

In the previous theory class, the instructor also made a special reminder. In the previous training, most of the injuries while training with the team were due to various falls, but there were still a small number of recruits who injured their teammates because they were not careful when shooting the hook anchor during training.

However, since this type of accident is much smaller than the likelihood of several falls and some certain deaths, it did not draw much attention from the general public.

Instructor Keith said sternly with a cold face, "Remember everything, you are soldiers and the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment is a weapon, not a toy!"

"In future training, I don't want any idiot to get hurt by his own weapon, understand?" Keith Shadis knew that many would die no matter how many words he spit out now, it's not something that can be controlled after all.

"Understood, sir!" Everyone replied with a serious expression.

Seeing this, Instructor Keith started the class, giving more lectures before class... After giving a speech, he told some more experiences about many precautions.

"Alright, let me see what everyone has learned, equip yourself with the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment in five minutes!"


A week of training has made the discipline of this group of teenagers much better, being two completely different people than when they arrived at the training corps.

Today the day is relatively cool, the sky is cloudy and the sunlight makes people feel calmer, managing to be comfortable in this test.

By order of the instructor, the soldiers in training, who were divided into squads, began to equip themselves with the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment.

However, this is much more difficult than everyone imagined. The three-dimensional maneuvering equipment cost of many parts such as ejector, transmitter, fans, main body, compressed gas tank that had to be very fixed, trigger, belt structure well put on the body and retractable rope.

After five minutes, many people were still not ready, until the instructors demonstrated several times to support the squads and only then everyone was gradually equipped.

Takashi used the knowledge from the theory classes to check that the equipment was in good condition at least twice, this was necessary, otherwise who can assure him that a bald guy won't hand him a broken piece of equipment? Once in practice, there is no room for backing out and it's not like he's too excited to use his Susanoo in front of everyone.

While Takashi was equipping, he was mentioning each of the parts in order for the others to keep up with him, he remembered special things and simpler ways to equip the equipment on the body.

Under Takashi's guidance, his entire squadron successfully completed the task in less than seven minutes. The instructors who came to check the performance of Takashi's squadron, said nothing and just watched how everything went quickly which surprised them a lot.

In general, the soldiers of the training corps have completed the task one after another, happily looking at the equipment in their body that they have dreamed of so much.  

Then, with the help of the instructors, the compressed gas tanks were filled. All the soldiers once they had filled their tanks with compressed gas split up with their squads and went into the forest to begin practice. After all, it would be much more dangerous to be among more than two hundred people in one place than to be in a small squad.

The principle of three-dimensional maneuvering equipment is not complicated. It is enough to press the trigger and aim correctly with the waist to generate a clean and correct shot.

After pressing the trigger located on the handle of the sword, the corresponding transmitter on the waist fires the anchor, which is usually attached to a titan or building, and then uses compressed gas to drive the fan and the anchor that retracts the retractable cable. to move the body at high speeds, increasing three-dimensional mobility to fight.

The team's belt distributes weight throughout the body, allowing for more dexterous mobility.

Soldiers can adjust their posture in the air by manipulating the belts at the waist, legs and feet. In addition, the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment can be used to move in forests and buildings by gliding, balancing nimbly once the user is accustomed to it.

But using it on flat terrain is very dangerous. Takashi knew that this equipment could carry up to two people without showing noticeable faults other than weight, it was not known exactly how many people it could carry, but the ideal at risk would be two children or an adult, for mobility and speed rather than weight.

However, all those who looked at themselves flying through the air, the reality soon gave them all a forehead slap, this thing is really difficult to operate in practice.


Takashi watched Reiner crash into a tree branch, his abdomen and the branch had a close contact and the whole person was pulled in an arc. As the inertia of the forward sprint passed, he fell. Fortunately, Reiner was quick to hold on to a branch, avoiding falling straight to the ground.

Then Reiner knelt on the ground and vomited, almost spitting up the previous night's food, and Bertholdt rushed to help him.

"Help me, I can't get down!"

One girl's ejector extension cord became entangled in a branch and she hung from the tree, swinging without trying to get out of the branch due to fear of falling.

"Ah, help!" Armin looked terrified and hit his head against the trunk of a large tree. He fell to the ground stunned and couldn't get up for a long time.

Since Eren and Mikasa were not in this class, Takashi had to go over and help him up.

Originally, Takashi felt that with his current physical condition and his Chakra, it shouldn't be difficult for him to use the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment.

But it was just arrogant not to say petty, his thoughts were nothing more than just inaccurate.

