Dream and Sword

Tonight, Takashi had a strange dream where he was swinging a dagger over and over again, the dagger was cutting meat and animals non-stop, Takashi couldn't do anything to stop it.

Just when he thought he couldn't wake up, the dream abruptly ended.

"What was that?" Takashi wondered silently.


On the second day of vacation, some people took these days off to go home, but now more people stayed at the base to train rigorously.

Unconsciously for everyone, a year has passed and now they are familiar with training every day. It could be said that it is a bit uncomfortable to stop training.

Keith silently expressed his good humor at seeing so many corporals training at the base.

In a warehouse, Thomas and Takashi were doing their assigned work at the base. "By the way, Thomas, are you really not going home this time?" Takashi asked Thomas while also cleaning the warehouse.

"I won't go back this time. My performance over the past few months I feel like it has lagged behind. How can I keep up with you if I don't train much harder than before? This time I'll stay here to keep training in areas where I suck the most!" Replied Thomas with a determined look on his face.

"Well, if you go home at least you wouldn't have to clean this place." Takashi dragged a box of trash outside.

"You're right about that, no need to mention it." Thomas agreed.

Instructor Keith is really very good at giving jobs to the people who stay at the training corps base during the days off. Every second day after the days off start, he calls in a lot of the soldiers to clean all the buildings on the base.

This time it was Thomas and Takashi's turn to clean the warehouse. Only until now he discovered that there were many things in the warehouse. The warehouse that Takashi and Thomas were cleaning was dedicated to storing damaged three-dimensional maneuvering equipment, blades, horse saddles and the like.

"Instructor Keith, in addition to being bald, is very cruel, he directly ordered that we clean the base right after the holidays began." Thomas complained.

Takashi, who was sorting various kinds of debris, suddenly found a sword next to a bow with a few dozen arrows. The sword was too hidden in the corner of the room, being covered by the bow and quiver of arrows.

Takashi took the sword and observed the condition of the blade, apparently it had no deficiency and remained in perfect condition.

"Amazing..." Takashi looked admiringly at the longsword. The straight handguard and unusual pommel allow it to stand out from other swords. The exceptional craftsmanship combined durability with a realistic look, so if treated correctly it would serve him for a long time.

Takashi knew that this was a gentleman's sword, something unusual to find in this world.

Thinking it might be useful, Takashi put the sword aside and then asked instructor Keith if he could keep it for training.

Taking the bow, he checked it for flaws.


"Hey, it turned out to be in good condition!" Takashi touched the bowstring, a little surprised.

"Bows and arrows are useless to us." Thomas said disapprovingly and then looked at the sword with its sheath on Takashi's shoulder.

There are no archery classes in the training corps, after all, bows and arrows are useless for killing titans.

"It can be used for hunting, just in time since we received days off, don't you want to eat meat?" Takashi smiled, finally he could eat some meat. He remembers that time he ate bear meat, something very unusual lately due to the demand.

Currently, there is a shortage of meat everywhere inside the walls and basically only nobles and businessmen with money can enjoy it. Of course, soldiers can hunt in training, inspections and raids outside and inside the walls.

Thomas swallowed saliva and said somewhat excitedly, "I can't hunt, can you?"

"Of course, you forgot I'm a hunter, oh, you have to bring Sasha too." Takashi felt that wasn't a problem, it was time to make a nice meaty meal.

"You mean Sasha? I heard that she is also a hunter and from the same village as you, maybe with your help I can really eat meat!" Thomas was also interested in trying the meat.

The two were immediately energized and the warehouse, which was not necessarily clean in the morning, was cleaned before four o'clock in the afternoon.

You can see that sometimes efficiency at work is actually related to attitude, completely different from working bored to being enthusiastic and positive.

Takashi was also interested in being able to make the sword his own, he had to ask instructor Keith's approval first to get it officially and not steal it.


On the other hand, Sasha was struggling to draw water from the well and Christa offered to help him.

"I can do it myself, thank you for your help Christa." Sasha thanked politely.

Ymir, on the other hand, wasn't used to Sasha's overly polite way of speaking and scoffed, "Hey, you, I've had enough of you."

"Excuse me?" Sasha didn't quite know how to act.

"With that idiotic and formal tone you use when talking, why are you talking to us as you if we are of the same rank?" Ymir looked at Sasha waiting for answers.

"Well it's just that I... Why do I do that?"

"Stop, let me guess..." Ymir smirked and said, "You're embarrassed to be heard speaking in your native accent, aren't you? You're so worried about what they think of you, but what a fool you are. You know how to hunt any kind of wild beasts, but you are afraid of people."

"You don't have a good reason to become a soldier either, do you? Did you run away from your parents?" After saying that, Christa stepped in and pointed, "Ymir, leave her alone."

