Two differen styles

Takashi walked slowly towards Annie and stopped not far away. 

Annie looked at him and suddenly smiled, "I thought you wouldn't challenge me."

Smiling and waving his hand, Takashi said without delay, "I was thinking about it and you seem to have misunderstood my reasons. Although you are beautiful, it doesn't mean I can't beat you in a battle without damaging your pretty face."

"Haha!" Apparently amused by Takashi's strange comments, Annie rarely showed a smile.

There are sayings that you can't know a woman very well until she becomes your wife.

Annie's expression turned cold right after she laughed, looking at Takashi without any expression.

Takashi also became serious and signaled Annie, "Come and fight!"

The atmosphere suddenly cooled down a bit, Eren and Reiner on the side looked at each other, and at the same time stepped back to make room for the two of them, and then stared at the two of them.

Annie and Takashi made fighting gestures at the same time, and did not act rashly out of caution.

Takashi narrowed his eyes and looked at Annie's fighting stance with her arms clenched and fists raised in front of her chest. He also knew about some martial arts in his previous life. What Annie uses seems to be "Muay Thai", which is one of the most dangerous martial arts in the world.

I honestly didn't know if Muay Thai existed in this world, but Annie's stance and way of attacking are characteristic only of that martial art.

At this moment, many people looked sideways and others stared directly.

Takashi on the other hand showed a standard boxing stance, after all this martial art was the fruit of his nights of training for a long time.

Even if Annie is not very strong, her fighting style was very eye-catching all over the place because of the way she defeated stronger opponents. And when Annie easily dealt with Eren and Reiner at this time, she attracted a lot of attention from the surroundings.

Takashi and Annie ignored the people around them.

In an instant, the two moved at the same time, running towards each other.

Annie swept a low blow with her long leg towards Takashi's ankles, when she saw this Takashi also responded with the same blow immediately.


The impact came and the two collided their legs, Takashi raised his eyebrows, the girl who looked very thin was explosive in strength, her punches could be a bit faster.

The two sides retracted their legs almost at the same time, Takashi clenched his fists, and after starting to use footwork, his right hand stretched like a whip towards Annie's face.

The method and movements of boxing touch are extremely strong, generating a fierce punching style and sometimes mixed with a series of lethal combinations.

Takashi knew Muay Thai has incredible kicks, probably the best knees and elbows in the game, and some decent punches as well. His body stiffening techniques are incredible and they have a pretty good clinch game.

But if this technique could have weaknesses, well, her footwork is something that makes it very difficult for her to move, she lacks a lot of lateral movements, so you could say that rough boxing could be one of her weaknesses if you are careful.

Annie put her hands upright in front of her chest to defend herself and block Takashi's direct attack. After taking the blow, Takashi landed another series of fast and hard combinations. Annie had no chance to counter Takashi's continuous blows so she merely dodged while backing away.

Takashi was surprised, even if her punches were not at full strength, they were effective in suppressing Annie's attacks.

After a stalemate for a moment, when Takashi's stormy attack stopped for a moment, Annie precisely grabbed Takashi's left arm with her left hand, passed her right arm under Takashi's left armpit and pushed her hand under Takashi's chin with a strong grip.

At the same time, she lashed out with her right leg behind Takashi's leg.

Takashi tilted his head and fell backward uncontrollably. At that moment, Takashi used all his strength to pull his hand out of Annie's grip and his hand wrapped around the slender waist dropping them both to the ground.

"Something nice!"  

Takashi, who lost his balance, fell backwards to the ground, rolled over and got up again.

Annie, who was thrown off by Takashi's brute force, rolled away from Takashi the impact and quickly got to her feet.

The four eyes met, and the eyes confirmed, doubting for a moment which of the two was losing.

They both looked at each other indifferently and didn't speak, and again gestured to face each other.

"That's amazing" Eren swallowed saliva and was a little surprised, he hadn't seen much of the fight at this point.

Reiner didn't speak, just stared at the two of them. His frowning eyes watched Takashi's performance with unfamiliar thoughts.

There were more and more people around, Mikasa, Ymir, Sasha, Marco, Jean, Christa, Connie and the others all gathered at some point, but they didn't say a single word.

Takashi looked at Annie on the opposite side. At first glance the match seemed evenly matched, but he actually had the upper hand in this fight.

He knew that Annie's fighting style doesn't have many combinations and although her punches can be fast, they lack different combinations. After Annie took him down, his grappling and dropping strength were not enough to keep him pinned. It can be said that he was careless a moment ago and did not use his footwork to dodge Annie's headlock.

Suddenly, Annie took the initiative to attack Takashi and waved a somewhat delicate but powerful fist.