Takashi's attempts only resulted in a much more painful fall than Reiner's, it was only because he was quick enough to avoid impact that he was unable to receive any serious injury.

The action in three-dimensional space is far from being on the ground. Even the talented Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie, who were very talented in the practical classes, were a bit uncomfortable.


Takashi scolded himself and got up from the ground. This three-dimensional stunt rig with lots of buttons and wires was much more difficult to handle than he imagined, again he had fallen into the mud due to his hook not catching on a tree.

Fortunately, all the blows were to his body and he quickly adapted. After thirty minutes of falling, he slowly moved with the equipment.

"Takashi, please help me."

Because the retractable rope and a bunch of branches were entangled on his body, Mina, a beautiful girl with two black pigtails, was hanging from a tree, interrupting Takashi's dreamy thoughts.

Takashi looked at Mina who was "swinging" in the tree and smiled unceremoniously, "Call me captain, I won't help you otherwise."

Mina snorted and looked at Takashi angrily, "If you don't help, I'll never speak to you again!"

"Words are not what people live on, I guess I need help too." Takashi said in a disinterested voice.

"Captain... Takashi, can you offer me your help?" Carolina Mina huffed a forced smile.

"Of course, what captain wouldn't help his subordinates?" Takashi approached Mina to help her, with words of comfort so that she wouldn't worry, Takashi took a lot of effort in rescuing Mina from the tree.

The morning practice was full of difficult situations, the training soldiers hit the trees trying to do various tricks.

There are also some hapless people hanging from the tree and did not get help until an instructor came over.

Keith looked at all the soldiers and asked, "How are you guys feeling?"  

"Haha, I was also as excited at first as you guys, then I had to stay in the infirmary for over three days after getting hit in the head." Said one instructor with a bright smile.

It's fun to have lunch at noon, there's moaning everywhere and basically everyone understands each other's pain.


"Hey, apply the cream lightly." Takashi looked at Sasha who had a bread in her mouth as she helped him apply cream to her injured muscles.

"Hahahaha, Takashi, didn't you turn out to be the most injured of your group?" Shasha asked while stealing the bread from Takashi's food.

"Don't talk nonsense, Reiner was the one who ate the most trees." Takashi said without showing shame.

"Look Armin, my beautiful face is swollen." Eren said in a dramatic voice.

Takashi took a look and found that Eren's forehead was red and he had two cotton balls stuffed in his nose. Obviously, the blow was not light and there was some dust and twigs still in his hair.

Armin had a bandage wrapped around his head and Connie had a large bag over his bald head. As for Takashi's top bunk, Thomas, he was not in the mess hall due to lying in the infirmary, his wounds will take at least three days to heal.

Eren had two cotton balls stuffed up his nose and said, "No wonder we weren't allowed to practice directly at first. Turns out it's so hard!"

These words expressed the feelings of many people. When the instructors demonstrated the practical use beforehand, they thought it was quite simple and that there was no need to have practiced with the equipment for a whole week.

As a result, many people were injured!

"Are you sure you don't need to go to the infirmary?" Sasha pulled Takashi's shirt down and asked.

"No need, eat your food." Takashi refused and began to eat the food until he noticed that a mouse had taken the food from his plate.

Sasha averted her gaze without saying anything, as if she had not been aware of Takashi's gaze.

After lunch, Takashi, Eren and Armin went to the infirmary to visit the unfortunate Thomas.

"Doctor, is my leg really broken, please help me, I don't want to become disabled!" A shout was heard from a certain medical room.

"Will it take 2 months for my hands to be fine, can you hurry, by then I'll be eliminated!"

"I'm sorry, your fracture is very serious, there's nothing you can do about it."

The three were silent when they heard these voices on the road.

"The training to become soldiers is much more difficult than I thought." Eren said excitedly, not as arrogant as usual.

"I heard someone fell and died this morning." Thomas whispered with a complicated look.

Eren said nothing. This is not a game at all. The training corps has some places of death and the possibility of disability in each of its phases. This is not a place for vacation, this is a place to be real soldiers.

Thomas was lucky this time, he still has a sprained foot, which will heal in a few days without delaying future training.

The sun rises and sets in twenty-four hours.

On the first day of practice with the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment, it turned out that two people unfortunately fell and died, seven people were disabled and taken back to their homes, lost their qualifications as training soldiers and about twenty people were seriously injured, remaining in the infirmary.

The longest recovery time for one of the wounded is one month, they cannot recover immediately and once they are ready, their thoughts and decisions on whether to stay in the corps or leave will be evaluated.