Ymir didn't want to let Sasha go, so she pushed Christa away with her head and pointed out, "Sasha, you can't live lying forever. Are you always going to rule your life by what others think of you? I don't think you're that much of an idiot, relax and focus on being yourself, speak as you please."

Sasha realized that Ymir wasn't specifically making fun of her, "I... appreciate the comment.... That's very kind of you."


"I hope you'll forgive me... It's still hard for me to speak normally."

In fact, Ymir also has her gentle side, but her experience is too complicated and her past is too dark.

Christa hit Ymir: "Don't bother her. She can't change the way she talks just because you say so."

"Sasha, decide for yourself who you want to be, all your words come from the heart, I like you just the way you are."

"Again with your lectures, I hope Sahsa can change the way she talks, she gets on my nerves." Ymir said.

"Easy Sasha, not everyone is as bitter as Ymir." Said Christa as she approached Sasha.

Ymir was embarrassed for Christa, and Sasha couldn't help but laugh.

At that moment, Takashi and Thomas, who were a bit dirty, also came out of the warehouse.

Takashi looked around for a while. Many people were hanging out and chatting. Thomas and he had the bad luck to clean the warehouse.

Takashi saw Sasha and Christa by the well and walked over with Thomas.

"Hey, Sasha, are you free?" Thomas couldn't wait to tell Sasha that they were going hunting together.

"What's up, monkey, you want something with Sasha?" Ymir still replied with a vicious tongue.

Thomas' smile froze and his face flushed, in all honesty though Sasha was a food enthusiast, she was pretty, but he had no intention of hitting on girls today.

"Wow, the giant witch can't help but shut her mouth." Takashi smiled teasingly.

"Takashi, I try to like you but I can't stand you sometimes. I never expected you to befriend a monkey, how embarrassing." Ymir said as she looked at Thomas.

"Come on grandma, relax, we're not here to look for you." Takashi clicked his teeth.

"You..." Ymir was angry with Takashi's jokes, a while ago she called her a giant and only her and Christa understood that joke. So she wanted to hit Takashi today, no other way to vent her anger.

Christa hugged Ymir, who was about to go crazy. After what happened months ago, she had a good relationship with Takashi and she knew that her intentions with Ymir were not bad at all.

Takashi and Ymir had also been familiar with each other, even if Takashi doesn't talk much with Ymir, they knew each other's darkest secrets.

From time to time, Takashi likes to make jokes about giants in front of Ymir, which infuriates Ymir to the point of losing his sanity.

Although she knew it might be a touchy subject how Ymir acquired the same ability as Eren, he wanted Ymir to feel that it was nothing wrong to have that kind of ability.

Takashi ignored Ymir and invited Sasha to go hunting with him, though at first he told her that there was something delicious to share with her.

"Hunting, do you have any tools?" Sasha was a little excited. It had been a long time since she had last eaten meat. So she missed hunting as well.

Holding up the bow and arrow in his hand, Takashi smiled, "I found it in the warehouse, are you coming?"

Sasha swallowed saliva, her eyes burning with motivation and said, "Yes, let's go hunting, we have to hunt in the morning."

"We want a share of whatever they find, we're going too." Ymir pointed to himself and Christa. Although he felt Takashi and Sasha could easily hunt some prey, Ymir pointed for Christa.

Christa resisted a bit, "Ymir, this is not good."

Takashi smiled and said he didn't mind, "It's okay, let's go together."

He had no intention of eating alone, if he caught a prey, he would invite his friends to have dinner together.

Christa wanted to say something else, but Ymir directly covered her small mouth with his hand, "Don't worry, you are so thin, you won't get fat if you eat some meat."

"It's such a nice decision. Ymir, we'll meet tomorrow." Takashi felt there was nothing wrong with doing it this way, it might even bring his relationship with Ymir a little closer and find out a little more about her.

They made the appointment to go out together tomorrow morning. Takashi and Thomas left happily. If everything goes well tomorrow, they can have extra meals and something more amazing, meat.

After returning to take a shower, Takashi ran to the back mountain to begin practicing with the sword he found and a fist technique he remembered from his past life. Although he was inexperienced, he would at least try to carefully mimic the fighting styles.

"It's time to start linking Chakra with my attacks..." More than a year has passed and the physical qualities of Takashi's body are amazing, the amount of Chakra and the way he can employ it have increased. Now, his overall strength has reached a very high level that very few in the training corps could match.

Considering the Susanoo as his last card, he needed to employ all possible methods so as not to lose useful life unnecessarily. It sounds a bit silly, but Takashi didn't want to use his Susanoo if he didn't have to.

And without the help of the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment, he wanted to at least deal with three to five meter titans with the use of his sword and Chakra.

If Chakra could increase the sharpness and durability of the sword, he could take out titans easily.

After all, Chakra could be employed in many ways.