Annie's flexible and quick fists hit him like raindrops, and Takashi was a little tired to keep defending the blows. Annie's fists were not too powerful, at least according to her current physical state, but they were too sharp and fast. No space could be found between them unless she ignored the physical damage and countered it with a combination of effective blows.

Annie, who had the upper hand, suddenly changed her movement and a sharp elbow struck Takashi's chest with her right hand.

Takashi's pupils shrank, his arms quickly crossed to block the blow. There was nothing magical about it, just a defensive posture.

At this moment, the corner of Annie's mouth was slightly twisted, with a quick twist left leg attacked from behind Takashi's legs and her left hand pushed her elbow to attack.

All these moves were done in an instant, and it could be said that the elbow that suddenly changed the movement was ready to impact Takashi's body.

Annie expected that Takashi would have to adjust his body to block the elbow from his right hand!

However, Takashi quickly backed away, yet after drawing a distance from Annie, a high-speed swift kick was directed at his head.

Takashi's heart clenched and he realized that he had been tricked, but it was too late.

He concentrated and tried to defend his chest so much that he completely ignored a superior attack, Annie's right ankle kick hit Takashi's head, due to the slight imbalance and that Annie had made an unforeseen turn, he couldn't dodge it.

Takashi fell to the ground and rolled once before getting slightly embarrassed.

The audience suddenly exclaimed quietly. In fact, not many people could see why that happened at this moment, but Instructor Keith, who was secretly watching not far away, still understood.

Keith is very clear that as long as it's not a crushing situation, fighting is always a battle of wits and bravery, and Annie's feinted elbow is specially designed to cheat Takashi's speed!

Takashi looked at Annie blankly, in terms of skills, he completely lost a moment ago.

This woman started practicing from the womb? He felt he had underestimated her, not only Muay Thai, but also some kind of jiu-jitsu. This girl is amazing.

He didn't know that Annie had been practicing martial arts since she was a child, and she was quite talented.

When he was very young, Takashi remembers playing hide-and-seek with her father.

After all, Takashi has only been practicing boxing for at least half a year and there was no opportunity for real combat.

If he doesn't cheat now by making use of his Chakra, he really couldn't win.

Takashi and Annie faced each other again, and a large group of people watched intently at all the clever combinations of attacks the two performed.

"Hey, Takashi, are you okay?" Ymir shouted with a venomous tongue, Takashi was in no mood to answer that witch.

Annie looked at Takashi and showed an inexplicable smile, "Takashi, can't you fight me with all your might, why do you despise a weak woman like me?"

Some of Takashi's scalps were numb, this was the first time he felt that a woman's intuition was terrifying.

Takashi's expression didn't change, "My fault, I won't keep my hands reserved in the future, I hope you won't cry when the time comes."

"Is that so?"

After expressing her thoughts, Annie regained her icy face, showing neither joy nor anger.

Taking a deep breath, Takashi dismissed all distracting thoughts and concentrated on what he was about to do. He adopted a standard boxing sparring stance. Chakra concentrated on his fists and legs, ready to make only one attacking combination.

Suddenly, Takashi charged towards Annie, with speed he slid across the ground, fists clenched, his movements were crisp and his Chakra penetrated through different parts of his body, elbows, fists, hips, knees and feet.

By the time the increased force is exerted throughout her body, she is as strong as a bull, the momentum moves with the Chakra and the speed is as fast as lightning.

Annie was constantly defending, retreating and dodging as she prepared to attack. She was steady and aggressive with some attacks, and occasionally kicked a couple of times to try to disrupt Takashi's rhythm.

But this time Takashi gave her no chance, her feet planted on the ground and now that she had closed the distance she didn't plan to move.

Then suddenly a kick broke Annie's rhythm. This time, Takashi's strength was enough to open her defense and she used a combination of light punches and unleashed a powerful punch straight to her stomach. However, Takashi retracted his punch and with a backward leap he lassoed a swift kick with his right leg.


A dull physical crash sounded.

Annie was hit by a kick and went flying! With a thud, she fell to the ground a little ways away and rolled several times before coming to a stop.

The audience was silent, unlike Annie, who knocked Takashi down with her subtle movements and calculations. Takashi's attacks were fast and fierce, one could say that his attacks were not as flashy as Annie's.

After all, this is a fast boxing technique but this time Takashi completely ignored the defense and changed the move by attacking with a kick. Of course, Takashi did not hold a grudge against Annie, otherwise her attack would have been more serious.

Takashi made sure not to hit in a serious area where it could generate a fracture or painful aftermath, he only struck suddenly and slowed the force, changing it to a thrusting force.